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1984: Saudi F-15s shot down Iranian F-4 Phantom II's.

Any Idea, how much F-4's intruded in to Saudi airspace which deemed offensive and were ordered to be shot down? and was any kind of warning given to hostile aircraft to turn back before firing upon them?

Please note that this thread is only to be debated by informed audience, any trolls will be severely punished.

Best Regards.

Aeronaut must have been expecting you but since you cant read or understand what it says i will let him teach you.:yay:

:nana: :chilli: :yay:
This record is from Martain Baker website. In 1984 - 2 out of 3 Iranian F-4 Phantoms trying to bomb shipping routs/oil installations, were shot down by RSAF F-15s using AIM-120A AMRAAMs. The claim of 2 bougey kills is disputed by the Iranian Air force who also claim to attribute an F-15 kill to their F-4s. However i am providing two sources that confirm that 2 IRIAF F-4 Phantom IIs were shot down by the Saudi Air force F-15 Eagles.

Sorry but I thought that RSAF F-15 used sparrows to shoot down Iranian phantoms not AMRAAM. Since AMRAAM is operational since 1991. Correct me if I am wrong.
Service of F-15 with Saudi Arabia

On June 5, 1984, Eagles from No 6 Squadron were involved in an air battle with Iranian-piloted F-4E Phantoms which were threatening Saudi oil fields. Two of the intruders were shot down by Sparrows, marking the first (and so far only) encounter in which McDonnell-built aircraft fought each other.
One must wonder what the General who planned such a daring raid, and ended up sending F-4s up against the F-15Cs knowing that they will be destroyed, was even thinking or thinking at all.

Strange it might seems, but the intention from Iranian side is to attack the Shipping during the Iran-Iraq war. Both Bogey (by the way, you spell bogey wrong in your OP..Bougey is a disco move...) are planning to ambush the shipping entering/leaving Saudi Arabian Coast.

A news source (I can't remember which) claim the F-4 were jumped by the F-15C and their mission was to ground attack, otherwise F-14 would have ben use. Now, we don't really know if the Iranian Underestimate the combine Saudi/US ability to monitor the area or the Iranian don't even know US were involved in this, but the latter reason seems strange when you consider the information Iranian leak afterward, which is they suspect the Saudi F-15C were piloted by US instructor, it could even be the Iranian simply do not know the US E-3 are in the area operating.

The aerial combat is successful with the Saudi side only because the US is feeding them coordinate and refuelling their CAP. Iranian have more or less Crap Radar coverage and it is not surprising to know if they do not know E-3 are in the Area.

However, what I can say for certain is the JUMPING of their come as a surprise to the Iranian, as after the jumping allegedly occur, Iranian send up 11 more F-4 fighter and loitering the Saudi Border prompting the Saudi to send 11 F-15C in the air to get into stand off.
Great old LOU DRENDEL probably has drawn this event


Lovely art.
Other than Fighting with each other. I would like to ask that is Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan and Oman looking in to joining any EU or even US to develop Baisc, Intermediate and advance Jet trainers for their Air Forces along with 5th Generation Aircraft as well.
Other than Fighting with each other. I would like to ask that is Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan and Oman looking in to joining any EU or even US to develop Baisc, Intermediate and advance Jet trainers for their Air Forces along with 5th Generation Aircraft as well.

A totally Saudi designed Saudi helicopter first flight is planned for this year, I didn't want to say this too early but look forward to it.
Ḥashshāshīn;4508298 said:
Please edit the title. I thought this happened just now and nearly had a heart attack, knowing this could potentially start WW3.

I didn't realize Iran was such a super power that it can start WWIII, LOL!! If you guys weren't in such a close proximity to Saudi Arabia and Israel, I think today would be the third anniversary since the Iranian weapon sites were removed!
A totally Saudi designed Saudi helicopter first flight is planned for this year, I didn't want to say this too early but look forward to it.

Can show us some Pictures of it.

I think a total of 5 to 6 types would be needed for that; Like of:
AS550 Fennec
AW139/Black Hawk
AW101/Super Stallion

Such types of Helicopters are needed.

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