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2016 on PDF

Happy new year : )
btw I'm unfollowing you :rofl::rofl: idk y i following you :o (No hard feelings Le Madame)

For a follow back and once you realized I don't follow back in reaction you want to unfollow me. Enjoy :D
For a follow back and once you realized I don't follow back in reaction you want to unfollow me. Enjoy :D
Whaaaaaaaat :mad: Me a good boy I was just wishing you happy new year .Fair enough
btw We are no friends or friends ? (Sad)
Whaaaaaaaat :mad: Me a good boy I was just wishing you happy new year .Fair enough
btw We are no friends or friends ? (Sad)

You are taking it to your heart now. :D

Oh Han thanks for wishing new year. Happy to you too. :D
You are taking it to your heart now. :D

Oh Han thanks for wishing new year. Happy to you too. :D
: )
We are no friends or friends ? (Sad)

I like being honest. No we are not. :D can't say about future. Lol
I like being honest. No we are not. :D can't say about future. Lol
I like Honest : )
That makes us frenemies : )
no one even tag me its mean i was dead in 2016?
I reckon people were thinking it was your nagha (gap) year on PDF :-)
Good call, it could use an update. How about "Antidisestablishmentarianist":partay:?

You wrote make it longer right:unsure:?

Staff members are generally discouraged from changing IDs though, since members come to know us by certain names and changing them creates problems when members try to get in touch with us.

My name's also a reflection of my interests in technology and human interfacing: I work with the former as an AI designer (control engineer specifically, but I write AIs for military systems).

A new name would need to reflect this. Something like "Consensus" which is a play on the Geth from Mass Effect and their AI - I've been playing through the series recently - would be more apt.

On other forums most people know and recognize me as Technofox, but that name's already taken on PDF.

No I was think about shortening your @Technogaianist.
So as a moderator do you get any salary? because you said staff member.

I think now Swedish people have become peaceful and they do not rule Norway anymore..but 1000 years ago it was a different story..they were savages and spillage and rampaging were their hobbies.

I think now Swedish people have become peaceful and they do not rule Norway anymore..1000 years ago it was a different story.

From 1844 until 1905 Norway was part of Sweden and under Swedish rule, so it was a different story much more recently. After Norway left its union with Denmark, it drafted a constitution, but before Norway could be recognized as an independent nation, it was annexed by Sweden. Norway's history dates back far longer then its unions with its Danish and Swedish neighbors, but recent history saw it unified with both nations.

The only reason I'd say Sweden doesn't want to rule Norway anymore is because we'll kick their *ss if they try anything again.

So as a moderator do you get any salary? because you said staff member.

Staff is just what the Mod and Admin team is called, as noted on the Notable Members tab:


We are paid with Webmaster's trust and the fear of PDF's denizens, which we mods feast upon and gain power from.
From 1844 until 1905 Norway was part of Sweden and under Swedish rule, so it was a different story much more recently. After Norway left its union with Denmark, it drafted a constitution, but before Norway could be recognized as an independent nation, it was annexed by Sweden. Norway's history dates back far longer then its unions with its Danish and Swedish neighbors, but recent history saw it unified with both nations.

The only reason I'd say Sweden doesn't want to rule Norway anymore is because we'll kick their *ss if they try anything again.
I see but now the situation is very different...a lot has changed and I think both Sweden and Norway have good relations..In addition to EU, both are part of Scandinavia and Nordic countries and have a lot common and I learnt that if a person can speak good Swedish, he can also communicate with Norwegian people ..right?

Now I know why Norway is buying so many weapons...as I used to wonder who can be the enemy of Norway...it is tooooo cold :lol:

I love the Fjords though I have not been there yet but I have a few places on my list to visit like Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo etc
Members of whom I read post with keen interest is @Technogaianist






I wrote something worth reading with keen interest?

My suggestion to moderators, which I gave today, was to sort out top 10 threads of 2016, if they are willing...

We're willing, but we're going to need more specifics. Top 10 in what criteria? Number of responses? Likes? + ratings? Views? Number of Norwegian girls commenting per page?

Top 10 is very subjective, I know my interests might clash with yours and my top ten will differ as a result, so to sort out a list of the top 10 threads from 2016 we're going to need specific criteria to work with.

However I can tell you that we, the Staff of PDF, are discussing it.

dont quote me if you cant take a light joke you loser.

this is in the members section.

This is the Member's Section and it is indeed for trolling or horsing around, but we still take a dim view on dumping on others or posting derogatory or demeaning content. Trolling too does have its limits.

