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2 yrs after murder and rape victim exhumed

the girl didnt chose the wrong path, but she made a huge mistake of trusting a total stranger. we must never trst strangers at any time.

she was wrong she should not leave the house
Because nobody can think for us like our parents
did you ever think that they should not leave their home
what would happened with her parents after leaving her home
she was wrong she should not leave the house
Because nobody can think for us like our parents
did you ever think that they should not leave their home
what would happened with her parents after leaving her home

Where in the Quran does it say that? A girl or woman cannot leave her home, that is disgusting. Karachi, thank god is not the tribal badlands of Pakistan. Women have a right to leave their house and breathe fresh air aswell as enjoy the world Allah gave them. You are thinking about her parents, then think the pain they are in. Instead of thinking of their loss your thinking of their daughters 'disobidience'. We all make mistakes, some can be fatal as in this case. Whatever you say, your views are like the Taliban and that is what we are fighting against.

We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live.
" - Mohammed Ali Jinnah

That's a quote from the founder of our nation, I think he know's a bit more about Islam than you.

God, these stone age views make me sick.
I agree with you, criminals of this calibre should either be shot or hanged in public. Only then, will the rest, regarless of calibre now what awaits them.

Only when the Qisas and Diyat laws are repealed. For when a confirmed killer can walk away with paying 150,000 to the walis (which in most cases is forcibly taken back), you are not indirectly, rather directly sending a message that murder is not a crime. Only in the rarest of cases is Fasad-fil-Arz utilized to give a punishment under Tazir.

The introduction of Qisas and Diyat Laws have destroyed the criminal justice system, after the Hudood Laws started its destruction.

83% of murder trials have resulted in "Razinamas". This means that 83% of real killers roam the streets without any social stigma attached to them and because the orthodox interpretation of Islam does not label the person who goes free under diyat as a "convict", he roams free in every possible way. Society has changed from the small communities of Arabia but our peanut brains are yet to accept this fact.

Since the advent of Qisas and Diyat laws in 1990, conviction rate at trial stage has dropped from 29% to 12%. Conviction in SC at appeal level has dropped from 79% to 35%. Self cancellation of cases has increased from 4% to 11%. Homicide rate has gone up from 5 per 100,000 to 9 per 100,000. 7% of cases withdrawn after "razinamas" involved trading girls as compensation. No single case since the introduction of the laws has been convicted under Qatl liable to Hadd.

Razinamas are controlled demolitions of the system of criminal justice.

However, since their introduction, conviction rates have decreased immensely. Most apologists here would argue with their usual illiteracy that the "true law is not being applied. Their are loopholes and gaps, while true law has none and therefore will magically result in a 100% conviction rate and free and perfect justice".

The criminal justice system has been destroyed precisely by the introduction of these laws which were supposed to help the society. Even then the jurists had pointed out that these orthodox interpretations had absolutely no grounds for application in a modern society and its challenges. Diyat would have been an acceptable solution in tribal Arabia as it sought elimination of long standing enmities. Today, Diyat means a system of justice that is biased and is clearly elitist is nature. A justice system biased towards the elite cannot work. Diyat also allows criminals to roam free without stigma. Societies aren't small anymore where everybody knows you. You can migrate between cities. In 8th century Arabia, everybody knew you and migrating out of the clan was not an option.

Anybody willing to study the effects of Qisas and Diyat Laws should read the book " The Application of Islamic Criminal Law in Pakistan : Sharia in Practice". It has been written by somebody who is sympathetic to the system of Islamic Justice and extensively covers its historical grounds, both in Arabia and this region and basis his opinion on contemporary opinions of Islamic jurists.

His conclusions are clear, the system of Qisas and Diyat needs a revolutionary change to be applicable in a modern society and it has failed to cover any one of the three aspects of criminal justice, namely, rehabilitation, deterrence and retribution. The principles of Islamic jurisprudence demand not just following the letter of law handed by 8th century interpretations, but following the principles. The principles deem murder and rape as crimes liable to a death punishment. These were being followed before the introduction of the Hudood and Qisas and Diyat Laws.
i don't know why it's so hard for people to punish those bastards openly??

whoever is proven guilty in case of raping, should be hanged in front of thousands of people. SET up an Example. that look this is what we will do, if you rape.

AND mark my words. Only than the # of rape victims will come down.
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☪☪☪☪;967248 said:
Most People after reading this will be most likely say *Good thing the girl got what she deserved for having a affair instead of arrange marriage.

everybody will say TOO BAD rather than your comments
improve urself and think for humanity
she was wrong she should not leave the house
Because nobody can think for us like our parents
did you ever think that they should not leave their home
what would happened with her parents after leaving her home

As i said before, she only made a mistake of trusting a total stranger and thats it. she wanted to be married to that criminal and have a future with him, she didnt commit a crime. you as a woman should condemn that criminal man instead of talking about the poor woman, i am surprised. what a society we have got, our women blame themselves for the crimes committed by men.:tdown:
Whatever you say, your views are like the Taliban and that is what we are fighting against.

We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live.
" - Mohammed Ali Jinnah

That's a quote from the founder of our nation, I think he know's a bit more about Islam than you.

God, these stone age views make me sick.

my views are like the Taliban ??
bro women can do anything like men yes you are right
but Islam puts some limits for women even there are also some limits for men
so she was wrong
Taliban didn't allow girls to get education but i am studying in co-education
there are some limits for girls and we should obey them
it was her right to marry somebody of her choice. but i know what you mean, you can find some crazy people who will blame the girl instead of that murderer.

yeah it was her right but Islam allow this think when your parent are agree with your decision
yeah it was her right but Islam allow this think when your parent are agree with your decision

come on huda, your attitude makes feel very uneasy and upset as you are a woman yourself. didnt i give you the above example of that poor girl who was made to get married to a man and how her fate was? with such an attitude like yours, we shouldnt wonder why our women are in this situation. a literate woman like you having this ideas, then what can we expect from those illetrate village women? most of your posts in here have been dedicated to blame everyting on the victim. it is shocking, truely shocking.:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
come on huda, your attitude makes feel very uneasy and upset as you are a woman yourself. didnt i give you the above example of that poor girl who was made to get married to that man and how her fate was? with such an attitude like yours, we shouldnt wonder why our women are in this situation. a literate woman like having this ideas, then what can we expect from those illetrate village women? most of your posts in here have been dedicated to blame everyting on that woman. it is shocking truely.:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

iam not blaming her
i just want to say that we should obey the teaching of Islam and
never ever hurt your parents
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