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2016 China National Day

Just ahead of China’s National Day holiday, a 70-year-old man has grown a giant map of the country using different varieties of rice in Fengjing Town, located in the Jinshan District of Shanghai. The holiday begins on October 1.

Three world-level projects in China draws acclaim
September 27, 2016
People's Daily


Photo taken on Sept. 24, 2016 shows the 500-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) in Pingtang County, southwest China's Guizhou Province. [Photo: Xinhua/Ou Dongqu]

The 500-meter wide Aperture Spherical Telescope, or FAST, is now operational in the mountains of Guizhou Province in southwest China. With a reflector the size of 30 football fields as the main structure, scientists have described FAST as a super-sensitive 'ear' capable of detecting very weak messages from space.


Photo taken on Sept. 24, 2016 shows the 500-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) in Pingtang County, southwest China's Guizhou Province. [Photo: Xinhua/Ou Dongqu]

FAST was designed to help Chinese researchers better understand our universe, as well as probe the cosmos for extraterrestrial life. The tasks being undertaken by the FAST telescope include observing pulsars, as well as research into interstellar molecules and communication signals. Scientists have said the potential of FAST to detect alien life is five to ten times greater than the equipment which has been used in the past.

The construction of the 180 million US dollar project began in 2011, 17 years after the plan was originally conceived. The installation of the main structure was completed in early July this year.

The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge


A map that shows the route of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. [File photo: cccchzmb.com]

The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the longest cross-sea bridge in the world, will officially be opened on Wednesday, September 27.


The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the longest cross-sea bridge in the world, will officially be opened on September 27, 2016. [File photo: baidu.com]

With an investment of around 105 billion yuan (15.7 billion US dollars), the 89-kilometer-long project combines bridges, a tunnel and artificial islands. Both its 37-kilometer-long major bridge and 11-kilometer-long immersed tunnel are the longest in the world and thus make it one of the most challenging projects currently under construction worldwide.


The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the longest cross-sea bridge in the world, will officially be opened on September 27, 2016. [File photo: cnnb.com.cn]

The bridge will greatly reduce the travel time between Zhuhai and Hong Kong, from over three hours by car or around one hour by sea, to less than 30 minutes. The project will also allow a circumnavigation of the three cities for the first time, taking one hour.

World's longest desert highway


A map that shows the route of the highway connecting Beijing and Urumqi in in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. [File photo: baidu.com]

The world's longest desert highway, stretching from Linhe district in Bayan Nur City, to Baigeda in Alxa League, in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, opened to traffic on Sunday, September 25. It will shorten the travel time between the two cities by around twelve hours.


The world's longest desert highway, stretching from Linhe district in Bayan Nur City, to Baigeda in Alxa League, in north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. [File photo: guancha.cn]

The 900-kilometer expressway is just one section of a project linking Beijing to Urumqi in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. As part of the Belt and Road Initiative, the Beijing-Urumqi highway is set to be fully operational by next June, with a length of more than 2,000 kilometers. Future plans involve building a land bridge between Asia and Europe, ending in the Dutch city of Rotterdam.


The world's longest desert highway, stretching from Linhe district in Bayan Nur City, to Baigeda in Alxa League, in north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. [File photo: guancha.cn]

Domestic tourism will get a big boost. The travel & tourism infrastructure will get a good workout!
The following article is from the South Korean perspective.

China’s National Day Holiday Expected to Boost Tourism
09/26/2016 07:54 pm ET

By Hong Soon-do, Beijing correspondent, AsiaToday - Huffington Post

October 1 marks the beginning of the week-long National Day holidays, one of the most important Chinese holidays along with the Labor Day and Spring Festival. Since it can be up to 10 day holiday, it is expected to serve as a driving force to stimulate domestic demand and promote industries related to tourism and leisure.


