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1962 would have been different had IAF been in the offence: ACM

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Actuallt we tied with USA in 1950, and Taliban win a strike but losing a general war. You are an typical hubris Indian, who know **** about the battle power of PLA. Dont piss in your pant when you get engaged in a war with us. If you got captured, we will return the rifle with the bolts removed just as we didi in 1962. That will save your money from buying new one.

Be more specific..
Indians in general do not hate China, if it's your perception reading this forum then you can see all the stuff being discussed attracts lots of jingos from all sides. So you get a disproportionate view of Indian sentiments.

And about the thread, I seriously believe that IAF intervention would have altered little of the actual outcome. The AP region is mountainous and densely forested. Spotting and hitting targets in such environment would have been nightmarishly difficult for IAF with the then technology available.
We are here for serious and communication, not for high-up.
1962 was not not a war but conflict. India did not use its superior Navy and Airforce. Chinese got us by number in huge margin and specially unguarded. Following that everything hanged.

There is only one way to end 1000-year indian inferiority complex and, its modern mutation, irrational jealousy & hatred of india's non-hindu neighbors :devil:

People say heaven and hell, is there in the earth itself. You are the people live in hell, along with few others like AUz. We pity your hateful life. :)
The airforce could have some advantage over more experienced PLAAF, considering the fact PLAAF would faced same problems it faces even today with respect to India.

Tibet being at an elevation of 4000 m above sea level and operating aircraft at such altitude would mean lesser take off weight
i.e lesser fuel and lesser armaments, i.e lesser radius of operation.

The above dificulties of PLAAF could have been exploited. However India seem to have no proper SAMs to protect her cities from PLAAF , consider we didn't purchase any decent SAMs from 1950-1961

Transfers of major conventional weapons: sorted by supplier. Deals with deliveries or orders made for year range 1950 to 1961
Note: The &#8216;No. delivered/produced&#8217; and the &#8216;Year(s) of deliveries&#8217; columns refer to all deliveries since the beginning of the contract. Deals in which the recipient was involved in the production of the weapon system are listed separately. The &#8216;Comments&#8217; column includes publicly reported information on the value of the deal. Information on the sources and methods used in the collection of the data, and explanations of the conventions, abbreviations and acronyms, can be found at URL <http://www.sipri.org/contents/armstrad/at_data.html>. The SIPRI Arms Transfers Database is continuously updated as new information becomes available.
Source: SIPRI Arms Transfers Database
Information generated: 06 October 2012

Supplier/ Year Year(s) No.
recipient (R) No. Weapon Weapon of order/ of delivered/
or licenser (L) ordered designation description licence deliveries produced Comments

R: India 26 DHC-3 Otter Light transport ac 1956 1956-1958 (26)

R: India 1 Aero-45 Light aircraft 1955 1955 1 Aid; Super Aero-45S version

R: India 33 MD-450 Ouragan FGA aircraft (1953) 1954 (33) Ex-French (but maximum only used 1-2 years by France); Indian designation Toofani
71 MD-450 Ouragan FGA aircraft 1953 1953 71 Indian designation Toofani
164 AMX-13/75 Light tank (1956) 1957-1958 (164)
110 Mystere-4 Fighter aircraft (1956) 1957-1958 (110)
(12) Alizé ASW aircraft (1959) 1961 (12) For use on aircraft carrier

R: India 3 EWP Destroyer (1948) 1950 3 Ex-UK; R version; Indian designation Rana
(120) FV-1611 APV (1948) 1950 (120) Ex-UK
20 Dove Light transport ac (1949) 1950-1951 (20) For VIP transport
(160) 5.5in Gun Mk-3 Towed gun (1950) 1951-1954 (160) Ex-UK
5 Firefly FR-5 FGA aircraft (1952) 1953 5 Ex-UK
3 Hunt Frigate (1952) 1953 3 Ex-UK; Hunt-2 version; Indian designation Godavari
10 Sealand Light transport ac 1952 1953 10
17 Vampire NF-10 Fighter aircraft (1952) 1953 17 Vampire NF-54 version
104 Nene Turbojet 1953 1953-1954 (104) For 104 MD-450 Ouragan combat aircraft from France; incl Nene-105 version; from French production line
3 Blackwood Frigate 1954 1958-1959 3 Indian designation Khukri
1 Colony Cruiser 1954 1957 1 Ex-UK; modernized before delivery; Indian designation Mysore
2 Ham Minesweeper (1954) 1955 2
3 Leopard/Type-41 Frigate 1954 1958-1960 3 Indian designation Brahmaputra
35 Auster AOP Light aircraft 1955 1955-1956 35 AOP-9 version
120 Centurion-3 Tank (1955) 1956 (120)
(16) Centurion ARV ARV (1955) 1957 (16)
(50) Ferret APV (1955) 1956-1957 (50) For police
(100) Centurion-3 Tank (1956) 1957 (100) Centurion-7 version
4 Ton Minesweeper (1956) 1956 4
2 Whitby/Type-12 Frigate 1956 1959-1960 2 Indian designation Talwar
66 Canberra B(I)-8 Bomber aircraft 1957 1957-1959 (66) Canberra B(I)-58 version
8 Canberra PR-7 Reconnaissance ac 1957 1958-1959 (8) Canberra PR-57 version
6 Canberra T-4 Trainer aircraft 1957 1957-1958 (6) Canberra T-54 version
5 Firefly FR-5 FGA aircraft (1957) 1958 5 Ex-UK
160 Hunter Fighter aircraft 1957 1957-1961 (160) Hunter F-56 version; incl 48 originally produced for UK and sold to India for fast delivery
1 Mod. Majestic Aircraft carrier 1957 1961 1 Originally ordered by UK in WW-2 but cancelled and later completed for India; Indian designation Vikrant
12 Vampire NF-10 Fighter aircraft 1957 1957 12 Ex-UK
22 Hunter Fighter aircraft 1958 1959-1961 (22) Hunter T-66 trainer version
(12) Dart Turboprop (1959) 1961 (12) For 12 Aliz ASW aircraft from France
14 Sea Hawk FGA-6 Fighter aircraft 1959 1961 14 For use on aircraft carrier
9 Sea Hawk FGA-6 Fighter aircraft 1959 1960 9 Ex-UK; modernized before delivery; for use on aircraft carrier
5 Canberra B(I)-8 Bomber aircraft (1960) 1961 (5) Canberra B(I)-58 version
2 Canberra PR-7 Reconnaissance ac (1960) 1961 (2) Canberra PR-57 version

