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2 Girls Call For Help After Bike Broke Down, 11 Came To Rape Them: Police

I understand that legalizing crimes might be acceptable in communist nations but in democracies, rapists are jailed. Maybe in China they are celebrated.

You should listen to your indian women and change your countries name to Rapestan. Blaming and pointing fingers on your neighbors wont change the fact that your women call your country Rape capital of the world.

is this your excuse for raping little girl? very Pathetic it is?
btw how many Australians live in India vs Indians in Australia

Where in my above statement you found an excuse, huh ???

But let me ask you something, is it something to be singled out only on India when the same things are happening around the world including your nation, yet you guy's seem to be more concerned about Indian sisters, while having almost zero conviction rate to rape related crimes back home. I know it is nothing to be proud about or brag, but at-least we are trying our best by punishing the accused as far as we can. But what is your conviction track record ???

I was just trying to make everyone understand that stop looking through the window and look in the mirror and when you look in the mirror, all what you see is the image of yourself. Hope you understand my point loud and clear. :-)

Yes, we all know India is the safest country in the universe like I said Australia can never be as safe as India or as clean and rich, we are just a poor country where crime is rampant and there is no such thing as sanation in Australia, India is the best we all know that.

Why truth really hurt, huh ????

If we are having such bad elements in our society, it ain't mean that you guy's are far better. You also have enough filth in your society for you to take care. First take care of them before pointing fingers on others. :p:

You should listen to your indian women and change your countries name to Rapestan. Blaming and pointing fingers on your neighbors wont change the fact that your women call your country Rape capital of the world.

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Since you are insisting with the word should. I would take this opportunity to show you the mirror. Before insisting other to do something, why don't you provide justice to your own women by convicting the rape criminals and show us an example, huh ???? We are at-least trying and convicting the criminals.

Zero-conviction rate for rape: Senator proposes constitutional changes

Seeking justice: Only one rape conviction in the last five years

In a country where civil society estimates that four women are raped everyday and conviction rates are next to zero in most districts, it is little surprise that a significant majority of rape cases are compromised before the trial is concluded.

State of neglect: Closed eyes to sexual assault

Pakistan among 10 worst countries regarding rape cases: PTI
indians make rape social work now :rolleyes:

Rape republic of India

It's getting too common....might as well legalize rape in India.

How messed up is their society?

rapistan even aeroplanes are not safe from there animalship

Those Indians should have reminded those girls that the CEO of Google and Microsoft is Indian. They would have gladly accepted to get raped.

And if they still denied they should have showed them that Indians are the highest paid in the United States. Then surely those girls would have accepted.

As Indian, I'm disgusted with these filth.. there's no excuse, But you people mocking others also need to see themselves in a mirror as soon as possible, because it also happens widely in Pakistan, often unreported,,,,..... here's an example from Sunday..... Tell me, How many of you people read this news ???? How man of you tried to post it here ????? I've not found this news here so far, if its posted point me towards it.

The Express Tribune > Pakistan > Punjab

Gang raped in Pindi village for two days, teenage girl dies
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Gang raped in Pindi village for two days, teenage girl dies

By Arsalan Altaf
Published: August 20, 2018

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Police say they have arrested the two main suspects in the case PHOTO: FILE

ISLAMABAD: A 16-year-old, who was allegedly kidnapped at gunpoint from her home in Rawalpindi and later allegedly sexually assaulted by two men for multiple days, died at her home in a village in the district early on Sunday morning.

Police say they have now arrested the two main suspects in the case

The victim’s family says she had been abducted by one of the two suspects on the night of August 8. The next morning, when the family went to search for the girl on their own, a man named Javed from the neighbouring village approached the girl’s father and told them that their daughter was in Chakwal and offered to help recover her but only if the family pays him Rs3,000.

The family paid Javed the money the same day and he told them that their daughter would return home within two hours. She though did not return.

The girl’s father kept calling Javed’s number throughout the night but he never picked up.

The girl’s father said that he even went to Javed’s house in the morning and found his daughter there in a semi-conscious state.

Javed claimed that he had just brought her back from Chakwal and handed the girl over to his father.

When the girl reached her home, she started crying and told her family that she had been kidnapped at gunpoint from the roof of her house on the night of August 8 and was taken to Javed’s house in the neighbouring village.

Her family later told the police that she was allegedly kept in Javed’s house for two days where both Javed and Imran took turns to rape her. The Rawat police subsequently registered a rape case against the two suspects. However, they did not arrest them until the girl died early on Sunday morning and the case attracted media attention. The girl’s family told The Express Tribune that she had been unwell ever since the incident.

“She threw up and died soon afterwards at around 5am today,” a family member said.

She was taken to a hospital for a post-mortem examination to determine the cause of death.

The family member said the girl was enrolled in the eighth grade but had left school just a couple of weeks ago.

Meanwhile, Rawat SHO Nasir Abbas has said that they have arrested both prime suspects in the case on Sunday.

He added that the family failed to contact the police during the time when the girl had gone missing and only approached a precinct after she had been recovered.

Abbas said that they were still waiting on both, DNA reports to confirm sexual assault and a post-mortem report to establish the girl’s cause of death, adding that the family had told them that the girl was not well ever since the incident and perhaps died due to the same reason.