[Tiananmen Square in Beijing, capital of China. More tourists are expected to visit this year.
Source: Xinhua News Agency]

According to the September 26th report of the People’s Daily, there are many companies and organizations offering 10-day break by adding three days to the official 7-day holiday. This seems why the number of Chinese tourists will increase compared to previous years. The tourism industry forecasts that 598 million Chinese are likely to hit the road, at home and abroad, during the holiday, up 12 percent from last year.

China’s domestic tourism market will certainly rise as well. During the holiday, Chinese residents are expected to spend 500 billion yuan (KRW 85 trillion won), up 15 percent from the previous year. This is more than twice the GDP of Jordan and Libya. Guwei, CEO at Aojia Travel Agency, said, “China has now become a country where people put a lot of importance to their pursuit of a better quality of life. This fact will be definitely true on the upcoming National Day holiday. It may also boost China’s sluggish economy.”

What’s noteworthy is that Chinese tourists to Korea are on the rise again after Korea and the United States announced their plans to the THAAD missile defense system on the peninsula, creating uncertainty in the domestic tourism industry for a while. Sui Lan, director of Beichen travel agency in Chaoyang District, said, “It’s true that the number of Chinese tourists to South Korea reduced slightly in the months of July and August. However, things have improved in September. The atmosphere will heat up even more during the National Day holiday.”

Considering the current atmosphere, more Chinese tourists are expected to rush to Korea during the holiday compared to the previous year with 170,000 tourists. Of course, there are still some Chinese regulations that limit trips to South Korea. This is why many believe that the number of Chinese tourists to Korea would serve as a touchstone for China’s resentment of THAAD deployment.
590 million Chinese are projected to tour. Wow! That's a very big number.

National Day tourism to set new records
China Daily, September 28, 2016

An annual mass migration of vacationers is set to reach new heights this year.

Nearly half of China is expected to travel during the upcoming National Day holiday.

The country's tourists are forecast to spend a fortune over the weeklong period, which starts on Oct 1.

Roughly 590 million Chinese will tour during the vacation, up 12 percent over last year, a late September China Tourism Academy report says.

Tourism revenue is projected to grow 13.5 percent to reach 478.2 billion ($71.7 billion). That's 800 yuan per capita.

Domestic and outbound tourism markets have experienced brisk supply and demand, China's biggest online agency, Ctrip, reports.

"Most domestic and outbound routes' prices have stayed steady," Ctrip's publicity director Peng Liang says.

"Some even dropped."

Many routes were booked by over 10,000 tourists, Peng says.

The Yangtze River Delta Area, including Zhejiang's provincial capital, Hangzhou, and Shanghai, are expected to receive record numbers.

A new Disneyland recently opened in Shanghai. Hangzhou recently hosted the G20 Summit.

Traditionally popular destinations, such as Hainan province's Sanya, Sichuan province's Jiuzhaigou Valley and Yunnan province's Lijiang, will continue to embrace waves of tourists.

While figures for outbound travel bookings from China aren't yet available, they're expected to exceed last year's.

Outbound travel surged 14 percent to exceed 4 million tourists last National Day holiday, the Shanghai-based tourism-consulting service Gold Palm reports.

The Chinese passport's growing weight, the expansion of flight routes and exchange-rate fluctuations have continued to buoy China's outbound tourism over recent years.

Chinese can enjoy visa-free entry or visas on arrival in 57 countries and regions.

Those that recently relaxed visas, such as Morocco, Tunisia and Tonga, have seen the influx of Chinese visitors increase 300-600 percent, Ctrip reports.

The increase in flights to neighboring nations like Japan has pushed down prices.

Long-haul destinations, including France, the United Kingdom, the United States and Russia, are 20-30 percent cheaper than during the holiday last year. The number of Chinese visitors is expected to increase 40-60 percent, Ctrip says.

The pound's depreciation, following the Brexit, continues to boost Chinese travel to the UK.

Chinese are expected to visit South Korea for shopping and health checkups.

