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2023 Turkish election

Almost everyone kicks you here,but you just post the same stuff again and again.

I kick all of you here like ERDOGAN kick all of them in Turkiye
You have no knowledge for technical post

led by ERDOGAN Turkiye is getting stronger year by year

Capulcularda eşek heykeline tapıp çöp Kılıcdaroglunun peşinden tıpış tıpış gitsinler ..
cahil koyun sürüsü

AK Party = intelligence , power , science and technology
CHP : Donkey statue and ignorance

ERDOGAN - BAHCELI will rule Turkiye until may 2028
keep crying until 2028

btw ERDOGAN said " 1 milyon Suriyelinin gönüllü geri dönüşü için hazırlık yaptıklarını söyledi " 3 may 2022 ( 1 year ago )

Erdogan goal is to make turkish gdp per capita into sub saharan levels. With super high inflation that is easily doable by 2025. Malnutrition incoming to a city near you!

Another ignorant little boy

Human development Index led by ERDOGAN

in 2002 : 684 .. ( 86th in the world )
in 2022 : 838 .. ( 48th in the world )

: 867
Southeast Anatolia Region : 762 ( because of PKK terrorism since 1985 )

HDI Index
Turkiye : 838
Russia : 829
Iran : 774
China : 768
Brazil :754
Egypt : 731
Indonesia : 705
India : 633


Human Development Index use GDP PPP per capita

because adjusted for the cost living in each Country.

PPP takes into account the relative cost of living and the inflation rates of the countries, rather than using only exchange rates, which may distort the real differences in income

read and learn about measure of a country's average achievements in dimensions of human development

  • a decent standard of living, as measured by GNI per capita in PPP terms in USD ($)

Turkiye's GDP PPP per capita has risen to $41.412 from $9.281 between 2002 and 2023 led by president ERDOGAN

GDP PPP per capita

Turkiye : $41.412
Greece : $39.478
Russia : $34.837
China : $23.382
Iran : $19.548
Egypt : $16.979
Indonesia : $15.855
India : $9.073
I had a GOOD LAUGHE and CHUCKLED all the way through this HILARIOUS TRACK!!!

Get to know Kemal Kilicdaroglu. He will likely be president. According to the election polls, he will win the election in the first round.

Western media is all out against Erdogan.

This is in line with the Biden's threat of supporting Erdogan's opposition.
US and their allies don't want an independent Muslim state.
Western media is all out against Erdogan.
View attachment 930802
This is in line with the Biden's threat of supporting Erdogan's opposition.
US and their allies don't want an independent Muslim state.
But considering today’s news, will that matter anymore?

Votes for the Kurdish Yeşil Sol Parti were passed into the system as votes for Bakhceli
They stole votes from the Kurds and gave them to the Gray Wolves.



Votes for the Kurdish Yeşil Sol Parti were passed into the system as votes for Bakhceli
They stole votes from the Kurds and gave them to the Gray Wolves.



they translated a fake twitter post lol...
SINAN OGAN support President ERDOGAN

ERDOGAN : 49.52%
OGAN : 5.17%

14 Mayısta 2,5 milyon fark atan ERDOGAN 28 Mayısta en az 3 milyon fark atacak

( ATA İttifakından en az 1 milyon oy ERDOGANA gider )
Vatanseverler ve Milliyetciler bu ülkeyi FETO-PKK-KILICDAROGLU ittifakına teslim etmeyecek

Sinan Oğan, the candidate who secured the third position in Türkiye's highly anticipated presidential race, made a significant announcement regarding his stance in the upcoming runoff election, revealing that he will be endorsing and supporting President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the final round of voting

"We have made this decision because we believe that our decision is the right decision for our country and the nation."

-- to fight PKK and FETO Terror Organizations in Turkiye , Iraq and Syria
-- to support MAVI VATAN Doctrine in the Eastern Mediterranean
-- to support Defense Industry
-- to support Azerbaijan against Armenia,İran,etc
-- to support Turkic States Organization


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Wow... What an ELEMENT of SURPRISE....

erDOGan, is saying it with his own WORDS and from his own LIPS, that Islam needs a"REFORMATION" or other words, an "UPDATE"

To put it bluntly, he is saying the Islamic practice of 1400 years now, needs to change to ADAPT to this day and age, hence, a "REFORMATION" is needed, according to him.

.. But the AKPKK cultists will still defend him regardless how much of "heathen" and "heretic" erDOGan is.. they all turn the other cheek and over look his errors and "kuffur" coming out of his mouth. We can CALL THEM AKPkk cultists because they all DEFEND AkpKK like it is a cult.

