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1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

Chinese people have a habit of ''burning books'' and '' kill student'' from the Qin Dynasty. cultural values ​​and history to tell them like opening of Beethoven's music for listening pigs.

then how come your own culture is deeply influenced by this "pig"culture?you can deny it like all you Vietnamese do but the whole world knows the truth.
then how come your own culture is deeply influenced by this "pig"culture?you can deny it like all you Vietnamese do but the whole world knows the truth.

The last resort of an incapable debater is taking the personal insults route which you seem to routinely take...

By the way pls dont speak on behalf of the world , maybe you can speak on behalf of all the chinese !
In 1904, Taiwan was also stolen from China. HongKong was occupied by the british and Macau was occupied by the Portuguese.


Chinese language expert Mai Hong points at Hai Nan Island in a 1904 Chinese map, which noted the island as China’s southernmost tip.
A Chinese language expert in Vietnam has an official map of China from 1904 that does not show Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) islands as belonging to that country.

The map possessed by Mai Hong, former head of the archive at the Han Nom Institute that studies ancient Vietnamese language and its influence by Chinese, for more than 30 years shows Hainan Island as China’s southernmost tip.

The two archipelagoes off Vietnam’s central coast are not shown in the map.

But now China claims the islands despite lots of historical evidence showing Vietnam’s existence on the islands before anyone else.

A Vietnamese map from 1834 includes the two islands.

Hong said the colored-paper map was made during the Qing Dynasty era and published by the Shanghai Publishing House.

Hong said the Chinese descriptions on the map indicate it took from 1708 to 1904, from the time of Emperor Guangxi to that of Guangxu, to complete it.

The kings sent scholars and experts, including Westerners such as Johann Adam Schall von Bell and Ferdinand Verbiest, to all of China's then 13 provinces for the task, he said.

The foreword was written by the then director of an observatory.

Hong had bought the map from a familiar book seller for his institute. “He showed me the map and suggested that I should buy it. It cost more than my one month salary.”

On July 4 he handed over the well-preserved, 115 cm x 140 cm map to the Vietnam National History Museum in Hanoi. A handover ceremony is being held Tuesday with several historians attending.

“I think this map can provide some very good information for Vietnam’s defense at international negotiations. A proof from China themselves will save us from (verbal) attacks.”

Vietnam latest news - Thanh Nien Daily | 1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

With narrow-minded nationalism, deception, aggression..., Chinese hope continue to deception international community. action that is trampling on international law of the chinese.
Chinese argument is that that map was a Qing Dynasty map, which was a Manchu empire, a foreign occupier of China, and does not represent modern day China. The Qing map is no more valid than the British map of India, the argument goes.

you are so funny,china,From ancient times,we are multi-nationality country,any ethnic can rule china like HAN.according to you logic most of countries'territory belong to Africas.
Found this:

1770 Bonne Map of China


Another map showing that Hainan is the southernmost territory of China.

When China drew those 9-dash line, they based that on what the Chinese wants with no regard for neighbors’ legal rights. And also it's not about ancient Chinese heritage. Chinese heritage claims are not really supported by legal documents, strong basis in terms of history, and any international laws.

Chinese government suppress information that does not align with their claim so the general Chinese population will only see the false info their govt is spreading. In general the chinese people were not informed properly, what they know are just bias info towards their claim. So I'm not surprised of Chinese posters here who sincerely believe that they own the SCS.
Regardless of which nation, map is only one way to claim, there are lot more other factors, such as power, etc. For instance , without power, India wouldn't be able to take over Goa.

The problem with many Internet Viets is that a simple partial truth can make their blood boil recklessly. And they deny themselves from the whole truth.

Taking their show of 1904 map for instance, the map doesn't even include Qing Dynasty's NE part where they considered as their "old home place"... it's a simple focus on mainland China. and the foolish and ill-educated bunch start to propaganda like their communist regime.

LOL, even today lots of maps China don't show it's peripheral parts as they are none essential to the point of the map. Does that mean China renounces those areas? :lol:

It's a joke! It's just another laughing stock from the Viets...

is it true or is just another chinese joke?
If true, Chinese map leaves a lot of rooms for speculations.
Some of the Chinese are really stupid or liar, or both!
From this map, most Northeast part of China, what we call "The Three Provinces of Northeast" , is not shown in it. This is quite unreasonable. Because the rulers of China at that time, including emperors themselves, came from Northeast, some say "Manchu". How could the map maker forgot emperors birthland when they made a whole country map? Can I say this is a fake map? Seriously.
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