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25th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square


Nov 27, 2008
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The Invisible, But Not Forgotten Anniversary of Tiananmen Square


A lone demonstrator stands down a column of tanks June 5, 1989 at the entrance to Tiananmen Square in Beijing. The incident took place on the morning after Chinese troops fired upon pro-democracy students who had been protesting in the square since April 15, 1989.CNN—Getty Images
As the 25th anniversary of the crackdown approaches, the Chinese Communist Party is pressuring its citizens to forget that insurgent spring — but some are boldly struggling to keep the memory alive

by Taboola

They wanted him to disappear. In the early hours of May 6, Chinese authorities took away Pu Zhiqiang, a prominent Chinese human-rights lawyer who survived the June 4, 1989, crackdown on protesters in Tiananmen Square. Just days before, Pu had attended a private panel discussion on the upcoming 25th anniversary of the massacre, posing for a photograph that was posted online. Five attendees, including Pu, were later arrested.

“The Beijing regime has been remarkably, if temporarily, successful in enforcing its official account of 1989 within China, justifying the military crackdown as necessary for stability and prosperity and for countering a Western conspiracy to divide and weaken China,” writes Rowena Xiaoqing He, who teaches a class on Tiananmen at Harvard University, in her new book,Tiananmen Exiles: Voices of the Struggle for Democracy in China.Pu’s detention did not go unnoticed. Even as China’s censors scrambled to block searches for his name, people started talking about him online, often using coded language to get around the Great Firewall. Last Tuesday, Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi(Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; Memoirs of a Geisha)urged her fans to watch The Attorney, a South Korean film about a human-rights lawyer who, per Zhang, “pursues democracy, rule of law, and justice.” Netizens knew exactly what she meant; the post went viral.

With less than three weeks to go before the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown, the ruling Chinese Communist Party is trying very hard to stay on message. For the most part, that means not talking about, or marking, the events of that restless spring. The nationwide protests that swept China that year were brutally crushed by the Party and its military arm, the People’s Liberation Army, with hundreds killed. Much of what unfolded was broadcast worldwide on television, reported, and photographed. But within China, information about the incident has been scrubbed from the public sphere.

Sticking to the script means that in the run-up to the anniversary each year, those who speak up are often arrested. In addition to Pu and his friends, several others have been targeted this year, including Gao Yu, 70, a protester who went on to become one of China’s most respected independent journalists. She was last week forced to confess—on television—to charges she leaked state secrets.On Friday, Chen Guang, a soldier-turned-artist whose work touches on Tiananmen and its aftermath, was also detained.

This official amnesia is an affront for those who participated in the protests, or lost loved ones in the crackdown. In 2006, Puwrote movingly in the New York Review of Books about his annual visit to the square to honor fallen friends. “If everyone forgets, are we not opening the door to future massacres?” he asked.

The May 3 panel was perhaps an effort to stop this from happening. In a statement released to journalists and published online, the participants said they gathered to “investigate the truth of the incident and “restore accuracy to history.” It was only by facing up to what happened, they said, that the country might start “closing its wounds.”

Healing is a long way off, but online, at least, a clandestine conversation is underway. After posts with the term ‘Pu Zhiqiang’ started getting censored, Chinese internet users started posting Pu’s photograph. When the pictures were pulled, one person posting a portrait-shaped space white space. “Even though your face has been blocked,” wrote the poster, “everyone knows who is in this image.”

25 Years After Tiananmen Square, China Is Pressured to Forget - TIME
Whatever, the decision of Tian an men was right. China has gained the 87% GDP of USA right now and will probable overtake USA and become the biggest economy in the world within this year. What's the meaning of "Democracy"? Syria? Thailand? Or India? We have known who is right and who is wrong, who is winner and who is loser.
Yeah, seeing how "democracy" did for Iraq, Afghanistan, Thailand, India, Ukraine, Egypt and countless other countries, Chinese government made the right call back in 89. True democracy is where the country figure out a way that is best for their own people, it is not something can be forced into by foreign power who have ulterior motives.
Yeah, seeing how "democracy" did for Iraq, Afghanistan, Thailand, India, Ukraine, Egypt and countless other countries, Chinese government made the right call back in 89. True democracy is where the country figure out a way that is best for their own people, it is not something can be forced into by foreign power who have ulterior motives.

Not to mention former Soviet Union, former Yugoslavia. All chaos because of "democrazy". Democrazy is a weapon used to divide countries the U.S. does not like. It's kind of funny when a country with two political parties which are almost copies of each other are going to tell China what China should do.
A country that is based on slaughtering Native Americans/Indians.

Any country would react if a group of aggressive protesters suddently took control over most of the centre of that country's capital.

Besides, there was no massacre. WikiLeaks and The Telegraph confirms that this is a lie. There was clashes outside of the centre, where also police and military were killed by a group of aggressive protesters which no country would have tolerated anyway.

