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2023 : 90 Seconds to Midnight (Opinionated)


Feb 22, 2019
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"Great powers do not tolerate when external forces try to keep its presence or foment trouble in their spheres of influence."

Since the fall of Soviet Union till late 2010's, US had maintained its status as a superpower unrivalled in the world. China was still a developing country and didn't have a modernized army. Russia was reeling from the economic fallout post Soviet Union. While US waged wars against nations with impunity. It wiped out Iraq's armed forces in 90's, dismembered and carpet bombed Yugoslavia and then tried to reshape the middle east and South Asia in the form of "Iraq and Afghan war" in 2000's and then through "Color Revolutions" aka "Arab Spring" which led to demolition of Libya and Syria.

The technological advancements in military that US military enjoyed in the 90's in "Operation Desert Storm" are not there anymore. Chinese and the Russians have invested heavily in precision guided munitions and precision guided missiles, air defense systems, reconnaissance satellites and so on. China has become an industrial juggernaut and US has become deindustrialized.

US and its elites still think that they are a superpower and its military still enjoys that same technological superiority
that it employed in Desert Storm. Fomenting trouble in Ukraine and almost be at war with Russia is not enough for the insane and rabid American elites/neo cons/military and so on. They want to start another war with China at the same time.

US military officials often give a timeline of around 2025 when they expect a war with China. Almost as if they are certain that it will happen. Last year US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan was a great provocation.

The Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, a disarmament advocacy group founded in 1945 by Albert Einstein and University of Chicago scientists who helped develop the first atomic weapons in the Manhattan Project, and which currently maintains what is known as the “Doomsday Clock” that reflects the risk of nuclear conflict, decided to move the hands of the clock ten seconds forward from the current 100 seconds to midnight.

Even in cold war the doomsday clock was set at 17 minutes to midnight.

We have to remember the Second World War didn't start overnight after Germany's invasion of Poland. There were a series of conflicts that occurred before that. Japan's invasion of Manchuria in 1931, Japan China war in 37, Germany's annexation of Austria, Czechoslovakia were the events that occurred before WW2.

US/NATO's war with Russia in Ukraine and US conflict with China over Taiwan will most likely flare up in 2023 in my opinion.
US/NATO is now supplying Ukraine with tanks. What will be supplied to Ukraine after that? Long range missiles and fighter aircrafts? And then what?
Instead of taking a step back and accept defeat in Ukraine, the people in power in US will most likely double down against Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has made it clear that Russia would not be the first nation to use nuclear weapons in any future nuclear conflict. But he also emphasized that Russia would not be the second, either, i.e. Russia would release its nuclear arsenal without waiting for any US first strike to impact Russian soil.

US is hellbent on maintaining its superiority and is suffering from "arrogance of power" like every empire before it. And only a thorough defeat can bring it back down to earth but unlike before this time the top powers colliding with each other are nuclear armed.

I believe it is not 90 seconds to midnight but rather the world is 1 second away to midnight in 2023 and the clock can strike at any time.

@FuturePAF @Meengla @waz @RescueRanger @Signalian @Mangus Ortus Novem @Irfan Baloch

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