They'll head to Japan to enjoy hot springs and red maple leaves. But the rise of the yen against the yuan may put a damper on retail.

Still, the holiday seems set to qualify as a "golden week", as it has long been colloquially known, not only for travelers but also for destinations.
More pictures of the giant flower pot in Tiananmen Square.

Tiananmen Square decorated as National Day holiday approaches
2016-09-26 09:10 | Xinhua | Editor:Li Yan


Photo taken on Sept. 25, 2016 shows part of the main flower parterre at the Tiananmen Square in central Beijing, capital of China. The flower beds displayed at the Tiananmen Square and along Chang'an Avenue have completed installation by Sunday for the National Day, which falls on Oct. 1. This year's main basket-shaped flower parterre is 50 meters in diameter and 17 meters in height. (Xinhua/Li Xin)


Photo taken on Sept. 25, 2016 shows the main flower parterre at the Tiananmen Square in central Beijing, capital of China. The flower beds displayed at the Tiananmen Square and along Chang'an Avenue have completed installation by Sunday for the National Day, which falls on Oct. 1. This year's main basket-shaped flower parterre is 50 meters in diameter and 17 meters in height. (Xinhua/Li Xin)


Photo taken on Sept. 25, 2016 shows part of the main flower parterre at the Tiananmen Square in central Beijing, capital of China. The flower beds displayed at the Tiananmen Square and along Chang'an Avenue have completed installation by Sunday for the National Day, which falls on Oct. 1. This year's main basket-shaped flower parterre is 50 meters in diameter and 17 meters in height. (Xinhua/Li Xin)

Photo taken on Sept. 25, 2016 shows part of the main flower parterre at the Tiananmen Square in central Beijing, capital of China. The flower beds displayed at the Tiananmen Square and along Chang'an Avenue have completed installation by Sunday for the National Day, which falls on Oct. 1. This year's main basket-shaped flower parterre is 50 meters in diameter and 17 meters in height. (Xinhua/Li Xin)

Photo taken on Sept. 25, 2016 shows part of the main flower parterre at the Tiananmen Square in central Beijing, capital of China. The flower beds displayed at the Tiananmen Square and along Chang'an Avenue have completed installation by Sunday for the National Day, which falls on Oct. 1. This year's main basket-shaped flower parterre is 50 meters in diameter and 17 meters in height. (Xinhua/Li Xin)
China welcomes the National Day holiday with colorful creativity
Source: Globaltimes.cn Published: 2016-9-29

The coming National Day holiday falls on October 1, celebrating the 67th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Citizens young and old have been hard at work preparing patriotic expressions of creativity to welcome the seven-day holiday. Photos: CFP/IC


A red-hot national flag 8.88 meters in width and 5.92 meters in height is presented in Songcheng, Hangzhou, East China’s Zhejiang Province, on September 26. The special flag was made from 1,000 hot peppers to celebrate the coming 67th birthday of the PRC.


Students create a collage of Tiananmen Tower using 30,000 colorful buttons in Dexing, East China’s Jiangxi Province, on September 27.


A map of China made from rice shoots can be seen in a paddy field in Fengjing county, Shanghai, on September 25. The creative map was grown by Chen Jinxiang, a retired agricultural technician who has studied the art of rice cultivation for more than 30 years.


Flowers arranged in the shape of the Chinese national flag can be seen in front of the Bell Tower in Xi’an, Northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, on September 28. Themed flower displays have been placed across the city to celebrate the coming National Day holiday.


Children design a national flag using red and yellow paper in Hefei, East China’s Anhui Province, on September 28.
Chinese Embassy in Cambodia marks 67th anniversary of founding of PRC

Source: Xinhua 2016-09-29

PHNOM PENH, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese Embassy in Cambodia hosted a reception on Thursday evening to mark the 67th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China which falls on Oct. 1.

