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19th SAARC Conference in Islamabad 2016-News and Updates

Indian ost: 8743788 said:
They make up a tiny number, and out of a country of 200 million, that's nothing.


Why did you bring this in for?
Let the indian bark, give shit importance to saarc

'India impedes Saarc process'
The Pakistan Foreign Office said, following the postponement of the upcoming Saarc summit, that India impedes the Saarc process and seeks to divert attention from its atrocities in held Kashmir.

“Indian intentions of creating hurdles yet again is visible from the actions and statements at the political level during the last two months coupled with coordinated media efforts,” said a statement released from the FO.

The statement also added India is desperate to divert the international community’s attention from the Kashmir issue.

“Indian atrocities have attracted the world’s attention, which is manifested in the strong condemnations and calls by the international political and human rights organisations for sending a fact finding mission to the Indian Occupied Kashmir.”

The FO termed India’s attitude as negative, and added it had a direct bearing on the welfare and betterment in South Asia which is highly regrettable.
@jbgt90 What are your views, right honorable sir?

well i wont discard all this by saying that it is irrelevant or that SAARC hold no importance. Important or not a walk out by countries no matter how insignificant they are is a walkout by countries!! That is not something to write off completely or to ignore all together!!
SAARC, about which some may argue as being irrelevant, still is a group of COUNTRIES and not some individual souls. At the end of they day they too matter and Pakistan must step up there diplomatic game to restore better ties with them.

On the other hand, i wont term it as a complete failure or the end of the world. I wont have said it even if i was not following the other developments but now that i am keeping tabs on them, i wont even think of saying this. SAARC do hold little importance and considering how things have progressed with other parties involved i will take this as a satisfactory situation we find our self in.

Simply put, not humiliated but should be sightly concerned and start working on getting these countries on board as well!
Wasnt the Pakistan only country to recognize Taliban rule in Afghanistan?

As soon as US stepped in Pakistan roped in greed for few dollars.
US senate has considered passing a bill to declare Pak a terror state. So much for allies. At the same time, while your US was raping the sovereignty , and killing your brethren on the name of collateral damage where was the idea for the equal partners. or was it part of the deal?

OK one example here. Your gov and your leaders are trying hard to campaign against India right now. And actually doing a good job around it.
when was the last time your government was doing so for the welfare for your people?
It is just the fear and boogey man of India which makes these people work.

well, most of the above mentioned part i have already answered above. Now coming to the nuclear infrastructure. US as well as so called world powers have been duplicit around it viz a viz with policies like NPT. Pakistan's nuclear tests were directed towards India as a knee jerk reaction. Where as India had a well calculated move around it securing its economy first. Diplomatically Pakistan lost on that front because as i said before, anti India sentiment. As a learned man, i do not need to tell you that Indian nuclear tests were not motivated by Pakistan.

Did i say India is a fairy land?
I never said that India aint poor. And india is poor but it is not because of bias for Pakistan. India is poor because of its own economic policies, corruption and fallacies.
Pakistan poverty can be summarized more with "we will eat grass but we will make atom bumb". It is a huge contributing factor for the poverty in Pakistan.

The whole Idea for the creation of Pakistan is based on "Hindus and Muslims cannot live together". If they did people will start questioning the existance of Pakistan. hence the reason you will find selective highlighting of communal tensions within India in pakistani media totally ignoring the fact that their are 1 billion people. For that matter of fact even muslims cannot live with muslims viz a viz Pakistan.

India Russia relationship was very different for US-Pakistan relationship
India was never fighting wars for Russia which was the whole difference. India never made the intelligence agencies of other countries run bezerk in our own land knowingly.

That is not about being unfaithful then being a "Yes Sir " country. Neither i advocate being "Yes Sir" country nor i advocate being unfaithful country. Pakistan on the other hand is either of two as per their diplomatic policies. In India's case it is either yes or no whatever suits our people.

Let me quote another example here just to make the discussion more juicy. Lets take example of CPEC. You would have known CPEC will change Pakistan blah blah. Now does any of those tv anchors tell you how? Apart from few jobs what is going to change? how the investment is going to come? All in all It will make Pakistan too much reliant on China, so much that if in future if China changes sides, Pakistan will be screwed. If you think long term, China is more aligned with Indian interests in long term viz a viz economy. Pakistan has totally ignored this equation. Its the same blind trust on the Chinese, which was once on the Americans. As far as India goes, we trust no one.

