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20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks

May Allah punish the murderers in this dunya and in the afterlife.

Thanks to Allah, they are indeed getting justice one by one in this duniya, and Allah will of course given them their Judgement in the Hereafter.
When i read comments on pdf, i become very hopeful about pak because of the ample patriotism of the members. Some of the commentary and solutioning is simply brilliant.

and then i read these 911 conspiracy theories and i am once again disappointed by the irrationality and ignorance on display.

inside job, jews were not there, insurance scam all conspiracies thoroughly debunked many times over yet many amongst us refuse to accept.

911 was a disaster for thr muslim world imposed by psychotic al-qaeda animals who waged hiraba not jihad on behalf of 1.3 billion mulsims without our permission.

what has followed is 20 years of misery.
Please self-reflect. Read. Be introspective. Learn from mistakes and improve the condition of our fellow man.

obl was found by our military academy. Let that sink in for a moment.

terrorism whether by non-state actors or state-sponsored is a scourge on humanity.

lets achieve our aims with progress, science and prosperity.

pakistan zindabad.
Some Americans also don’t believe what occurred on sep 11 . All over the world some people have doubts on what occurred . Not just Pakistanis alone who have a different theory .

How many innocents died because of this attack and the religion was hijacked by terrorists . We all muslims read Quran cherish it and love it as the word of God and hold it in high esteem

we have been taught

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When i read comments on pdf, i become very hopeful about pak because of the ample patriotism of the members. Some of the commentary and solutioning is simply brilliant.

and then i read these 911 conspiracy theories and i am once again disappointed by the irrationality and ignorance on display.

inside job, jews were not there, insurance scam all conspiracies thoroughly debunked many times over yet many amongst us refuse to accept.

911 was a disaster for thr muslim world imposed by psychotic al-qaeda animals who waged hiraba not jihad on behalf of 1.3 billion mulsims without our permission.

what has followed is 20 years of misery.
Please self-reflect. Read. Be introspective. Learn from mistakes and improve the condition of our fellow man.

obl was found by our military academy. Let that sink in for a moment.

terrorism whether by non-state actors or state-sponsored is a scourge on humanity.

lets achieve our aims with progress, science and prosperity.

pakistan zindabad.

best posting on this thread .
best posting on this thread .
And would you consider this a good post if i asked you to condemn indian state’s brutal suppression of kashmiris? Say a word against it and your complement will mean something.
For the sake of posterity, the fear of a 9/11 style incident was not unthinkable.

The possibility was even discussed online (nearly a year before it happened) and tv shows were made about it (the lone gunmen FC show had an episode)

There was even a near miss 20 years before 9/11

Personally, As an eye witness to the event, it was a traumatizing event
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