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23rd March 2010 parade cancelled

ISLAMABAD: The annual military parade known as Pakistan day parade has been cancelled due to serious security threats and engagement of military troops in the war against terrorism on the country’s western borders.

Joint Staff Headquarters, which is the organiser of the annual event, has conveyed the decision to the top political leadership.

The reasons that Joint Staff Headquarters has given for the cancellation of the parade to the government is credible intelligence reports of serious security threats and engagement of troops in the fight against terrorism in tribal areas and South Waziristan.

This annual event is not taking place for the third consecutive year. The last time the parade was held was in 2007 with General Pervez Musharraf as the chief guest amid extraordinary security in the sports complex of the federal capital.

The military parade is a regular event in the countries of the region where the latest weapons and defence technology is put on display. -DawnNews
its been a long time since i heard roar of jet engines over Islooo :-(

anyways :pakistan:

You are welcome anytime to visit the Eagle's Nest.
You will see vipers doing crazy flybys every day.
I dont get the sense what does GoP want to project?

I mean would any pak would agree that it has given up on terrorism and cant tackle it?


Then why cancel a parade which depicts ur power, n military might and reassures every one that the security of the nation is indeed ok and its armed with all necessary tech and tools to achieve it be it external or internal.

If a natioal day parade is compromised by kneeling down against the very same enemy it shows its prepardness n power the enemy wins - psycologically even terrorism.

I feel such occasions are best suited to reassure the common people that they are safe.
Wont this unfortunate development make it clear the a parade having the most hitech weapns of the country is not enough to stand againt this 'terrorist' enemy ?

IMHO, they should think again.
If u cant proect a parade ceremoeny , the one having all weapons in ur inventry, how can u protect the whole country?
I dont get the sense what does GoP want to project?
I understand your point about projecting power and confidence, and I agree with you too. I think it's a terrible idea to cancel the Parade, it damages the PR and probably even affects recruitment (recruitment is highest around Pakistan Day, Independence Day and Defense Days, or when tensions with India are high). However, I can also understand that the Armed Forces would not want to unnecessarily risk the lives of any civilians, soldiers or VIPs.

Also, the GoP didn't decide to cancel it, it was Joint Staff Headquarters. So for this blunder, we must blame the JSH not GoP.
The reasons that Joint Staff Headquarters has given for the cancellation of the parade to the government

I was going to be in Pakistan for the first time in a long time, and would have had the opportunity to go to my first ever Pakistan Day Parade. I am extremely disappointed to say the least. I had scheduled my entire trip so that I could get there before the Parade. I had it all figured out, arrive a week before Pakistan Day, go to Peshawar, come back for the Parade etc.
I feel like punching something... Seriously, what a terrible idea.
I dont get the sense what does GoP want to project?

I mean would any pak would agree that it has given up on terrorism and cant tackle it?


Then why cancel a parade which depicts ur power, n military might and reassures every one that the security of the nation is indeed ok and its armed with all necessary tech and tools to achieve it be it external or internal.

If a natioal day parade is compromised by kneeling down against the very same enemy it shows its prepardness n power the enemy wins - psycologically even terrorism.

I feel such occasions are best suited to reassure the common people that they are safe.
Wont this unfortunate development make it clear the a parade having the most hitech weapns of the country is not enough to stand againt this 'terrorist' enemy ?

IMHO, they should think again.
If u cant proect a parade ceremoeny , the one having all weapons in ur inventry, how can u protect the whole country?

Well i agree for the first point of yours that it is neccessary to show the military might and revive the confidence in elements who might have lost it.

But i don't personally think that security is the real issue there might be some other reason which they dont want to disclose because Annual Parades happen in a very organised and confined manner so its pretty easy to assure security, ofcourse the security checking gates and eye on activities in that particular area and a few other measures would be enough because no one is going to get in capital and fire a missile on the flying planes.

What i think the hault is maybe because they dont want to take risk,as even the best security arrangements can assure it to a max of 99% but that mere 1 percent would be enough to throw a huge impact on our defense capabilities and already there are elements on the planet who will fuel that fire for sure.
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I dont get the sense what does GoP want to project?

