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257th Corps Commander Conference

Acetic Acid

May 10, 2021
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The Pakistan Army held the 257th Corps Commanders’ Conference at the General Headquarters, presided over by the Chief of Army Staff, General (r) Asim Munir.
The Army’s field and administrative leadership reviewed in detail threats to national security interests, at all levels.

The forum reaffirmed that the institution of the Army will always remain committed to defence of the country, according to the will and command of the citizens and to their chosen representatives, in a democratic system where the people’s will is the source of all state power.

The Forum reiterated the vital importance of the public’s support behind the troops for the success of any military action.
The forum reaffirmed that the entire military leadership as well the rank and file is cognizant of the full spectrum of the challenges faced by the country today, and the Army will always, at all costs and under any and all circumstances, will shoulder its constitutionally mandated responsibilities with the generous support of the resilient people of Pakistan.
The forum reiterated the commitment of the Pakistan Army to fully support a comprehensive and decisive response against the scourge of foreign-originating terrorism. The forum also highlighted that there was a need to adopt a whole-of-nation approach to eradicate the fundamental causes of terrorism in the region, and especially on our western border, on long term basis.
The Pakistan Army’s leadership and field commanders expressed their determination, and gave their full assurances to the country that they will, with the grace of Allah Almighty, obtain the objectives of this operation in order to win the War Against Terrorism, crush inimical insurgent elements, and turn the tide against terrorism once and for all, through the coordinated application of all elements of national power. This operation will be led by a joint, integrated and tri-service military force tasked for a modernised counter-insurgency (COIN) operation of decisive victory for Pakistan and overwhelming defeat for the enemy, wherever they may be.

The meeting will close with a statement, that

Pakistan is a nuclear state and nothing can undo Pakistan.

*stinks of a rentier mentality doesn’t it*
And it was a civilian who had the intelligence to start the nuc program, duffer (Ayub khan) thought you could just go and buy one off the shelf so no need for establishing the nuc fuel cycle.. and getting reactors etc..
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The meeting will close with a statement, that

Pakistan is a nuclear state and nothing can undo Pakistan.

*stinks of a rentier mentality doesn’t it*
In statement/declaration? not mentioned here..
Anyway, 'hope' is a bad strategy that countries around the world won't let us fail as it will cause a huge migrants issue and terrorists getting nuclear weapons etc.

The forum reaffirmed that the institution of the Army will always remain committed to defence of the country, according to the will and command of the citizens and to their chosen representatives, in a democratic system where the people’s will is the source of all state power. Unquote.

Pack of lies and deceit as usual.

The current reps at the parliament are not the chosen ones but came through horse trading.

People will is bulldozed and the basic criteria of elections for Punjab and KPK assembly delayed with the support of the Army.

People will is the source of state power, but that will is constantly being breached and stopped by none other than the Army, the usurper.

Army will always remain committed to defence of the country?? Another lie, Whole country is turned upside down, the economy to human rights trampled, custodial torture and killings is rampant by the Army and their stooges, another lie, how can they lie through the teeth.

Zombies in uniform, corpse commanders actually.
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Pakistan headed this route if we don’t change our direction


Our military is full of cowards, I mean STRONG CHAIN OF COMMAND and no one will raise voice for the country
This is the condition of "Our Pakistan"

The meeting was more to do with the upcoming promotions.....
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