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22 CPEC projects completed with $18.9 billion investment, China claims

Chakar The Great

Apr 25, 2018
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The Embassy of China in Pakistan has taken note of a recent report by a Pakistani journalist, in which he claimed that Pakistan will repay $40 billion debt to China under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). This number of $ 40 billion is wrong and misleading. The Ministry of Planning has issued a statement for clarification.

The Embassy, further clarified and said: “all CPEC projects are based on consensus of the two countries, and fully comply with relevant laws and regulations. Currently, 22 early harvest projects under the CPEC have been completed or are under construction, with a total investment of $ 18.9 billion. These projects aim at resolving two major bottlenecks hindering economic development of Pakistan, namely lack of transportation infrastructure and energy shortage. The financing details of 22 projects are as follows:

I. The Chinese Government provided concessional loans of $ 5.874 billion for Pakistan Government’s major transportation infrastructure projects, with a composite interest rate of around 2% in repayment period of 20-25 years. The Pakistani government provides sovereign guarantee for the above loans and will start the repayment from 2021.

II. The Chinese companies and their partners invested $ 12.8 billion in energy projects in Pakistan. Among them, Chinese companies provide $3 billion from their own equity. The rest $ 9.8 billion is raised from commercial banks with interest rate of about 5%. The repayment period is 12-18 years. All the CPEC energy projects are investment in nature, which is purely independent business behavior of these companies. The companies are responsible for their own profits and losses and repayment of loans. The Pakistani government does not repay these loans under CPEC. The business cooperation between the two sides is in full compliance with internationally accepted business practice.

III. The Chinese government provides interest-free loans for Expressway East Bay in Gwadar.

IV. The Chinese government provides grant for some livelihood projects.

V. Pakistan Government provided funding for the feasibility study of ML-1 upgradation. Therefore, Pakistan will repay only $ 6.017 billion (Category I $ 5.874 billion and Category III $ 0.143 billion) and their interests to China.

China and Pakistan are discussing how to use Chinese grant to implement new projects such as new Gwadar international airport, Gwadar vocational training center and friendship hospital, etc.

During Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to China in November 2018, the two sides reaffirmed their commitment to CPEC, and agreed to ensure the normal operation of the completed projects and the smooth completion of the on-going projects. The two sides also agreed to consult with each other on the future path and direction of CPEC, taking consideration of Pakistan’s priority of economic and social development and the demand of Pakistani people.

On December 20, China and Pakistan successfully held the 8th JCC meeting of CPEC in Beijing and decided to set up a social economic joint working group under CPEC. The Chinese side will provide more support to the people's livelihood projects such as education, agriculture, poverty alleviation, health care and vocational training. Both sides signed an MOU on industrial cooperation, and agreed to jointly promote the construction of Special Economic Zones. The CPEC has entered a new phase of broadening and expansion in the next 5 years.

The Chinese Embassy appreciates the Pakistani people for their support on CPEC and welcomes the supervision from all works of life. China believes that CPEC, as an important project for China-Pakistan all-weather cooperation, will not only help Pakistan to ease energy load shedding, improve infrastructure connectivity, promote economic growth, but also benefit the people of Pakistan and make an important contribution to the building of China-Pakistan community of shared future.
How can government and media be lying through their rear ends for so long and fooling the public. It's roughly 6 billion dollars at 2% (not $40 billion at very high interest rate) which is peanuts. Yet, they are jeopardizing almost complete projects like Lahore Orange Line by delaying it for no obvious reasons. Remember folks since June, 2018 the only projects that have seen uninterrupted work are Peshawar BRT, Swat motorway and for some strange reason Multan - Sukkur section (M5) of Peshawar - Karachi Motorway. Sooner or later they would answerable to the nation and will have to face serious charges for their intentional sabotage of public interest projects.
11 CPEC projects completed, 11 more 'under construction': report

Dawn.comDecember 31, 2018
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$18.9 billion have been invested in the 22 existing CPEC projects, according to a progress report issued by the Embassy of China in Pakistan. — Reuters/File

Eleven development projects of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) have been completed so far while 11 others are "under construction", Radio Pakistanreported on Monday.

Based on the latest progress report on CPEC issued by the Embassy of China in Pakistan on Saturday, around $18.9 billion have been invested in the 22 projects. Twenty more projects remain in the pipeline.

According to the report, 15 energy projects with total generation capacity of 11,110MW were planned as a priority. Seven have been completed while six are "under construction" with a total capacity of 6,910MW.

As per the report, three projects regarding infrastructure are "under construction" — the Karakoram Highway Phase-II (Havelian-Thakot section), Karachi-Lahore Motorway (Sukkur-Multan section) and Lahore Orange Line Metro Train Project.

"CPEC is a major and pilot project of the Belt and Road Initiative and one major platform for comprehensive and substantive cooperation between China and Pakistan," the report stated.

The project is believed to be the crown jewel of China's One Belt One Road initiative, a massive global infrastructure programme to revive the ancient Silk Road and connect Chinese companies to new markets around the world.
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