I mean would any pak would agree that it has given up on terrorism and cant tackle it?


Then why cancel a parade which depicts ur power, n military might and reassures every one that the security of the nation is indeed ok and its armed with all necessary tech and tools to achieve it be it external or internal.

If a natioal day parade is compromised by kneeling down against the very same enemy it shows its prepardness n power the enemy wins - psycologically even terrorism.

I feel such occasions are best suited to reassure the common people that they are safe.
Wont this unfortunate development make it clear the a parade having the most hitech weapns of the country is not enough to stand againt this 'terrorist' enemy ?

IMHO, they should think again.
If u cant proect a parade ceremoeny , the one having all weapons in ur inventry, how can u protect the whole country?
The event has been taken out of context here.
Firstly this is not the first time the Parade has been cancelled, it was cancelled in 2002 during India/Pakistan stand off, again in 2006 after the devastating earthquake. This year's postponement has nothing to do with security reasons more so the country is in a state of war, only yesterday 30+people were killed in Karachi not to mention the situation in the tribal areas. Hence while half the country is at war, it doesn't bode well if the other half starts celebrating. It's a show of solidarity with the IDPs and all who have laid down or lost their lives in the WOT.
You are welcome anytime to visit the Eagle's Nest.
You will see vipers doing crazy flybys every day.

pase tum do gae

The parade would have been lovely specially with a lot of new goodies to display but i am happy as the biggest thug on the planet wont get any salutes:tup::tup:

you guys know him very well:P


ohh my God why i never thought of that

thats good no Parade until Zardari goes :yahoo:
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ohh my God why i never thought of that

that good no Parade until Zardari goes

hehehhe, they say it right everything happens for good.

I just heard on GEO they cancelled it, because army is busy on the western front so no time to salute Idiots.:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
The parade would have been lovely specially with a lot of new goodies to display but i am happy as the biggest thug on the planet wont get any salutes:tup::tup:

you guys know him very well:P


He got point.
Well the parade takes up millions of rupees in preparation.

In current situation, it would be best that these millions are saved and are used up either for the soldiers fighting to protect the homeland from foreign funded thugs or used up for the welfare of the IDPs who are homeless and these millions can make a lot of these homeless peoples life a little bit easier for sometime.

Once, we get over with this menace, then we can do a grand parade.

And as for our equipment to be shown, well its just a part of it and the enemy does know what we have and what it can do.
And as for our equipment to be shown, well its just a part of it and the enemy does know what we have and what it can do.

If our enemy's intelligence network is even half-competent, they will already know everything about what we display and some things about what we don't. I don't think that was the reason. The financial reason seems the most likely.

Though, I'm still fuming. All day I've been battling with blind bats on Kashmir issue, and then I get this as a gift. What a terrible day so far.
If our enemy's intelligence network is even half-competent, they will already know everything about what we display and some things about what we don't. I don't think that was the reason. The financial reason seems the most likely.

Though, I'm still fuming. All day I've been battling with blind bats on Kashmir issue, and then I get this as a gift. What a terrible day so far.

Yeah Bro, i can feel your disappointment and anger. For me also, its one of the rare days in the year when i wake up so early to watch the parade. Myself had the pleasure to watch the last one in Isb.

But don't worry, InshAllah this would be the last uear of its cancellation, Allah nae chahaa tu next year it would happen with the same old grace.

And about the enemy knowledge thing, well i meant what we show they already know about that, rest bohat kuch baki hai :)

If our enemy's intelligence network is even half-competent, they will already know everything about what we display and some things about what we don't. I don't think that was the reason. The financial reason seems the most likely.

Though, I'm still fuming. All day I've been battling with blind bats on Kashmir issue, and then I get this as a gift. What a terrible day so far.
I know the feeling Ace, last year i cancelled my trip to Pakistan for the same reason. Belive me, and i can confirm now that the PAF was looking for one serious border violation to teach the aggressor a lesson never to be forgotten and rest assured they know only too well what our boys are capable of. As for Pakistan Day, i am in the process of accumulating material to make it a good one.:pakistan:;)
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