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1971 war a RAW success?

I wasn't talking about the chief justice I was talking about Hamoodur Rahman who fought in the war. Also, you expect me to rely on a Wikipedia source? Lol...are you serious???? You just lost your legitimacy...please don't reply to me anymore. You want the truth go to a library and base your arguments on unmodified documents where people cannot modify facts.

Hello my History, Science, Medical, Chemistry(which is not Science as Science has already been mentioned) and what not majors, HRC commission was official inquiry commission which was set up by Julfiqure Bhutto after the war. It was named after Chief Justice Hamidur Rahaman Khan who presided the commission.
No dear, there has been some 'street talk' over the many years in regards as to what exactly happened back in 71'. I won't say the names.

I am not denying that the Pakistanis have committed grievous human rights abuses on Bengalis, and those grievances were very real.

There are still many questions unanswered. And yet, the AL still misuses the past to suit its ideals. I can feel that there is something terribly wrong here. And if you had any knowledge and experience on the matter, I'm sure you'd feel it.

It's not idiocy galore, it's called freedom of thought rather than following the masses like a freaking zombie.

I'm not sure what you are blabbering about? You said some AL folks said that India was behind the killings, I humbly asked the name. Give me the names and you are done here. How is freedom of thought is related as yours was a claim not a thought, unless you mean to say that you were exercising your fertile imagination!
I'm not sure what you are blabbering about? You said some AL folks said that India was behind the killings, I humbly asked the name. Give me the names and you are done here. How is freedom of thought is related as yours was a claim not a thought, unless you mean to say that you were exercising your fertile imagination!

Nope, just an observation.
Hello my History, Science, Medical, Chemistry(which is not Science as Science has already been mentioned) and what not majors, HRC commission was official inquiry commission which was set up by Julfiqure Bhutto after the war. It was named after Chief Justice Hamidur Rahaman Khan who presided the commission.

Lol...ur making fun of my background because you live in India so I'm guessing you don't know. Education system in USA is very different unlike India. If you went to school in America then you would understand. As for the report I wasn't talking about that one specifically, so we're on two different subjects.
It doesn't matter which school you went to or how Pathanish(sic) you are, here you will be weighed based on the merit of your arguments, or lack thereof. Anyone who claims to have researched 5 years on BD-PAK war and have no idea of what HRC commission is, shouldn't be taken seriously.

But then again, none takes BD sub-forum dwellers seriously, so you have leeway there.
Bjf p or luf fy it rhymes or what !
Luffy was banned and here comes bjfp with american education(?)and same hatred against india ..coincidence !!
It doesn't matter which school you went to or how Pathanish(sic) you are, here you will be weighed based on the merit of your arguments, or lack thereof. Anyone who claims to have researched 5 years on BD-PAK war and have no idea of what HRC commission is, shouldn't be taken seriously.

But then again, none takes BD sub-forum dwellers seriously, so you have leeway there.

Wow, I never expected so much hostility from you guys but I guess that's how you guys are. And yes I did go over that report, as a matter of fact several books i read is based on the information from that report. But as always there are some missing information, and in several other books they said number is not cnfirmed by international academia. One of them is Cambridge's encyclopedia of South Asia...but either way "none takes BD sub-forum dwellers seriously"....did you say that because BD Army isn't as strong as India's army?

Bjf p or luf fy it rhymes or what !
Luffy was banned and here comes bjfp with american education(?)and same hatred against india ..coincidence !!

First of all I don't know any luffy, I stumbled upon this site accidentally from Google. Also, I have no hatred against India...I got insulted numerous times by Indian forum users but in none of my post have I insulted them back. See that's the difference of being raised in America and elsewhere, we grew up without letting our emotions get the best of us. If the admin wants he can verify it.

But Im curious, do you Indians look down upon us Bangladeshis because of the Bangladesh's military strength?
And yes I did go over that report, as a matter of fact several books i read is based on the information from that report. But as always there are some missing information, and in several other books they said number is not cnfirmed by international academia. One of them is Cambridge's encyclopedia of South Asia.

Once again, you proved that you have no idea of what you are talking about. :)
Once again, you proved that you have no idea of what you are talking about. :)

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Believe what you want, you are entitled to your opinion. I don't need to prove myself anymore than I already have.
I wasn't talking about the chief justice I was talking about Hamoodur Rahman who fought in the war. Also, you expect me to rely on a Wikipedia source? Lol...are you serious???? You just lost your legitimacy...please don't reply to me anymore. You want the truth go to a library and base your arguments on unmodified documents where people cannot modify facts.

So, when did justice Hamoodur Rahman died. :blink:
Most of the peoples' feeling about BD in India, is more of "INDIFFERENCE" rather than "HATRED". :whistle:

One of the harsh realities of our time, instead of going along, spreading hate on forums and this is done on both sides of the borders.:coffee:

There are concrete reasons Bangladeshi hate indian, what is the reason there for indian to hate Bangladeshi?

There's no such thing going along with india, that would be going slave with india.
There are concrete reasons Bangladeshi hate indian, what is the reason there for indian to hate Bangladeshi?

There's no such thing going along with india, that would be going slave with india.
You didn't understand the first line. Where did I say India hates BD. I said they are "Indifferent". There are far more complex and critical things to be taken care of rather than wasting time on hating BD. So we just maintain diplomatic relations and professional exchanges.

Look the challenges India is facing, do you really think we spend considerable time about BD, we just don't want BD to be good ally of China and transit corridor. Also BD is new destination for investment for Indian companies.
There are concrete reasons Bangladeshi hate indian, what is the reason there for indian to hate Bangladeshi?

Illegal migrates :tdown:

There's no such thing going along with india, that would be going slave with india.
But according to BD members your gov is Indian dalal ???? ;)

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