Hon Sir,

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was recognized by 3 countries that is, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan & UAE. Not Pakistan alone as you have stated.
Unfortunately for Pakistan, That veto button no longer works...

Well Sardar Ji was insisting and blaming all that to Pakistan, however, as the SAARC doesn't exist anymore the Veto button either has any value yet we did not left the SAARC :-)
It does look like that, given the levels of maturity of the administration of both Pakistan and India. And it will be a pity if SAARC comes to an end. In my opinion, with the wisdom born of hindsight, the original formation of the group was faulty; this was bound to happen.

Honourable Joe Shearer,

I agree with you that it is a pity that SAARC has come to this. Because India vs Pakistan debates get emotionally charged, few members of this forum care to critically analyse the issue.

Without doubt this boycott is India inspired but Indian gov’t is not stupid and the consequences of this action, that is dissolution of SAARC, must have been considered.

Whatever may have been the wishes of the leaders in 1985 when it was created; in my opinion political will to genuinely form a regional economic cooperation forum never existed. This is evident from:

South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) reached in 2004 which came into force in 2006 after being ratified by all the member countries; never really worked.

Pakistan never gave India MFN Status. Even though India ostensibly granted Pakistan MFN status, understand that there is so much red tape in the Indian Bureaucracy that at the ground level, the results amount to nothing, hence trade relations among the SAARC countries have not improved by much.

Intra-regional trade is still less than 5% of the trade volume of the SAARC countries. This is because despite MFN status, tariff barriers still remain high and the concept of ‘Sensitive list’ means that countries can regulate the trade by putting whatever commodities they desire in the sensitive list. Moreover in the 30 years since 1985, only 11 SAARC Summits took place which shows how little importance was given to SAARC at the political level.

India’s overwhelming superiority in terms of physical size as well as the economy, intimidates smaller member countries who feel insecure and fear India’s political ambitions for the regional dominance. The pursuit of keeping independent regional identity is an impediment in getting the countries to come together.

There are unresolved border & maritime issues and rivalry between India & Pakistan has always hovered heavily on SAARC meetings. Even though political disputes affect trade relations, such disputes cannot be discussed in the SAARC meetings.

Admittedly based upon 20/20 hindsight, I have come to the conclusion that in the long run, this event may turn out to be a good thing
Honourable Joe Shearer,

I agree with you that it is a pity that SAARC has come to this. Because India vs Pakistan debates get emotionally charged, few members of this forum care to critically analyse the issue.

Without doubt this boycott is India inspired but Indian gov’t is not stupid and the consequences of this action, that is dissolution of SAARC, must have been considered.

Whatever may have been the wishes of the leaders in 1985 when it was created; in my opinion political will to genuinely form a regional economic cooperation forum never existed. This is evident from:

South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) reached in 2004 which came into force in 2006 after being ratified by all the member countries; never really worked.

Pakistan never gave India MFN Status. Even though India ostensibly granted Pakistan MFN status, understand that there is so much red tape in the Indian Bureaucracy that at the ground level, the results amount to nothing, hence trade relations among the SAARC countries have not improved by much.

Intra-regional trade is still less than 5% of the trade volume of the SAARC countries. This is because despite MFN status, tariff barriers still remain high and the concept of ‘Sensitive list’ means that countries can regulate the trade by putting whatever commodities they desire in the sensitive list. Moreover in the 30 years since 1985, only 11 SAARC Summits took place which shows how little importance was given to SAARC at the political level.

India’s overwhelming superiority in terms of physical size as well as the economy, intimidates smaller member countries who feel insecure and fear India’s political ambitions for the regional dominance. The pursuit of keeping independent regional identity is an impediment in getting the countries to come together.

There are unresolved border & maritime issues and rivalry between India & Pakistan has always hovered heavily on SAARC meetings. Even though political disputes affect trade relations, such disputes cannot be discussed in the SAARC meetings.

