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2 regiments of J-10 to enforce UN No Fly Zone Over Libya

Can anyone confirm this to be true?

China should be HELPING Qaddafi (even though he wasn't really pro-China) instead of helping NATO's invasion of Libya.

i call BS until this is confirmed to be true
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Wow people are still treating this seriously? Check the date of the thread please. If you can't figure that one out, at least consider the Vice Premier of State Council does not have the power to deploy military.
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China doesn't celebrate April Fool's does it?
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Funny... why are there people just can't believe this is April Fool joke.
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Regiments??? Is nt squadron the right term???
A regiment is not the equivalent of a squadron; instead, it's intermediate between squadron & group/wing. That's because Soviet-style suqadrons tend to have fewer aircrafts than Western ones. Thus, a PLAAF regiment would consist of 2~3 squadrons of 10~12 aircrafts each.
Gaddafi and eight states of Africa :


940 x 1026

Related link (post # 12)
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