L: India 333 Vampire FB-5 Fighter aircraft 1950 1950-1959 (333) Incl 281 produced in India; Vampire FB-52 version
62 Vampire T-55 Trainer aircraft 1950 1950-1960 (62) Incl 60 produced in India
(144) Gnat Fighter aircraft 1956 1957-1966 (144) Most produced in India; Gnat Mk-1 version
(43) HS-748 Transport aircraft 1959 1961-1973 (43) 4 assembled from kits and 39 produced in India

R: India (200) M-4 Sherman Tank (1951) 1952 (200) Ex-US; $19 m deal
(5) T-6 Texan Trainer aircraft (1951) 1951 (5) Ex-US; probably modernized to T-6G before delivery
6 S-55/H-19 Chickasaw Helicopter (1952) 1954 6 S-55C version
26 C-119G Packet Transport aircraft (1954) 1954-1955 26 'MDAP' aid
(30) T-6 Texan Trainer aircraft (1955) 1956 (30) Ex-US; T-6G version
4 Bell-47/OH-13 Light helicopter (1956) 1957 4 Bell-47G-2 version
2 S-55/H-19 Chickasaw Helicopter (1956) 1957 2
12 Bell-47/OH-13 Light helicopter (1960) 1961-1962 12
(28) C-119G Packet Transport aircraft (1960) 1961 (28) Ex-US
2 S-62A Helicopter 1960 1960 2 For evaluation and VIP transport

R: India 1 Il-14/Crate Transport aircraft 1955 1955 1 Aid
1 Il-14/Crate Transport aircraft 1956 1956 1 Aid
8 An-12/Cub Transport aircraft 1960 1961 8
(500) M-160 160mm Mortar (1960) 1961-1965 (500)
33 Mi-4A/Hound-A Helicopter (1960) 1961 (33) Planned licensed production cancelled and French SA-316B ordered instead
(10) P-12/Spoon Rest Air search radar (1960) 1961-1970 (10)
(10) P-15/Flat Face-A Air search radar (1960) 1961-1970 (10)
24 Il-14/Crate Transport aircraft 1961 1961-1962 (24)

1962 was not not a war but conflict. India did not use its superior Navy and Airforce. Chinese got us by number in huge margin and specially unguarded. Following that everything hanged.

People say heaven and hell, is there in the earth itself. You are the people live in hell, along with few others like AUz. We pity your hateful life. :)

not just that, they could win the war only by backstabbing . that is why they never were able to control taiwan , because taiwanese never trusted chinese. we did and the result was there.

and if the mighty chinese are so puffed up, better they should look in their own backyard where japan is taking full control of that disputed island, lets see how u beat a tiny country .
lot many things would have been better india had PMs were from south.North indian PMs are just spineless like earthworms wallowing in mud.
calm down. We are nowhere near China an terms of development, be it social or in infrastructure. Their political system might be corrupt but our political system is not in a position to thump our chest like a gorilla.

The bold part gives me satisfaction and warm feelings. Do you have a authenticate source so that I can feel warmer in these perpetual rainy days?

In the long run democracy does sort out everything for the chest thumping part, tell that to the noodles
In the long run democracy does sort out everything for the chest thumping part, tell that to the noodles
lol tell that to Northern Europeans and Americans, your naivity is at extreem (sorry for the brainwashing done by your high caste rullers```

p.s noodles taste better with curries```lol
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