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$2.4bn Kohala hydropower deal finalised

Like I've said in EVERY single discussion with you, its useless to debate with you as you don't want to see (even pictures), read or listen to the facts as they are against your personal political agenda. However, you can count my words and wait for three years. Come back and respond to this post by December 2017 :-)

Here's a recap of our discussions, if you see the content, you'll notice that you are very negative about Pakistan and progression of this nation. And that negativity doesn't help anyone when there is work underway to fix a lot of critical things like the electricity and water storage and all.

First Discussion: One Managing Flood Water in Pakistan, here is what I got out of you:
"the floods can't be managed because the land is flat", "the science and engineering can't fix the flood situation because I've traveled Punjab and the US intimately and I know the differences", " I know what I am talking about, Science and Engineer can't solve the Flood Waters because there is dense population".
Second Discussion: On this topic of electricity and building of many dams that will save water and will generate very CHEAP electricity, here's what I heard from you: " the government is wasting money on dams and expanding electrical production capacity", "the real problem is NOT the electrical production, we have more than enough power generation capacity, up to 22,000 MW", "the real issue behind the power outages is paying Salaries and Distribution of the electricity", "the current infrastructure can support Pakistan's all electric needs", "the Chinese Tariffs are very expensive", "the CIA factbook says that Pakistan can produce 22,000 MW electricity" (totally ignoring the fact that it also said Estimated and reported on 2010, 4 years ago by then gov't of Pakistan which lied on everything, not to mention, estimated is NEVER accurate, otherwise it'll say "exact capacity" or "current capacity", etc)

So like I said, I don't have political anything or any body in Pakistan. I am here supporting Pakistan's growth towards a modern, progressive and economically strong country. So whatever is right and good for common poor individuals in Pakistan, I'll write about it. The rest of the drama, I don't care for.

Post bookmarked. :D

You can read up on the law as much as you want to----law being there is meaningless if not practiced----. In pakistan----police does not shoot unruly mob---the order has to come from the top.

The latest is that any grade 15 or above can give order to shoot.

Please read.

Thank you.
Nor does NS or SS or Sindh or KP CM

Please read up the police laws that have changed over time.

Model town shooting was local too.

Police wanted to take down barriers on the road
holigans resisted

gun battle ensued.

It was local level stupidity, where police used the existing laws and fired on unruly mob.

just like US/Indian/Chinese/Iranian, Saudi Arabian, Mexican, and even Martian police would shoot an unruly mob.

Thank you.
Even after Justice Ali Baqir's report on the incident, you couldn't refrain yourself from spreading disinformation?

Good to know that... I hope the project does materialises...
Without up-gradation of power distribution system, it would bear no fruit, and it will not except few will become richer and remaining 99% will sink deeper in debt.
Without up-gradation of power distribution system, it would bear no fruit, and it will not except few will become richer and remaining 99% will sink deeper in debt.

HUGE amount of work going on for upgrading the network. Just need to study.

Even after Justice Ali Baqir's report on the incident, you couldn't refrain yourself from spreading disinformation?

OK bhai.

Nawz himslef sat down with Imran and gave orders to kill all.

happy now.

Without up-gradation of power distribution system, it would bear no fruit, and it will not except few will become richer and remaining 99% will sink deeper in debt.

I can just see right here how much you know on the subject of power generation. A "complete" package includes Power Generation capability (Whether Hydro, Nuclear, Wind or Solar), associate support and infrastructure upgrade. Why would you buy a car that doesn't come with headlights and you have to buy them separate as an upgrade?
This is where you and a few others don't have any clue on the reality and you are JUST spreading misinformation and lying as always for IK's political support.
There were some projects that were started by Zardari, he "conveniently" decided not to add the support / upgradation of the network to link the power being generated out of those two projects to the actual distribution grid. The purpose was to start that upgrade as a separate project (Which is a part of EVERY full project). This would mean hundreds of millions being awarded additionally and money going to corruption as it is Zardari we are talking about.

The current government actually exposed that and built that upgraded infrastructure for Zardari's projects. Plus, there is not one project started by the current government that doesn't include the supply up-gradation of the network.

The production of electricity is the top most priority right now. The system currently has a 5000-7000 MW gap. Without filling this gap, the economy can NOT move forward.And just so you know, there's already been an extensive explanation on this. Please go read up on my previous post on the subjects. You guys are spreading misinformation for political reasons when energy production is a national priority. People should have some shame left to not try to damage national priority projects with lie-based politics.

Can someone do the math and calculate how much China will earn through the rate over 3 decades?

Also if someone invests, it creates jobs. Better than buying bijli from India, as you create jobs for them instead.
What is your point that you are trying to make? If I try to read what you are writing, it appears that India shouldn't have built ONE dam as its such a burden on the economy, it does no good and all.....yet, you are building them all over and diverting water from Kashmir to Rajhistan. Contradiction much?? You are on a public forum, if ok to have personal BIAS towards Pakistan as you are from India at the end of the day. But you don't need to derail the thread and start trolling.
You are getting a lot of Chinese investments and loans too. The Metro Rail itself is an expensive deal and no profitability in sight for the short term. Should one start using that comparison here to tell you how bad that deal is when it is in the best interest of the Indian public? Same applies here. So if you can't contribute positively, it may be better to be silent and not write weird stuff driven by personal bias?
Ok carry on ..good luck ..I am out of this thread ..In india we wont buy their product above market price ..we only give them atmosphere to grow but they have to compete for their survival ..but here script is alredy written heavily in favour of the company ..
Ok carry on ..good luck .. ..In india we wont buy their product above market price ..we only give them atmosphere to grow but they have to compete for their survival .. ..

LOL, I know India, just as much as I know Pakistan or China. So you need not tell me. The government is doing the same here too, creating an environment for the Chinese to grow and make a profit, without putting Pakistani dollars into it. That's smart business. So have fun while away from this thread!
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