The event was attended by Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Hor Namhong and Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia Xiong Bo as well as some 300 guests including Cambodian government officials, royal members, senior military officers, politicians, foreign diplomats and Chinese business people.

In his welcoming speech, Xiong said over the past 67 years, China had made remarkable achievements, becoming the second largest economy and the largest trading nation in the world.

"China remains a major engine of global economic growth," he said. "On Oct. 1, the Chinese yuan will officially join the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Special Drawing Right basket."

Speaking about Sino-Cambodian relations, the ambassador said the ties, jointly forged and carefully nurtured by King Father Norodom Sihanouk and older generations of Chinese leaders, has withstood the test of time and international vicissitudes and grown stronger and deeper in both peoples' hearts.

"The two sides have become friendly neighbors, amicable brothers, good friends and partners who share weal and woe," he said. "China will firmly support the Cambodia's effort in upholding sovereignty and independence, pursuing a development path that suits its national conditions, promoting growth and improving people's livelihood."

Xiong also highlighted fruitful results of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.

He said China is the largest source of foreign direct investment in Cambodia with the accumulated investment of 12 billion U.S. dollars from 1994 to June 2016.

On the trade front, in the first half of 2016, the two-way trade reached 2.34 billion U.S. dollars, a 10.2 percent growth year-on-year.

"We are confident to achieve the target of 5-billion-U.S.-dollar bilateral trade volume by 2017," the ambassador said.

On the tourism side, Xiong said from January to July this year, some 444,900 Chinese tourists visited Cambodia, up 12.4 percent year-on-year. There are 35 direct flights to-and-fro between the two countries every day.

Addressing to the guests at the reception, Hor Namhong congratulated China on the 67th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

"Although China has been experiencing slower economic growth in recent years, it remains, as the second largest economy in the world, a major engine of global economic growth," he said.

He said the visionary China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will not only strengthen economy, trade and investment, connectivity and people-to-people exchanges between the Southeast Asian nations and China, but also benefit the Central Asian, African and European countries.

Commenting on the bilateral relations, Hor Namhong, who is the ex-foreign minister, said that Cambodia was proud of the remarkable development of bilateral cooperation with China in all fields, particularly in politics, economy, culture and people-to-people exchanges.

"I am in firm belief that in the spirit of mutual understanding, respect and equality, the close and friendly relations between Cambodia and China will be further enhanced," he said.
CEO at Aojia Travel Agency, said, “China has now become a country where people put a lot of importance to their pursuit of a better quality of life. This fact will be definitely true on the upcoming National Day holiday. It may also boost China’s sluggish economy.”

cheap shot by korean CEO
There is no gift for China birth day. China is loser on PCA ruling award with Filippine recently. Dont cry, I will not comment here if your guy shut up about Vietnam's East Sea.

My friend, your patriotism is commendable. But, this is obviously not the right place. The island development is right there, cannot be denied even if ignored. We view the development effort as part of the national spirit, which is symbolized in the foundation of the Republic.

Hence the relation.


China marks Martyrs' Day at Tian'anmen Square
Xinhua, September 30, 2016


A ceremony is held at the Tian'anmen Square in Beijing to honor and remember deceased national heroes on the Martyrs' Day, Sept. 30. [Photo: Xinhua News Agency]

Chinese President Xi Jinping and other senior leaders attended a ceremony Friday at the Tian'anmen Square in Beijing to honor and remember deceased national heroes on the Martyrs' Day.

This year is also the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Long March, a famous military maneuver carried out by the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army of the Communist Party of China from 1934 to 1936.

Veterans, family members of martyrs and representatives of all walks of life gathered at the Monument to the People's Heroes at the Tian'anmen Square to mark the country's third Martyrs' Day on the eve of the National Day.

The leaders and other participants in the event will present flowers to the people's heroes.

Martyrs, as defined by the government, are "people who sacrificed their lives for national independence and prosperity, as well as the welfare of the people in modern times, or after First Opium War (1840-1842)."

