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2020 Gave India a Sharp Lesson on the Chinese Military. When Will Indian Generals Take Heed?

If there were indeed massive Indian victories, how come they haven’t been shared? All we’ve seen are videos of three Indian soldiers gaining on one Chinese and a lone communications officer who was brutalized under a riot shields by a gang of Indians. But even in the former case, the Chinese kept fighting despite being outnumbered and out matched. This is in contrast to the two videos shown by @GamoAccu, in which the Indians flee without putting up token resistance when confronted by a matching force. That, in my humble opinion, shows the differing mentality of the two armies and explains why the Indians panicked and thought that they were getting a new master in 1962 despite suffering relatively minor losses in a border war.
Just because Indians don't go into a skirmish every time to videotape and edit propaganda videos of certain angles, does not mean the skirmish did not take place to their advantage. ...AND NO amount of video and propaganda will take the STAIN off the Chinese, of hiding their soldier's sacrifices to avoid an embarrassment.

In the US military, we are often told that we may not win every battle but we WILL WIN the war. War is a metaphorical analogy for wining the larger objective. The Indians like our military, I'm positive, measure success NOT ON HOW MANY STONES were thrown... but on TAKING the peaks, which they did, to completely negate and more so have a huge advantage over Chinese supply and frontline lines. THAT's on satellite for all of us to see, and can't be made up or denied via any propaganda

So congrats Chinese and it's fellow wumao's on your propaganda videos. BUT the peaks oh the peaks are calling :yes4:
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tears of joy maybe! its like playing a majors final against a noob team! easy to kill easy to occupy!
They are merciful souls. They know they will be ordered to kill Indians so they cry for the blood their hands must shed.
Just because Indians don't go into a skirmish every time to videotape and edit propaganda videos of certain angles, does not mean the skirmish did not take place to their advantage. ...AND NO amount of video and propaganda will take the STAIN off the Chinese, of hiding their soldier's sacrifices to avoid an embarrassment.

In the US military, we are often told that we may not win every battle but we WILL WIN the war. War is a metaphorical analogy for wining the larger objective. The Indians like our military, I'm positive, measure success NOT ON HOW MANY STONES were thrown... but on TAKING the peaks, which they did, to completely negate and more so have a huge advantage over Chinese supply and frontline lines. THAT's on satellite for all of us to see, and can't be made up or denied via any propaganda

So congrats Chinese and it's fellow wumao's on your propaganda videos. BUT the peaks oh the peaks are calling :yes4:
LOL this is permanent brain damage left behind from covid19 :lol:
Ahh Hindustanis Ahh!! Always at the receiving end of the new military weapons, strategies, tactics etc.!!! Be it the forces under Muhammad Bin Kasim, Aybek, Babur, EbdAli or someone else.....
Pravin Sawhny? Lol

So Chinese gave India a sharp lesson by getting 40+ of pla slaughtered and then hiding casualties to hide their shame. Great.
Is that why your army surrendered so easily?

Just because Indians don't go into a skirmish every time to videotape and edit propaganda videos of certain angles, does not mean the skirmish did not take place to their advantage. ...AND NO amount of video and propaganda will take the STAIN off the Chinese, of hiding their soldier's sacrifices to avoid an embarrassment.

In the US military, we are often told that we may not win every battle but we WILL WIN the war. War is a metaphorical analogy for wining the larger objective. The Indians like our military, I'm positive, measure success NOT ON HOW MANY STONES were thrown... but on TAKING the peaks, which they did, to completely negate and more so have a huge advantage over Chinese supply and frontline lines. THAT's on satellite for all of us to see, and can't be made up or denied via any propaganda

So congrats Chinese and it's fellow wumao's on your propaganda videos. BUT the peaks oh the peaks are calling :yes4:
The leaks are laughing how easily the Indian armies surrendered
They will SWEAT every time they are on these INDEGENOUS ALH HELICOPTER.
Either they fall off the sky or be SHOT OFF THE SKY by their Air Defence.

3 Jawans Fall From Helicopter.jpg
A sharp lesson indeed. Previously the PLA wasn't aware of the South Asian custom of putting their hands behind their ears when they surrender. Now they do.

when you show video evidence of indian jawan beaten till he starts to look Mongolian Ancestor. the indians start to put up video of Chinese teenager army crying on the bus as if that is whole of chinese army and for a feel better reply. maybe they were crying because they didnt get the chance to stick spikes in indian face.
Here's what the world saw, versus what the Chinese 'born into servitude,' told what to say/believe in/act/read/listen to from the cradle to the grave by the CCP was telling its citizenry (and hoping the world outside would fall for):
  • The 1st lesson was that the one-child Chinese conscript army could only function if the opponent is unarmed, 6X smaller in numbers, and ambushed in peacetime.

  • The next lesson was a confirmation of the Chinese character, i.e., it was confirmed that the Chinese military & CCP, not unlike their normal citizens who have been treated as fodder throughout their history, ALSO look upon their soldiers as fodder to be tossed aside, not recognized when they sacrifice their lives.

  • Next came a lesson on the Chinese IQ myth. The Indian military and the world saw that the Chinese, who frequently brag about their IQ numbers behind the great wall (outside of it- they are way behind as a people in other countries to other immigrant groups in every success measure), even after surreptitiously ambushing an unarmed 20 man patrol by 150armed Chinese soldiers! AND thereby grabbing advantageous positions - were too damn stupid to sustain it.
    They were hoodwinked, bamboozled, made to look lazy when the Indian soldiers climbed the steepest part of the mountain ridges and took the peaks, vis-a-vis the advantage and exposed Chinese front lines and supply lines.

  • The final lesson the world and Indians learned is that AFTER DOKLAM, there comes DOKLUM 2.0, :suicide::china:

Every one of the non-Chinese posters here has seen it/read it/know about this behavior/tendency of the CCP.
Historically, the Chinese start fudging or denying their deaths, be it military or when a calamity strikes in China when the numbers are embarrassing BUT NEVER when they think it is to their advantage.

There have been too many accounts and intel coming from outside the CCP/Globaltimes ecosystem where the Chinese deaths have been spoken in numbers close to 40-60. Some accounts have said the Chinese acknowledged 15 deaths (and we know that means probably 2-3X of that number actually died). LOOK- They are hiding an embarrassment, again, and their network of Wumao's are out pushing their propaganda to tide the embarrassment :coffee: :yes4:

VIVA INDIA, the QUAD is behind you to support, America is with you ...we are happy that you are getting our intel covering every inch in China thanks to the BECA, COMCASA, and LEMOA agreements.
God Indian delusion is frightening
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