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2 Men Arrested for Raping 80 Year Woman

wait for someone to bring up an excuse of blaming the grandma's posture or clothes for it :/

as for these two, hang them publicly, gosh why is it hard for us to understand that we are "latoon kai bhoot"
You may have seen that guy🤣🤣🤣🤣


Aren't we promoting such stuff???
Including so called justice system!

In graduation we were in networking class and asked our lecturer (x PTCL Authority) why we are not banning **** movies.

We tried and it ended only after two days when We were pressurized to uplift any restrictions.

Meanwhile our country women defeating **** actresses see on TikTok!

We are a shame!
Just cz of some shits!!!
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Unfortunately this is what judge said citing hudood ordinance.

That is very unfortunate, indeed. I have personally read Mufti Taqi Usmani article on this subject and he said Islam allows for circumstantial evidence. I mention Mufti's point because he was the main architect of the ordinance in terms of it's legal wording and intent.

However, I can see why most people would be opposed to the idea of implementing Shariah despite wanting it in theory. The pool size of good quality candidates for judges is very limited.

I've personally heard a Mufti in a give a fatwa that was inconsistent with the Sunnah. It was an ahle hadith mosque so the matter of taqleed doesn't factor in. A clear hadith - which senior ulema from Saudi also mentioned in a fatwa on a similar question.

The matter had to do with finances and such and the mufti gave an impractical answer which was also wrong according to his own usul e fiqh.

The point is that you'd get similarly ill considered fatwas from muftis on matters that have larger implications on national and international matters.

The biggest difference comes when a judge makes a mistake itis considered normal- but a mufti will say whatever he says is the word of God. Unless we have an adequately educated populous as well as a highly trained members of judiciary - not just in the Quran and Sunnah (from which they must deduce possible lessons and rules) but also highly educated in worldly matters (so they understand the world into which they must apply these rules).

Otherwise, you'd get the usual problems with religious leaders suggesting using ballistic missiles to settle foreign debt - and them not losing popularity as a consequence. Not only did Ghuari diplomacy suggestion not hurt their political status but they've been growing stronger.
It is very shameful act and we'll have to read somewhere Pakistanis raping their grand mothers.

If every crime is to be blamed on Molvis then please tell are they same? Which madrassa supports rape except the shiq no. 6 from that harami party!

If they are same then they must be supporting the rapist one. If not then how you can blame a nation just because of some Haramis?

I need one answer if your son becomes a rapist then we'll be allowed to curse you? Even if you are an opponent to him?

If some girls are call girls then are we allowed to call every girl an escort?
Don't make generalized comments reflecting your personality and environment!!!
Recently i read a post a maulvi raped a girl and killed her brutally. Brain dead sick!
Where the girl was from a very decent family of a bureaucrat

I am happy to see you burning always.... enjoying & thank :rofl: .

Ok now have an old joke:

A police man was beating a thief and forcing him accept every blame...
After a while the police man's cell rings: Congrats! you have become father!
Culprit: (was not aware of the call)
a v mere ty pa dy :super::super::super::super::super:

Thanks dip$hit this is what i wanted to prove that TLP are bunch of rape apologist.
Nobody is raping grannies in the UK.

Hyper perversion is for people who have not been socialised properly with the opposite sex or its a mental illness.

Covering your women from head to toe, cowering in fear in public is not the solution. Here women can walk around in mini skirts and go to the gym and most men have enough respect to not look them up and down right in front of their face or grope them which is what happens in Pakistan.

When I went to Alum Rock in Birmingham which is a Pakistani area full of ultra conservative degenerates, girls in our group were not wearing a niqab/hijab and men gave them dirty looks or perved on them. How pathetic. It felt like I was in Kabul. Gave me the absolute shivers if this is the norm in Pakistan, you guys are f**king weird. :lol: We should have developed the original blueprint of Pakistanism and watered down Arab/Indian culture, they don't treat their women well.

I think the reason why Pakistan has more respect for their women than Indians do is because of British influence, not Islamic influence.

total rubbish . These are just a few examples and there’s dozens more on google news feed .
infact much much more than Pakistan .

My gosh people now blatantly lying to promote white British culture over ones own to promote their own hate filled agenda

Uncle Tom

one question I have to you ..... Why Lie ??? International people read this forum but why lie on poor Pakistanis to feel better for your self ??

would you like a dozen more stories of grandmothers being raped in your country UK ?????? It’s easily searchable on google but for you I’ll post them just especially for you .

but why blatantly lie ?
Have you ever been to any madrasa? I hope the place was a madrasa. Because your experience is telling us something else, a child P0rm studio or something?!
It’s just their hate of Islam and love for the Whiteman

actually madrasah they say , same like the Taliban who originated from madrasahs

In 1994 Mullah Omar founded the Taliban. Their opposition to ‘bacha bazi’ was one of the drivers for early support for the group, and
under the last Taliban government ‘bacha-bazi’ was made a crime with the death penalty the punishment.

But during the US-led occupation, the practice returned with a vengeance. In 2015, a chilling New York Times expose revealed that rank and file American soldiers were being punished by officers for trying to stop child abuse by their Afghan allies which often took place on American military bases.
It’s just their hate of Islam and love for the Whiteman

actually madrasah they say , same like the Taliban who originated from madrasahs

In 1994 Mullah Omar founded the Taliban. Their opposition to ‘bacha bazi’ was one of the drivers for early support for the group, and
under the last Taliban government ‘bacha-bazi’ was made a crime with the death penalty the punishment.

But during the US-led occupation, the practice returned with a vengeance. In 2015, a chilling New York Times expose revealed that rank and file American soldiers were being punished by officers for trying to stop child abuse by their Afghan allies which often took place on American military bases.
But all they see is child P0rn in madrasa.
A women who is probably everyone's grandma's age was raped and this thread is full of jokes. You guys should be ashamed.
total rubbish . These are just a few examples and there’s dozens more on google news feed .
infact much much more than Pakistan .

My gosh people now blatantly lying to promote white British culture over ones own to promote their own hate filled agenda

Uncle Tom

one question I have to you ..... Why Lie ??? International people read this forum but why lie on poor Pakistanis to feel better for your self ??

would you like a dozen more stories of grandmothers being raped in your country UK ?????? It’s easily searchable on google but for you I’ll post them just especially for you .

but why blatantly lie ?

I have known many women who have been to Pakistan and they can confirm its full of perverts and pedophiles. I have heard stories of women being groped as children and grown up in markets. Old mums and their daughters being eyeballed in public and that is in upmarket places in Lahore and Islamabad, never mind hillbilly town Peshawar. This doesn't happen in the UK and if it does it's in rough parts.

You will never be able to convince me otherwise because you are clueless about what is common decency. You probably think Taliban treat their women with respect.

British culture is far superior and refined than your strange Indo Islamic mess. So is Chinese, so is Italian, so is French etc etc. We were better people in the 50s before the mullahs started changing our DNA.
I remember as a teenager I was in a perfume shop in Paris and noticed billboards of a bare chased woman. Nobody even paid attention and nor did I make it obvious I looked. Extreme example but a complete contrast to Pakistani society.

Hyper sexuality is either a mental condition or a lack of socialisation. Imagine spending your life seeing your father beat your mother after an arranged marriage and treat her like sh*t and then watching po*n. No proper sex education, no female friends, what do you think that does to a mind?

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