It is estimated that China has about 20 million martyrs.

China's legislature approved Sept. 30 as the Martyrs' Day in 2014, to commemorate those who lost their lives fighting for national causes.
China photo of the day: National Bouquet


A gigantic bouquet erected in Tianamen Square in preparation for the National Day
of the People's Republic of China. (Photo: Zou Hong, China Daily)

A gigantic bouquet erected in Tiananmen Square in preparation for the National Day of the People's Republic of China.

Surrounding the basket is a large flower bed, symbolising the “Blessing of the motherland”.

The National Day falls on October 1st and is celebrated with a 'Golden Week' public holiday.
How Much Do You Know about China's National Day?
September 30, 2016
Editor: Amanda Wu


An oil painting, drawn by painter Guo Xifen, depicts the founding
ceremony of the PRC. [zgdsw.org.cn]

The Chinese National Day falls on October 1 each year. It celebrates the anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC). The National Day holiday, which lasts a whole week, is one of the seven public holidays in China as well as one of the two Golden Weeks along with Spring Festival (Chinese New Year).

Origin of the Date

On October 1, 1949, Mao Zedong (1893-1976) proclaimed the founding of the PRC at the Tian'anmen Gate Tower in Beijing.

The person who first proposed the idea of a National Day was Ma Xulun (1978-1983), then a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and a chief delegate from the Democratic Progressive Party.

At the first session of the 1st CPPCC on October 9, 1949, Member Xu Guangping (1898-1968) said: "Ma asked for leave but he entrusted me to pass on his idea that the PRC should have a National Day. October 1 is proposed." That day, the Resolution on the National Day of the People's Republic of China was adopted and submitted to the Central People's Government.

On December 2, 1949, the Central People's Government passed the Resolution, and declared October 1 as National Day. From 1950 onwards, each October 1 has been a grand occasion for Chinese people.


National Day Parade


Female soldiers take part in the military parade for the 60th anniversary
of the founding of the PRC on October 1, 2009. [Xinhua/Zhao Peng]

Since the founding of the PRC, National Day has witnessed altogether 14 military parades. From 1949-1959, a parade took place annually. China then began encouraging frugality, and a further three ceremonies occurred in 1984 (marking the 35th anniversary), 1999 (marking the 50th anniversary) and 2009 (marking the 60th anniversary).

Changing the Portrait of Chairman Mao


Changing the portrait of Chairman Mao (September 28, 2013)
[China Daily/Zhu Xingxin]

The portrait of Chairman Mao on the Tian'anmen Gate Tower has been changed prior to the National Day every year ever since 1949. The Tian'anmen Gate Tower has displayed altogether eight different versions of Chairman Mao's portrait. The current version, designated on October 1, 1967, is based on the fourth standard portrait of Mao, created by prestigious painter Wang Guodong.

Flag-raising Ceremony


More than 120,000 people watch the flag-raising ceremony at Tian’anmen Square
in Beijing, on October 1, 2014. [Xinhua/Luo Xiaoguang]

The ceremonial raising of the national flag is an important part of celebrating National Day. Thousands of people flood to Tian'anmen Square in the capital to witness the ceremony, showing their respect for the national flag as well as their love for the nation.



Decorations for the National Day [china.org.cn/Li Lianzhen]

For every National Day, various Chinese enterprises and institutions hang red lanterns and banners with slogans, such as Qing Zhu Guo Qing or Huan Du Quo Qing (literally meaning "Celebrate National Day"). In addition, many public squares are filled with garden sculptures and balloons, adding a joyful atmosphere to the special occasion.

Golden Week


Tourists at Tian’anmen Square during the National Day holiday [Xinhua/Li Xin]

Since 1999, Chinese people have enjoyed a Golden Week for the National Day holiday from October 1-7. They usually take advantage of the holiday to travel or have family reunions.

(Source: baike.baidu.com/Translated and edited by Women of China)

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