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1971 war a RAW success?

No you need to post the relevant section which says there were 30000 troops present in East Pakistan. I don't know what they teach you in us schools, but all declassified us documents are available online, you just need to post the link, else people would assume you are lying, which you are anyway, as everyone knows that there were 90000 pows.

Yeah those links should be available online and when I find it I will surely post it. And why do I need to lie? I don't gain anything from it, I'm not pro Pakistani. I don't find any benefit in lying; as I said earlier if I am wrong I will admit it, I'm not ashamed of admitting if I'm wrong.

In US schools we are taught to question everything. We are taught how to think and NOT what to think, which is very common in other parts of the world.
Thanks, this forum is very interesting, because it brings different views of the subcontinent, especially our fellow Indians who seem to show a lot antagonism, but they make the discussion interesting regardless of the insults they throw at me.

Any University in USA the students are not allowed to reference Wikipedia because the facts can be changed. You can easily change the facts that's why if you want to have legitimacy you should source it from somewhere else. Over here the US State Department Declassified documents available of what happen...they are available in US libraries. Some of them are notes from the US embassy in East Pakistan during the war. As for a new investigation, it's not going to happen unless there is a neutral source to investigate bcz Indians have their story, Pakistanis have their stories, and Bangladeshis as the victims have their stories. Rahman's report is flawed because it doesn't correlate with the interviews I've done with Pakistanis here in USA who lived in East Pakistan and they do not acknowledge 90,000 soldiers during that era. The report by Pakistani chief justice is not as genuine as you think. Just because it's in Wikipedia doesn't mean it's 100% true. I can write an article from lies and Wikipedia will publish it. I can go to Wikipedia's main office in California and bribe them to allow lies to be published and it's that easy. His report was based in several books that depicted hrc report but even in those books I researched in, there are missing information. As for my side I was referring to the other Rahman's report which shows what really happened during that time. But as always history is written by those who survived to write it.

As for the khalifah...it's the only solution left. People turn To everything but the khalifah and everything else fails. Of course, anti- Muslims and 'secularists' will definitely go against it because the khalifah system looks out for the poor. In the khalifah system the richest of the rich in society must contribute to the poor and there is no way out.

I was a Bangladeshi nationalist before but then I just stayed as a patriot because as I found out more about Bangladesh's history and I see that India's role in our country's independence is totally different than what we see in the main stream atmosphere. Sheik Mujibur Rahman was a great civil rights leader and he deserves respect. Unfortunately the Awami League leadership of today doesn't even compare to his nobility. Unfortunately our nation's father was not a good prime minister as he practiced nepotism. Corruption seeded to his heart as well as his family unfortunately. One question is where did Mujibur Rahman get the money to send his daughters to Europe, Hasina and Rahana? If it wasn't from the treasury then where? Unanswered questions like those is the reason I am no longer a nationalists, just a patriot.
you can go to wiki office and bribe them .. EPIC
But I guess common sense is very uncommon in your place.
I saw that stamp long time ago, it still doesn't change anything. You can't just believe everything you hear or see, you have to think.

Can you please summarize your findings in a few lines ?
Yes you are right Pakistani official war commission lied and exaggerated the numbers of POWs to make their defeat more shameful. Also Pakistan bribed Amnesty which was taking care of POW and UN which observed the whole process of returning POWS to Pakistan, not to oppose Paksiatni lie.

Well it's BD forum after all! :lol:
Can you please summarize your findings in a few lines ?
what I'm saying is these 90,000 are not all soldiers but civilians also. There's more to what you see in the mainstream. People who were not in uniform were left stranded in the new Bangladesh, and the evidence are the Biharis of Bangladesh. The Mukti Bahini attacked any Urdu speaker who were not in uniform after the war was over because the Indian army protected the 'uniformed' soldiers under international context. Indian army even let the captured Pakistani solders keep their pistols bcz they could not guarantee their safety from the angered Mukti Bahini.
what I'm saying is these 90,000 are not all soldiers but civilians also. There's more to what you see in the mainstream. People who were not in uniform were left stranded in the new Bangladesh, and the evidence are the Biharis of Bangladesh. The Mukti Bahini attacked any Urdu speaker who were not in uniform after the war was over because the Indian army protected the 'uniformed' soldiers under international context. Indian army even let the captured Pakistani solders keep their pistols bcz they could not guarantee their safety from the angered Mukti Bahini.

Well Chum that's not what you said initially, did you? Let me help you to recap.

In my research, I found a leaked information from a British General who was in India at that time,in one of his statements, saying that the Indian Army trained 80,000 or more Indian Jawans as Pakistani soldiers to exacerbate the Bengali hatred toward Pakistanis. These 80,000 Indian solders had unlimited resources to kill Bengalis. And the Mukti Bahini, without knowledge, gave the Indian forces intel of where is what in East Pakistan and where are unarmed civilians, because West Pakistani soldiers and the Indian soldiers do not know the Bengal area as well as the native Bengalis.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangladesh-defence/192268-1971-war-raw-success-18.html#ixzz20o88KDY3

Usual garbage coming from Jamati mouth piece and to make it sound authentic you quoted a British general's statement which you are unable to back up! Heck Crihstiana Parmer is more authentic.

And then you churned out some random number off your rear end. So I decided to correct you based on HRC report.

