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1971 war crimes: Bangladesh set to hang JI leader

very unfortunate event . Jamat declare a gayebana janaza for qader mulla where the police charge baton which ultimately start the vandalism . i condemn vandalizing general people vehicle whatever situation . they should keep them cool minded in this critical situation.

Really Jammat must not become the enemy of public by vandalizing public property, their enemy are Awami league and Police league, not innocent people in the street.

Here is matter is BAL is extremely unpopular now, so even after such destruction today by jammat, jamat wont be more unpopular than BAL now, I think. Most of the people want riddance from BAL.
So Kader Molla is agreeing that its the decision of Allah.

Yea, nothing happens without the will of Allah but If Kader Molla wanted to mean that raping and slaughtering will reach him to martyrdom in hereafter then best of luck for his martyrdom. May Allah give him this 'special' martyrdom.
Has anyone ever told you that you are a tad bit too paranoid?

My only issue with the tribunal was that why was it made "international". Why should the international community along with the United Nations question its validity in the first place? What? Did a "Zionist" organization developed a sudden love for Islamists like Jamaat? What's so special about Jamaat or Bangladesh? Nothing. It should have never happened.

My concern is how damaging this can be to Bangladesh. Bangladesh would significantly reduce its credibility in the international community. There are many issues that Bangladesh can face, and those would require cooperation from them. No one can do things all alone. It's okay to be proud of one's country, but the way the conducted the tribunal and how they responded to concerns is the hallmark of arrogance.

Bangladeshi communities abroad do not have the strength to place and lobby for Bangladesh's interests.

Since the establishment of democracy, it was thought that Bangladesh would move forward. What we are doing now is going backward, and increasingly isolated. And hence, my earlier comment on
how silly little Bangladeshis in Bangladesh are making such a huge issue about a bunch of old men and a few measly sums of money with no idea as of the consequences.

Have anyone told you you are embarking on breaking forum rule? Instead of making personal attack, argue against the statement I have made.

You could NOT present any valid argument for your earlier statement. You are blaming "silly little Bangladeshis" who are protesting injustice instead of blaming perpetrators of Injustice, who hijacked justice systems, gagged media and shut down avenue to exercise peoples right. This is immoral to core. Your comments "issue about a bunch of old men" perfectly fit elitist mold but Bangladeshi mass are poor and don't see or accept elitist view.

very unfortunate event . Jamat declare a gayebana janaza for qader mulla where the police charge baton which ultimately start the vandalism . i condemn vandalizing general people vehicle whatever situation . they should keep them cool minded in this critical situation.

Why police prevented them from janaza, according to what right? Moreover, police beaten them. But your concern is not police and Awami League brutality and violation of rights but public response by Jamaat. Good luck selling that to Bangladeshi people in the street other than to some elitist who are concern about their comfort zone.
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Really Jammat must not become the enemy of public by vandalizing public property, their enemy are Awami league and Police league, not innocent people in the street.

Here is matter is BAL is extremely unpopular now, so even after such destruction today by jammat, jamat wont be more unpopular than BAL now, I think. Most of the people want riddance from BAL.

We have a chetona rich media now. SO make your own conclusions abt these reported tandobs.:enjoy:
Unfair trial and execution of JI secretary General

Al jazeera report

Taped phone calls of the judges

Media reports

So Kader Molla is agreeing that its the decision of Allah.

Yea, nothing happens without the will of Allah but If Kader Molla wanted to mean that raping and slaughtering will reach him to martyrdom in hereafter then best of luck for his martyrdom. May Allah give him this 'special' martyrdom.
Allah is so cruel. A rapist , killer like Qader Mollah will not have any punishment in grave? what? Shahbagis need to gather in shahbag and protest against it.

Abdullah ibn `Amr (may Allah be pleased with
him): There is no Muslim passes away on Friday
or on Thursday night but Allah will save them
from the trial of the grave." Narrated by al-
Tirmidhi, 1074
Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas
(Radhiallaahu Anhu) reports that Rasulullah
(Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘Whoever
passes away on Friday will be saved from the
punishment of the grave.’ (Musnad Ahmad vol.2
pg.220; Hadith7050, 6646)
Bangladeshi Janazahs are extremely large.....the whole country will come down when they hear there's jazanah. Look at fultali sahib his funeral the attendees were at least 2 million. Michael jackson won't get that figure
Bangladeshi Janazahs are extremely large.....the whole country will come down when they hear there's jazanah. Look at fultali sahib his funeral the attendees were at least 2 million. Michael jackson won't get that figure
i was talking about common people not famous moulana.
Erdoğan calls execution of Bangladeshi opposition leader a ‘historic mistake'


Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan speaks at an event in the western province of İzmir on Friday. (Photo: İHA)
13 December 2013 /İSTANBUL, TODAY'S ZAMAN
The Turkish prime minister has condemned the execution of an opposition leader in Bangladesh, calling it a mistake that “history will not forgive.”

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said he had a telephone conversation with his Bangladeshi counterpart, Sheikh Hasina, just hours before the execution but that the Bangladeshi authorities executed Abdul Quader Mollah despite his call.

Abdul Quader Mollah, convicted of committing war crimes during the country's 1971 war of independence from Pakistan, was executed on Thursday just hours after the country's Supreme Court rejected his last-minute appeal.