Admittedly based upon 20/20 hindsight, I have come to the conclusion that in the long run, this event may turn out to be a good thing

Dear Sir,

As always, each and every line of your post is worth reading and re-reading. Instead of trying to respond to it immediately, please indulge me and let me read it at leisure. It is enough that even on preliminary reading, every aspect has been touched upon, and the essential weaknesses highlighted, as well as bringing to notice the benefits that might otherwise have accrued.

I can only remember Arnold on reading your post: "Others abide our question, Thou art free."

Thank you, Sir.
I agree with you that it is a pity that SAARC has come to this. Because India vs Pakistan debates get emotionally charged, few members of this forum care to critically analyse the issue.

So long as we think & act from our hearts we shall not get off the ground.

An Indo Pak hostility is something we have pretty much got accustomed to, I often wonder what other regional nations must think of us - two nations who have the technology to make Nukes but do not have the brains to make peace.
It has nothing to do with Bangladesh's internal issues but rather Hasina's hatred for Pakistan. In fact many other European nations raised concerns in regards of "International War crime Tribunal" and UN itself doesn't consider that 3 million people died in Bangladesh (you can be jailed if you ask for a recount of death tolls).

Ehh.. Those people convicted and executed are Bangladeshi's NOT Pakistani's, Bangladesh ceased to be any part of Pakistan in the 1970's.. Hasina's hatred for Pakistan has no relevance to what happened, Like i said what ever leverage Pakistan had on Bangladesh was lost unnecessarily to the detriment of Pakistan ironically not to the detriment of Hasina

Pakistan needs to be more prudent in it's diplomacy and power politics in the region.. If not it's going to loose out to India and that my friend is not a ideal situation for any other nation in South Asia.. Especially to those who were victims of Indian's hegemony in the past
So long as we think & act from our hearts we shall not get off the ground.

An Indo Pak hostility is something we have pretty much got accustomed to, I often wonder what other regional nations must think of us - two nations who have the technology to make Nukes but do not have the brains to make peace.

india is a nation of aggression, hegemony and interference on smaller neighbors. Peace is not indian interest.
You need to grow up, my friend. You don't understand how international relations work.

Do you know the reasons for Bangladesh pulling out of SAARC summit? If not, than try to figure this out first.
O bhai u sure are one dellusional dude if u think those lectures of legality, international laws, justice etc really matter, those statements are just for media pr, image building etc, satisfying public need for justification, every nation is dealt with according to its the economic and military might, so i say again grow up buddy, if ur looking for fairytales u sure are on the wrong planet, its the jungle law here, always have been, always will be...
Ehh.. Those people convicted and executed are Bangladeshi's NOT Pakistani's, Bangladesh ceased to be any part of Pakistan in the 1970'
These people were pardoned by the "Bangladeshi government" only to be executed by another one.

Hasina's hatred for Pakistan has no relevance to what happened, Like i said what ever leverage Pakistan had on Bangladesh was lost unnecessarily to the detriment of Pakistan ironically not to the detriment of Hasina
Have you ever heard Hasina speak? Every time she mentions Zia, she calls him a traitor (he led the army to liberation) and calls him a Pakistani agent. She definitely has hatred for Pakistan and Zia.

Also, Turkey pulled its ambassador and criticized the war crimes tribunal, and the execution of opposition leader, Hasina did nothing to harm relations with them.
These people were pardoned by the "Bangladeshi government" only to be executed by another one.

Again an internal matter for the sovereign nation of Bangladesh, Pakistan as nothing to do with it neither does it have impact on Pakistan either externally nor internally.. It was a totally short sighted unnecessary reaction by them, Which led to them loosing even what ever regional leverage they had

Also, Turkey pulled its ambassador and criticized the war crimes tribunal, and the execution of opposition leader, Hasina did nothing to harm relations with them.

Turkey has nothing to do with regional politics of South Asia, Erdogan was just clamoring to be seen as some kind of messiah to the Islamist's thats all.. In the other hand Pakistan has always been the counter weight to India in the region.. Most times against odds.. Loosing that influence due to foreign policy blunders is inexcusable.. Condescension from India towards it's smaller neighbors is expected, But not from Pakistn.. That's why despite few pro Indian govts atm vast majority of the people in those countries does not really consider India as an ally, Pakistan should not do the same mistake
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