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2 Bomb Blasts reported in Parachanaar...

Govt fail to control terrorist organizations. They strike whenever they want too. I support US strike in whole border area. US should increase drone strike . F all strategic asset , these asset are killing people of Pakistan more then harming anyone else.
You are lying straight on the face. Who supported LEJ ? Who had pictures with Malik Ishaq ? Noora is the one who is ruling Pakistan and he has blood of shias on his hand as he is the one supporting LEJ. All these motherfuqa were/are supported by our goons be it from govt or military.

Aray yaar, why are you blaming Noora, when the problem of sectarian hatred in the country runs much deeper?

It's not only LeJ that is killing Shia Muslims, it is also TTP, Jundullah, Jamat-ul-Ahrar and many other groups. They recruit from locals, they don't recruit internationally. The funding might be coming from India as well, also supported by NDS; but locals are being recruited. If there was sectarian harmony in the country, people wouldn't willing to be recruited, regardless of the funding from overseas. People are being recruited as there is a lot of sectarian hatred against Shias.

It is also evidenced by the posters on PDF: there is a lot of hatred against Shias. While I doubt any posters here would be involved in sectarian attacks in Pakistan, people that conduct attacks against Shias and other minorities have the same sectarian, divisive mindset; they just take it to a more extreme level.
Aray yaar, why are you blaming Noora, when the problem of sectarian hatred in the country runs much deeper?

It's not only LeJ that is killing Shia Muslims, it is also TTP, Jundullah, Jamat-ul-Ahrar and many other groups. They recruit from locals, they don't recruit internationally. The funding might be coming from India as well, also supported by NDS; but locals are being recruited. If there was sectarian harmony in the country, people wouldn't willing to be recruited, regardless of the funding from overseas. People are being recruited as there is a lot of sectarian hatred against Shias.

It is also evidenced by the posters on PDF: there is a lot of hatred against Shias. While I doubt any posters here would be involved in sectarian attacks in Pakistan, people that conduct attacks against Shias and other minorities have the same sectarian, divisive mindset; they just take it to a more extreme level.

Those morons do not represent sentiments of majority ... guys we need to understand that it is a planned strategy to start sectarian voilence in Pak ... in past we have seen people killing both sunni n shia ... just learn from syria and stay united
This is the third attack in Parachinar this year already that has killed dozens. The attack specifically targeted Shias. What is the state doing against sectarian terrorism?
They catch 9/10 attackers or disrupt their plans, people forget just how many attacks there used to be, now the are rare. From one A DAY, to one a week, to one a month, and now one every few months.

Parachinar is exposed to Afgh on three sides. Its difficult to secure yet security forces have done all they can.

Bajwa needs to pound the Afghans into sand.
Tragic. May all victims of these cowardly acts rest in peace. Hope Pakistani authorities bring the perpetrators to justice and prevent such attacks against any sect/religion/group in the future.
Seriously... we need Zarb e azb in quetta and parachinar... I mean how difficult is to clean these two areas?? We need to clean this up and soon ..

RIP to martyrs
We have strategic asset bs is killing Pakistani citizen.
They catch 9/10 attackers or disrupt their plans, people forget just how many attacks there used to be, now the are rare. From one A DAY, to one a week, to one a month, and now one every few months.

Parachinar is exposed to Afgh on three sides. Its difficult to secure yet security forces have done all they can.

Bajwa needs to pound the Afghans into sand.
I agree bro ... i was expecting some strong reaction from our side but nothing from gov or from bajwa ... what the hell ?
Dude its been like 12 hours. It takes a few days to plan an action. Remember what happened back in Feb? After two days they pounded Afghans for several days and they were cooing.
What a bloody day of terror in Pakistan. India using proxies through Afghanistan. These assholes infilterated the border probably at thr start of Ramazan and unleashed their terror across Pakistan near the end of it.

Most of them will be caught but a new wave will be getting ready to arrive in a few months. If you go by the new pattern these terror surges are coming 3-5 months apart. Last one was in february of this year 4 months ago, and the one before that was at the end of august, beginging of spetember last year

Seriously... we need Zarb e azb in quetta and parachinar... I mean how difficult is to clean these two areas?? We need to clean this up and soon ..

RIP to martyrs
Theyre not local, they are coming from Afghanistan. Its a new strategy adapted by the Indians and Afghanis to send across small waves of harder to detect tranined men, get them embedded across the country for a short period of time, and then unleash them in one go.
As soon as shia targeted in pakistan the holy media start discussing issue al saud vs iran shia vs sunni . yes thanks to syria its shia vs sunni in islamic world iraq syria pakistan or even afghanistan those are killed are also shia but it does not mean pakistani shia are specially targeted no its a global terrorism trend.its a war between ultra extremist mindset unfortunately citizens are paying the price belong to both shia and sunni side.Collective wisdom should be prevailed and joint efforts are need of the hour to curb terrorism in islamic lands.
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