Wikileaks: no bloodshed inside Tiananmen Square, cables claim - Telegraph


Whatever, the decision of Tian an men was right. China has gained the 87% GDP of USA right now and will probable overtake USA and become the biggest economy in the world within this year. What's the meaning of "Democracy"? Syria? Thailand? Or India? We have known who is right and who is wrong, who is winner and who is loser.

Agree. There is nothing better than looking at these past 25 years and see that China and CCP were right. China was not the only country that reacted correctly in 89.
Algeria reacted correctly in the same way as they were facing extremists coming to power through democrazy elections in 1991.

What's the meaning of democracy is to be at the level of Africa, Haiti, Ukraine, Moldova, Bosnia, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, soon Myanmar lol, Caucasus-area, Greece (funny how it all started there), rest of Yugoslavia and many more.
Don't let me start on "democratic" U.S. allies in the Arab League, lol.
as we remember in 2009, there's 20th Anniversary for Tiananmen Incident.
There would be 100th Anniversary for that ...
as we remember in 2009, there's 20th Anniversary for Tiananmen Incident.
There would be 100th Anniversary for that ...

Yes. At that time China will be a superpower second to no one. We will have amazing, futuristic cities, mind blowing transportation web, have had colonized the Moon, and made ECS and SCS our summer resorts. Then, I cannot even imagine how Beijing, the seat of our government, will look like. I leave that to your wild imagination.

Tienanmen will be Tienanmen for eternity.
Yeah, seeing how "democracy" did for Iraq, Afghanistan, Thailand, India, Ukraine, Egypt and countless other countries, Chinese government made the right call back in 89. True democracy is where the country figure out a way that is best for their own people, it is not something can be forced into by foreign power who have ulterior motives.

I can speak from experience seeing what democracy did to my country. Using the freedoms given in democracy, Indian agents infiltrated and has taken over the country and installed their puppet dictator. Anyone who is remotely against Indian interest are now eliminated without trace, it has now become a killing field. This is the reward we got for believing in so called democracy.
National Benefit 1st.No need for more ideology clash.
And yet a couple of the posters here who decry democracy and America's view of it....live in the good ole' USA! :lol:

That's chutzpah! If those who do really hate it so much, then please do the rest of us patriotic Americans a favour and get out. Please leave. Go to the dictatorship of your choice and try and be happy and successful there.

It is the hight of ungratefulness and bad manners to come to another's house and then bad mouth them.
And yet a couple of the posters here who decry democracy and America's view of it....live in the good ole' USA! :lol:

That's chutzpah! If those who do really hate it so much, then please do the rest of us patriotic Americans a favour and get out. Please leave. Go to the dictatorship of your choice and try and be happy and successful there.

It is the hight of ungratefulness and bad manners to come to another's house and then bad mouth them.

isn't it an introspection time?

pentagon's actions remind me of the story where a shepherd boy who repeatedly tricks nearby villagers into thinking a wolf is attacking his flock and when one actually does appear and the boy again calls for help, the villagers do not come thinking that it is another false alarm and the sheep are eaten by the wolf.

usa lost all its credibility while attacking innocent countries. now nobody believes in you despite the fact that your call is genuine. this explains why readers have no choice left other than believing in what RT says.
isn't it an introspection time?

pentagon's actions remind me of the story where a shepherd boy who repeatedly tricks nearby villagers into thinking a wolf is attacking his flock and when one actually does appear and the boy again calls for help, the villagers do not come thinking that it is another false alarm and the sheep are eaten by the wolf.

usa lost all its credibility while attacking innocent countries. now nobody believes in you despite the fact that your call is genuine. this explains why readers have no choice left other than believing in what RT says.
Which "innocent" country? The Taliban's Afghanistan that hosted the terrorists who murdered thousands of innocent Americans on 9/11/2001 or the "innocent" Saddam Hussein's Iraq who invaded and raped Kuwait, defied the cease fire and attacked coalition forces and used poison gas in genocide on his own people?
Which "innocent" country? The Taliban's Afghanistan that hosted the terrorists who murdered thousands of innocent Americans on 9/11/2001 or the "innocent" Saddam Hussein's Iraq who invaded and raped Kuwait, defied the cease fire and attacked coalition forces and used poison gas in genocide on his own people?

yes i was wrong. should not have used the word innocent. however the main nato player usa's hyper-drama regarding dprk threats failed to work. sometimes time is the medicine to heal wound. somethings can't be transformed overnight. on the top of it, without a genuine cooperation between washington and beijing, the issue would not be resolved the way we all want to see. i very much like to see a pacific century dream and that requires both usa and china tie a sacred knot.
And yet a couple of the posters here who decry democracy and America's view of it....live in the good ole' USA! :lol:

That's chutzpah! If those who do really hate it so much, then please do the rest of us patriotic Americans a favour and get out. Please leave. Go to the dictatorship of your choice and try and be happy and successful there.

It is the hight of ungratefulness and bad manners to come to another's house and then bad mouth them.

You have the right to supersize your meals, wear the clothes you want to wear. But that's it. You have no rights to make any important decision or input.
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