did it help to increase your knowledge in any particular subject?
Eh... I guess? I really only stick to Naval affairs, since that's what I know best from serving time on Royal Norwegian Navy and Coast Guard ships while in the Royal Norwegian Air Force's 330 SAR Squadron, and that I work with unmanned underwater vehicles professionally.
But that's my forte so there's not much I'm not already familiar with floating around PDF. And outside of that I either post pictures or troll the Member's Section and there's not much learning to do there either when you're controlling the content or driving the discussion.
I could stand to learn a lot more about Pakistan, South Asia in general or East Asia, military affairs outside of Naval warfare and the world behind the Nordic countries and Western Europe, but to be honest, I'm just not that interested.
Your favorite poster this year?
Poster of the year? Despite leaving I still love
@Aepsilons @SvenSvensonov @LeveragedBuyout and
@PARIKRAMA though they've been much less active in recent months. Very high quality members and it's a shame we don't see them as often.
They'd all been around at some point this year, and I still feel their contributions outweigh almost all that have been made since their departure so they get my commendation.
@Armstrong is still my favorite to talk with and I like
@waz for being a good friend.
Poster you totally want to avoid in 2017
Oh geez where to begin

? Ok I'll just be diplomatic. Despite my personal feelings towards some members and their content, as a moderator I am swore to treat everyone equally, even if I have personal misgivings about them or their posting habits.
I want to avoid any problem members, but whether or not I do is up to them, not me. And I'm sure they'd like to avoid me too.
I really loath being part of discussions

. Funny right? I go on the occasional long post dissecting each element of a specific point, take or item and do my best to provide quality and substance to my areas of interest, but I rarely respond to people quoting or tagging me.
I kind of have to be in the right mood to want to interact with people sometimes, and if I'm not "feeling it", don't expect a reply or rebuttal.
I make exceptions for my mod duties of course and promptly respond to reported posts, items stuck in the moderation queue or tags when requested. You're not always going to get an explanation from me or the chance to plead your case or argue the charges level against you though.
Any member on PDF helped you this year?
@waz big time. He's the best

Any indirect message to any mod?
Nah, I have the power to directly voice my concerns or commendations now. But I'd like to express my happiness at being part of the team and helping to make PDF a more friendly and welcoming forum for all members to express themselves in, within reason of course.
I guess that answers the questions posed informally, doesn't it?