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200crore trees to be planted along 1lakh km HIghways

Star Wars

Jan 7, 2013
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Great news for environment lovers.
The government plans to plant 200 crore trees along the entire 1 lakh km National Highways network across the country to employ jobless youth.

“The length of National Highways in the country is one lakh kilometre. I have asked officials to come out with a plan to plant 200 crore trees along these stretches which in turn would create jobs for the unemployed on the one hand and protect the environment on the other,” Road Transport, Highways, Shipping and Rural Development Minister Nitin Jairam Gadkari said in New Delhi on Friday.


And again cut it down to widen the roads ? :lol:
Good measure i hope govt. takes everything into consideration
It is not like all roads will be widened at the same time and so all trees will be cut for it. As long as they are planting more trees and ensuring the trees survive to their full maturity, a few trees cut here and there for road widening is fine. A welcome step to increase the green cover of country. Our forest cover actually shrunk during the UPA regime.
trees....wow..a much needed initiative...
india has only 23% land under forest...we need to increase the no. of trees in the country....after all we are because of them...:-)
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