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19th July 1947 - the day Kashmir decided to *JOIN* Pakistan

In 1948 Pashtuns of FATA with Pakistani troops invaded Kashmir and started plundering common household.

One among my Kashmiri friends told me that there was a widespread public anger in Kashmir valley in 1948 against Pakistan because of the indiscriminate plundering of the villages being done by them.
Tis our hatred for RAW that we will not. However, rest assured that an aircraft carrier is on its way to Sahar Road in Mumbai to pick you up

Aukad dekhi hai? Mumbai is a very expensive city your aircraft people can't afford even a breath in this city.
lol..the title "19th July 1947 - the day Kashmir decided to *JOIN* Pakistan" reminds me the way Chinese posters say they peacefully united Tibet.what is missing is the word "Peaceful"..nice going..distortion of history..
but a country called pakistan was born in 1971 after getting seperated from Bangladesh

According to 1940 plan, Bdsh was not supposed to be part of Pakistan. The 2 main founders of Pakistan i.e Sir M.A Jinnah & Allama.M. Iqbal also suggest Pakistan of Punjab, Afghania(Khyber Pakhtunkhawa & FATA), Kashmir(Azad Kashmir & Occupied Kashmir), Immigrant Muslims, Sindh, Balochis/G.BaltisTAN.
Failed Operation Gibraltar and declaration of fake victory as well as hault in impressive GDP growth rate.

Crushed indian invasion & dream of capturing Lahore.

And probably that's the exact reason why Pakistani people are dying on daily basis in the terrorist actions. Good going mate.:yahoo:

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Crushed indian invasion & dream of capturing Lahore.

That move was to make operation Gibraltar failed by putting more pressure on Pakistan and we succeeded a lot, why would we want Lahore when we ourselves gave up our claim over Lahore during partition. :cheesy: I saw in a Pakistan news channel that just before operation Gibraltar 1/4 of Pakistani soldiers were on leave.
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