Mollah's Jamaat-e-Islami party, which is barred from competing in elections but plays a key role in the opposition movement led by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), immediately called a nationwide general strike for Sunday. However, others gathered at a major intersection in Dhaka to celebrate the execution, saying it delivered justice for crimes committed four decades ago.

Concerned over the escalation of violence and the emergence of instability in the country, Turkey had undertaken diplomatic efforts to prevent the execution of the leader.

Erdoğan urged his Bangladeshi counterpart to halt the execution on Thursday, hours after the Supreme Court had cleared the way for the execution of Mollah.

He expressed his regret over the death of Mollah to a crowd of supporters in the Aegean province of İzmir on Friday. He said there are nearly 300 cases similar to that of Mollah stemming from the independence war and spoke about the necessity of putting an end such political cases.

“I want to stress in particular that these kinds of investigations, based on emotions, should end and that everyone expects the realization of justice,” Erdoğan said.

He also called on the Bangladeshi people not to “abandon the political fight.”

“Because withdrawal means leaving the square [battle] to other powers and one needs not to tire of the struggle for democracy,” Erdoğan added.

Meanwhile, Ankara strongly condemned the execution Mollah despite international outcry against the move and said it is concerned that the execution will escalate the already high tension in the country.

Davutoğlu also spoke with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal, US Secretary of State John Kerry and British Foreign Secretary William Hague in an effort to prevent the execution of the opposition leader and to discuss ways to help maintain stability in Bangladesh.

Ankara issued a statement strongly condemning the execution soon after it happened.

“The execution of the death penalty sentence given to one of the leaders of Jamaat-e-Islami, Abdul Quader Mollah, despite all concerns and suggestions voiced by the international community, including our prime minister, has led to a grave sadness and indignation. We harshly condemn this execution; may God have mercy upon him,” said the statement.

Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ offered Turkey's first reaction. He said: “Justice, human rights and the law have been trampled. History will never remember well those who executed Mollah or had the chance to prevent his execution but did not, just as how Turkey does not remember well those who executed former Prime Minister Adnan Menderes, former Foreign Minister Fatin Rüştü Zorlu and former Finance Minister Hasan Polatkan [who were executed following the May 27, 1960 military coup].”

Recalling a letter sent by Turkish President Abdullah Gül to Bangladeshi President Zillur Rahman, Ankara's statement said that Turkey made all diplomatic efforts at the international level to prevent the execution. Last year, Gül had sent a letter to Rahman asking for “clemency” for the five defendants charged with war crimes, including Mollah, at Bangladesh's International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) for the “sake of peace in society.”

“Turkey believes that wounds of the past cannot be healed and social consensus cannot be reached this way. We are concerned that the execution of the penalty and continuation of actions with this mentality will lead to further escalation of the tension in Bangladesh,” added Ankara's statement, saying that Turkey will continue to support the people of Bangladesh and wishes for a peaceful end to these critical times in their country.

Mollah's execution was the first ordered by the special tribunal formed by Prime Minister Hasina in 2010 to judge cases of people suspected of crimes committed during the war of independence.

Erdoğan calls execution of Bangladeshi opposition leader a ‘historic mistake' - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news
I think this is the only execution for BD war crimes. Others will be free very soon once BNP-Jamaat in power next year.

I think more than Pak army the Razakars did maximum massacres.

Yes, civilian helpers did "maximum massacres" "more than [west]Pak army" themselves because you cannot work your deceiving juddhyaparadhi persecution on Pak army before having your head injected with bullets, that's why you pick on the defenceless elderly politicians to shed your anti-muslim/anti-two-nation-theory anxiety. and moreover the 'Pak army' is not going to contest in the elections, that's why they did Minimum Massacres Less than the razakars. nice and convenient
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Why are people still talking for AL? It was all for a dirty judge promotion, that should tell you everything about this so called war crimes tribunals. Quader Mollah wasn't scared of death.

“I have been your guardian. If this government kills me unjustly, then that will be a death of martyrdom. After my martyrdom, Allah the Almighty will be your guardian. He is the best of guardians. So you have no reason to worry.
I am totally innocent. They are killing me only because of my involvement with the Islamic movement. Not everyone isfortunate enough to have a death of martyrdom. Whoever is blessed with martyrdom by Allah is indeed a fortunate person. If I receive the martyrdom then that will be the greatest achievement of my life. Every single drop of my blood will speed up the advance of the Islamic movement and will cause the destruction of the oppressor.

I am not worried about myself. I am concerned about the future of the country and the Islamic movement. To the best of my knowledge, I have never done anything wrong. I have dedicated my whole life to the Islamic movement for the salvation of my people of Bangladesh. I have never bowed down to injustice, and will never do so in the future. It is out of question to seek forgiveness/clemency to any worldly person. ~
Allah is the owner of the life. Only Allah will decide how I would die. My death will not happen according to the decision of any other person. The time and the manner of my death will happen only according the decision of Allah. So, I will accept the decision from Allah happily.
You must observe patience. Only through patience and tolerance you will achieve the victory promised by Allah. Not this world, but the hereafter is my goal. I request to the countrymen for prayers for the acceptance of my martyrdom by Allah. I give the countrymen my Salam.”

where did you get this? made me emotional. true sher!!
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