You have more leeway in the Member's Section, but not unrestricted assess to post the content you want without consequences.

Be mindful of that going forward.

Now I know why Norway is buying so many weapons.

It's totally not because we're gearing up for another raid of the British Isles if that's what you're thinking:whistle:.

I see but now the situation is very different...a lot has changed and I think both Sweden and Norway have good relations. In addition to EU, both are part of Scandinavia and Nordic countries and have a lot common and I learnt that if a person can speak good Swedish, he can also communicate with Norwegian people ..right?

With regards to relations, yes. The Nordic countries - Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Aland, the Faroe Islands and Iceland - do have very good relations with one another. Our relations with the Baltic states of Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are strong too, as are ours with the UK. The Nordics are very close to one another in their geo-political interests and culture. We're one large family.

With regards to language, Swedish and Norwegian are very similar, but are different as well. They are mutually intelligible so if you know one you can understand the other, but they do have different words, just the same grammatical rules. Norwegian sounds more lyrical when spoken too, so there's a difference in how they sound as well.

Danish is too different from Swedish and Norwegian and though we can make out some words with enough context despite not understanding the language, it is not considered mutually intelligible.

In regards to the EU, Norway is actually not a member, though Sweden is. Norway, unlike Sweden and Finland, but like Iceland and Denmark, is a NATO member state though.
did it help to increase your knowledge in any particular subject?


Your favorite poster this year

@Attila the Hun

^^^^^ This dude right here has some great taste in architecture and other things.

@The Sandman





@MarkusS (sarcasm)

I have so many...

Poster you totally want to avoid in 2017 :D


Any confession? Of course related to PDF

The IDF look cool

Any friend you made? Any member on PDF helped you this year?

@The Sandman



Any indirect message to any mod?

did it help to increase your knowledge in any particular subject?

Eh... I guess? I really only stick to Naval affairs, since that's what I know best from serving time on Royal Norwegian Navy and Coast Guard ships while in the Royal Norwegian Air Force's 330 SAR Squadron, and that I work with unmanned underwater vehicles professionally.

But that's my forte so there's not much I'm not already familiar with floating around PDF. And outside of that I either post pictures or troll the Member's Section and there's not much learning to do there either when you're controlling the content or driving the discussion.

I could stand to learn a lot more about Pakistan, South Asia in general or East Asia, military affairs outside of Naval warfare and the world behind the Nordic countries and Western Europe, but to be honest, I'm just not that interested.

Your favorite poster this year?

Poster of the year? Despite leaving I still love @Aepsilons @SvenSvensonov @LeveragedBuyout and @PARIKRAMA though they've been much less active in recent months. Very high quality members and it's a shame we don't see them as often.

They'd all been around at some point this year, and I still feel their contributions outweigh almost all that have been made since their departure so they get my commendation.

@Armstrong is still my favorite to talk with and I like @waz for being a good friend.

Poster you totally want to avoid in 2017 :D

Oh geez where to begin:wacko:? Ok I'll just be diplomatic. Despite my personal feelings towards some members and their content, as a moderator I am swore to treat everyone equally, even if I have personal misgivings about them or their posting habits.

I want to avoid any problem members, but whether or not I do is up to them, not me. And I'm sure they'd like to avoid me too.

Any confession?

I really loath being part of discussions:sick:. Funny right? I go on the occasional long post dissecting each element of a specific point, take or item and do my best to provide quality and substance to my areas of interest, but I rarely respond to people quoting or tagging me.

I kind of have to be in the right mood to want to interact with people sometimes, and if I'm not "feeling it", don't expect a reply or rebuttal.

I make exceptions for my mod duties of course and promptly respond to reported posts, items stuck in the moderation queue or tags when requested. You're not always going to get an explanation from me or the chance to plead your case or argue the charges level against you though.

Any member on PDF helped you this year?

@waz big time. He's the best:happy:.

Any indirect message to any mod? :D

Nah, I have the power to directly voice my concerns or commendations now. But I'd like to express my happiness at being part of the team and helping to make PDF a more friendly and welcoming forum for all members to express themselves in, within reason of course.


I guess that answers the questions posed informally, doesn't it?
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@Attila the Hun

^^^^^ This dude right here has some great taste in architecture and other things.

@The Sandman





@MarkusS (sarcasm)

I have so many...


The IDF look cool

@The Sandman




@The Sandman Meesna :D lol btw he also has issues with Solomon. :D
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