However, only an autopsy report could reveal the real cause of death.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 20th, 2018.
You should listen to your indian women and change your countries name to Rapestan. Blaming and pointing fingers on your neighbors wont change the fact that your women call your country Rape capital of the world.

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Thanks for your advice. Our women are exercising their right to free speech and are seeking to expose terrible crimes in our country. I can only pray that your country of child rapists and groomers ever allows victims to speak up and expose your social ills. But I wouldn't bet on it.
It's indeed shameful. The Indians don't deserve it. I am pretty sure there must be something to fix these issues....
they are too busy analyzing Imran Bey's speech that strictly addressed local & internal issues only terming his speech as not an "internal matter " of Pakistan. Go figure.
soon it will be LAW in India those whom did not rape yet will be revoked their Indian nationality :lol: their passports will be canceled and they will not eligible to vote :sick:

Rape is a terrible thing, and it shouldn't be joked about. Efforts should be made to address this issue wherever ut may occur.

If India has a higher rape ratio and numbers, the Indians should try and find out why this is so. There must be something in the current sociocultural reality there that seems to be contributing to this epidemic.

Maybe it's the media's potrayal of women combined with the social changes clashing with traditional culture that is contributing to this. It's probably a very complex situation that is causing this attitude to such a heinous crime.

Whatever the reasons are, it is important to identify and address not just the symptoms but also the underlying diseases that are present.

Though I must confess that the frequency and oppeness with which these crimes seem to happen is disturbing. Yes there are rapes occuring all around the world but they seem mostly from people of power again very weak people, wheras with the Indians it seems normal random people doing it in major cities publically even. Without fear of reprisals even.

Again, let us also not forget that the victims in these instances are real people. It's a reprehensible crime no matter where it occurs and it shouldn't be joked about for purpose of political scoring or any other such reason.

Hopefully the situation there (and everywhere) would improve for the oppressed soon.
As Indian, I'm disgusted with these filth.. there's no excuse, But you people mocking others also need to see themselves in a mirror as soon as possible, because it also happens widely in Pakistan, often unreported,,,,..... here's an example from Sunday..... Tell me, How many of you people read this news ???? How man of you tried to post it here ????? I've not found this news here so far, if its posted point me towards it.

The Express Tribune > Pakistan > Punjab

Gang raped in Pindi village for two days, teenage girl dies
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Gang raped in Pindi village for two days, teenage girl dies

By Arsalan Altaf
Published: August 20, 2018

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Police say they have arrested the two main suspects in the case PHOTO: FILE

ISLAMABAD: A 16-year-old, who was allegedly kidnapped at gunpoint from her home in Rawalpindi and later allegedly sexually assaulted by two men for multiple days, died at her home in a village in the district early on Sunday morning.

Police say they have now arrested the two main suspects in the case

The victim’s family says she had been abducted by one of the two suspects on the night of August 8. The next morning, when the family went to search for the girl on their own, a man named Javed from the neighbouring village approached the girl’s father and told them that their daughter was in Chakwal and offered to help recover her but only if the family pays him Rs3,000.

The family paid Javed the money the same day and he told them that their daughter would return home within two hours. She though did not return.

The girl’s father kept calling Javed’s number throughout the night but he never picked up.

The girl’s father said that he even went to Javed’s house in the morning and found his daughter there in a semi-conscious state.

Javed claimed that he had just brought her back from Chakwal and handed the girl over to his father.

When the girl reached her home, she started crying and told her family that she had been kidnapped at gunpoint from the roof of her house on the night of August 8 and was taken to Javed’s house in the neighbouring village.

Her family later told the police that she was allegedly kept in Javed’s house for two days where both Javed and Imran took turns to rape her. The Rawat police subsequently registered a rape case against the two suspects. However, they did not arrest them until the girl died early on Sunday morning and the case attracted media attention. The girl’s family told The Express Tribune that she had been unwell ever since the incident.

“She threw up and died soon afterwards at around 5am today,” a family member said.

She was taken to a hospital for a post-mortem examination to determine the cause of death.

The family member said the girl was enrolled in the eighth grade but had left school just a couple of weeks ago.

Meanwhile, Rawat SHO Nasir Abbas has said that they have arrested both prime suspects in the case on Sunday.

He added that the family failed to contact the police during the time when the girl had gone missing and only approached a precinct after she had been recovered.

Abbas said that they were still waiting on both, DNA reports to confirm sexual assault and a post-mortem report to establish the girl’s cause of death, adding that the family had told them that the girl was not well ever since the incident and perhaps died due to the same reason.

However, only an autopsy report could reveal the real cause of death.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 20th, 2018.

Its not a competition you know

(with inputs from PTI)


But, but India is the safest country for women and children, India is great, India is clean, India has proper sanitation, awesome roads. India is better and richer and safer for women and kids than poor countries like Australia, yes India is great.

plus india leads in defence tech...

the indian indigenous tank Arjun is the best in the world... if they fielded that tank they would have beaten the M1A1 also...

Arjun tank was made using 100% Indian brain power.

Arjun design is so superior it reminds every one of the WW2 tiger tank design

India is no.1



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