I don't know... his manners, his thought process, his practices, his demeanor, his intellect, his character all point out like he is a DEJJAL him self.. B'cause as we know, when the DEJJAL leads, he is going to be the biggest MANIPULATOR this world has ever seen. His RIGHT speech is going to be lies, his LIES is going to be the TRUTH.

Erdoğan'dan sözde hocalara sert mesajlar

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and... then... like he always does, HE BACK TRACKS from his comments on Reformation. Belly dancer Tayyip.. when you look at the Turkish politics from an OBJECTIVE NEUTRAL point of view, everything becomes more clear.. You can see the truth and the false, for what it is, without much effort.

Some say erDOGan is the best leader in this current environment, but, i suppose you like to Belly dance like erDOGan as well... Lullz.. This guy has the biggest EGO in the political landscape of the world since for the past 100 years.

Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: Biz dinde reform aramıyoruz

Wow... What an ELEMENT of SURPRISE....

erDOGan, is saying it with his own WORDS and from his own LIPS, that Islam needs a"REFORMATION" or other words, an "UPDATE"

To put it bluntly, he is saying the Islamic practice of 1400 years now, needs to change to ADAPT to this day and age, hence, a "REFORMATION" is needed, according to him.

Islam is a universal religion, its for all times. Islam doesn't need any changes but people themselves fail to change so now want to change Islam to be compatible with their satanic 21st century lifestyle.

I am not sure what Erdogan meant but we need to understand the Islamic core beliefs can never be changed but certain laws can be relaxed depending on the situation. For example Alcohol is haram and should be banned no matter what but if a Muslim state has non Muslims as citizens then they can import alcohol for themselves to consume etc, we Muslims have own clothing but the peope in the west wear shirt and trousers so it not a big issue as long as your covering the body. These kind of changes are not a big issue. The bigger issue is changing the meaning of the Quran to fit the 21century, getting rid of 10,000s of hadith to fit in to the west life style.
Already many Islamic organisations are working overtime regarding this, they making incorrect translations of the Quran, deleting Hadith from Sahih Sita, spreading hatred against the 4 school of thoughts etc. It seems like Islam started in the 21st century.
Islam is a universal religion, its for all times. Islam doesn't need any changes but people themselves fail to change so now want to change Islam to be compatible with their satanic 21st century lifestyle.

I am not sure what Erdogan meant but we need to understand the Islamic core beliefs can never be changed but certain laws can be relaxed depending on the situation. For example Alcohol is haram and should be banned no matter what but if a Muslim state has non Muslims as citizens then they can import alcohol for themselves to consume etc, we Muslims have own clothing but the peope in the west wear shirt and trousers so it not a big issue as long as your covering the body. These kind of changes are not a big issue. The bigger issue is changing the meaning of the Quran to fit the 21century, getting rid of 10,000s of hadith to fit in to the west life style.
Already many Islamic organisations are working overtime regarding this, they making incorrect translations of the Quran, deleting Hadith from Sahih Sita, spreading hatred against the 4 school of thoughts etc. It seems like Islam started in the 21st century.

I agree with your SENTIMENTS regarding how Islam is universal and can NOT and would NOT change depending on the past date or the present date or to the future, as it's TIMELESS and is ordered for us all human kind until the end of the word (Kiyamet), Judgement Day...

Some Muslim brothers and sister love Tayyip erDOGan, because this EVIL turd, uses Islam, Sahabe, Prophets, Quran and Hadith's for HIS CAUSE. He uses these Islamic instruments to FURTHER HIS OWN CAUSE. We like the IDIOTS we are, hear these Islamic sentiments from erDOGan and become Bewildered and Mesmerized from his words.... But, when you look up further and INVESTIGATE what kind of a TURD, this PEASANT erDOGan is, you will understand him better, this guy is FOX in the guise of a Sheep.. DONT BE BEWILDERED, this is just a HUMBLE suggestion from a Muslim brother to another.

This isn't the FIRST GUFF erDOGan sprouted.. he done this before. Hence why just a couple of years ago, he wanted to block and ban YouTube being accessible to Turkiey, knowing his past GUFF was and has always been uploaded to the internet.

erDOGan.. could, very well be the DEJJAL we are all awaiting for. This senile individual plays with Turks and FURTHER MORE, Muslims of foreign countries, he plays with peoples EMOTIONS and he does it really well. He is the biggest deceiver since the advent of democracy.

erDOGan received the JEWISH, Honor AWARD before being elected as a Prime Minister





erDOGan even ONCE SAID... That he will WEAR A POPE/BISHOP/CARDINAL attire if it required to FURTHER HIS CAUSE.

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