I found Shocking facts about the 1971 liberation war. First there was less than 30,000 Urdu speaking West Pakistani soldiers in East Pakistan while the rest of the 90,000 Urdu speakers were civilian

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangladesh-defence/192268-1971-war-raw-success-18.html#ixzz20o910kF8

The actual number of Pakistani forces at the end of the war, and taken POW by the Indians, was 90,368, including over 54,000 army and 22,000 paramilitary forces. It is not unreasonable to conclude that a force of 90,000 could kill between 200,000 to 400,000 women in the space of nine months. To rape 200,000 Bangladeshi women a Pakistani force of 90,000 would have to rape 2 to 3 women each in nine months. Not only is this scale of atrocity possible by an army engaged in a systematic campaign of genocide, it also has parallels in other modern conflicts (for example, the rape of between 250,000 to 500,000 women in Rwanda within 100 days).

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangladesh-defence/192268-1971-war-raw-success-19.html#ixzz20o9zk4JF

But you have no idea what HRC is and googled a random Hamidur who was long dead before the war! :lol:

My advice to you, do bit of research, I know you have one 5 years of research on the subject, but this time do it seriously.
hahahaha.....i gotta say u indians think anything that makes Pakistan look bad is the truth...this BJFP guy is actually on to something...those 90,000 soldiers included Al-Badr and Al-Shams, razakars, and civilians...there is this controversial book by Sarmila Bose, who is a Senior Research Fellow in the Poltics of South Asia at the University of Oxford...shes a Harvard University graduate. Bose "questioned" everything and thats why its contraversial....i dint understand why cant we question what happened....

and 9/11 done by Muslims hahahahah....u Indians need to get out of ur "online pyar" and please get a life...its Ramadan so Im trying to be nice. we have govenor jesse ventura who also said that his government is hiding smth....keep in mind Governor Ventura is head of a state of he US so he's up there...

im gonna keep it real...ya'll Indians think ur intellectually superior with ur hot shot flag and 5,000 thanks...hahahah...man oh man...ya'll are funny when u get serious no wonder ur channels are doing well in BD
Well Chum that's not what you said initially, did you? Let me help you to recap.

Usual garbage coming from Jamati mouth piece and to make it sound authentic you quoted a British general's statement which you are unable to back up! Heck Crihstiana Parmer is more authentic.

And then you churned out some random number off your rear end. So I decided to correct you based on HRC report.

But you have no idea what HRC is and googled a random Hamidur who was long dead before the war! :lol:

My advice to you, do bit of research, I know you have one 5 years of research on the subject, but this time do it seriously.

This BJFP actually has a degree from an American Institution...what u got 5000+ thanks...lmao! i gotta give mad props to this BJFP guy cz he hasnt thrown any insults at u...and bcz he hasnt insulted u he shows more legitimacy in his argument and it looks like he was telling the truth bcz Sarmilla Bose...Im guessing shes Hindu since her last name is Bose published 'Dead Reckoning' which exposes the over hyped up numbers that u Indians admire...and Sarmila Bose is American educated and her book is backed my American research and shes of Indian origin...so that means people actually give a crap bcz shes from ur country so shes not biased...

90,000 soldiers...hahaha...if there were that many Pakistani soldiers in Bangladesh then I dont think i wouldve been born cz those soldiers would've killed my entire family

So "LaBong" if u insult this Bangladesh subforum so much then why do u actually give a crap about what these Bangladeshis say and why do post ur corny opinions which...no one really gives a crap..and its not bcz ur Indian, bcz Indians are generally smart peepz, but its bcz u got 5,000+ thanks in 2 years so im guessing u got no girlfriend and no life..ur love for this forum and ur portrayal if ur self as a hypothetical 'smart' person is... so PATHIC. soooo who uses Wikipedia as a reference for some crappy truth that us American Desis know arent true..ur Indian homeboys on this forum backs u up not bcz ur smart they back u up cz itll make them look bad if they don't back up lies that makes Pakistan or Bangladesh look bad

You call anyone who questions the lies of mainstream Jamati...hahaha...the only reason you say that cz ur from sitting in ur lil computer in India cz u got no life...in real life u wouldnt dare say all that in front of us Muslims...and yeah Im Pathan too from Bangladesh..BANGLADESH ZINDABAD niggaaa!
what I'm saying is these 90,000 are not all soldiers but civilians also. There's more to what you see in the mainstream. People who were not in uniform were left stranded in the new Bangladesh, and the evidence are the Biharis of Bangladesh. The Mukti Bahini attacked any Urdu speaker who were not in uniform after the war was over because the Indian army protected the 'uniformed' soldiers under international context. Indian army even let the captured Pakistani solders keep their pistols bcz they could not guarantee their safety from the angered Mukti Bahini.

Do not try to propagate lies. The western media and the whole world witnessed the number and there are records about it. Those 90000 soldiers surrendered because of confusion in the pakistan military leadership and poor logistics.
Donot post Razakar's version of events, Since they lost the war shamefully they will find it difficult to digest and propagate lies.
Do not try to propagate lies. The western media and the whole world witnessed the number and there are records about it.

Since you guys are so into this Google Sarmila Bose and her book 'Dead Reckoning'..she interviewed Bangladeshis and Pakistanis for their experiences from 1971...oh yeah she's an Indian Hindu
Do not try to propagate lies. The western media and the whole world witnessed the number and there are records about it. Those 90000 soldiers surrendered because of confusion in the pakistan military leadership and poor logistics.
Donot post Razakar's version of events, Since they lost the war shamefully they will find it difficult to digest and propagate lies.

How is Sarmila Bose a razakar when she was born in America and raised in America..she's highly educated...and no she doesn't Wikipedia everything like you and ur homeboys...she's an educated scholar who has legitimacy in her position.

I swear you people are blinded by hatred for Pakistan that you can't think straight.

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