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1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

Map of Vietnam from time of Nguyen Dynasty, when we used chinese Han Characters to writing.


According to your crooked logic, in the main map China's Hainan province is in the map. In the upper-right inset, Hong Kong is there, too, in addition to China's Hainan, Guandong provinces. So Hong Kong, Hainan and Guang Dong were all your viets?

Use your logic, and stop entertaining us, you fool!

Hoang Sa or Bai Cat Vang in Vietnamese are same meaning stating in map of Vietnam from westerners.


No! You are completely wrong! This map shows those islands are not Vietnamese, they are French, if they so claimed!

Get your crooked self right!

I dont mean to blame that the Qing did not support Vietnam. I just explain the problem and answer the questions.

Yes, you are!

Look deep into your heart. Deep in your heart, you guys whine like abandoned concubines!

So be it!

So you chinese have won the war over Japanese without US help and with out atomic explosion on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
If US had not interfered in second world war China would have struggled to overcome Japanese.

France also got UN security council seat but the fact is France was humiliated by Nazis just like Chinese were by Japanese in both the cases the Allied forces helped them both.

Don't if something proven none-existent!

Can I say if I was not born, half your internet folks would be born as rats?

Assuming something that never existed is perhaps one reason that India lags more and more behind China day by day since your independence.
The main target for any country who goes for war is capital city of the enemy country. China and France lost it. This implies both the countries are surviving against their enemies.

Your Indian logic is so funny!

The main target for any country who goes for war is the resources, the market, ...

If so , and if UK to conquer India again, I guess it would be gladly leave you sticky New Delhi along and take away all your resources as they did before.

Look how these idiots twixt and spin the history to glorify their former masters. If it wasn't China that boggled down Japan's major forces the Japanese would have had took the whole Asian part of Pacific territory and kicked all the white out of this area permanently, which was their original intention.

Yeah how noble were for them for supplying arms to Chiang Kai-Shek without telling the world that they wanted the Chinese as cannon fodders for Japanese advancements toward their colonial properties.

China owed nothing to colonial powers in WWII and in fact they should thanked us for taking the brunt of Japan's awesome land power. Why do these idiots think they offered Chiang, a yellow slave, a permanent seat in the UN for without major accomplishments.

In fact, in India-Burma theater, UK was pretty counter-productive in WWII, for it feared that if China-US ally were successful, they would replace UK as new colonial master in India and Burma,as least share some interest with UK.

Let us take it that some Indians are perhaps jealousy of China, a dirty poor country at that time, poorer then India perhaps, conducted exceptional performance in beating down the Japs. In fact, "Indians" at that time were not representations of the people in a country, but perceived a collective name of suppressed people living in a region composed of various kingdoms that were colonized by UK.
According to your crooked logic, in the main map China's Hainan province is in the map. In the upper-right inset, Hong Kong is there, too, in addition to China's Hainan, Guandong provinces. So Hong Kong, Hainan and Guang Dong were all your viets?

Use your logic, and stop entertaining us, you fool!


YOU are the one who was fool. East Sea brought that map, to show Chinese on Spratly, Paracel originally belong to Viet Nam. Not enitire map included Hainan, Hongkong something that made you think about.

Think twice before you making any post will you?
Those maps don't say a thing you clown. Why not try to convince the whole world with those maps you posted and see if they agree with your kind of logic. You guys posted so many different maps claiming the islands why not share them with the experts around the world and ask them if they totally agree with you clowns. That's fair enough don't you think?

YOU are the one who was fool. East Sea brought that map, to show Chinese on Spratly, Paracel originally belong to Viet Nam. Not enitire map included Hainan, Hongkong something that made you think about.

Think twice before you making any post will you?

Sorry to call you and him fool but your deserved proper name, did you read the OP?

Here is one excerpt:

"The two archipelagoes off Vietnam’s central coast are not shown in the map.

But now China claims the islands despite lots of historical evidence showing Vietnam’s existence on the islands before anyone else."

This means, according to this fool’s logic of your bred, if stuffs not shown in Chinese map they are not China's, if shown they are.

Next map shows Hongkong is in Vietnamese map.

What’s your logic mean about that?

Simple, but alas too complex for your uneducated bunch.

Conclusion: your logic doesn't work.
According to your crooked logic, in the main map China's Hainan province is in the map. In the upper-right inset, Hong Kong is there, too, in addition to China's Hainan, Guandong provinces. So Hong Kong, Hainan and Guang Dong were all your viets?

Use your logic, and stop entertaining us, you fool!

No! You are completely wrong! This map shows those islands are not Vietnamese, they are French, if they so claimed!

Get your crooked self right!


You are idiot, every map for any country should drawn up his neighbor country land. In the map of Vietnam is in the same manner, it include area where today is China, Lao, Cambodia and Thailand.

France colony has been studied carefully about Vietnam before invaded in to Vietnam 1858 and taken contoll 1883. They have been known well that Islands are under control of Nguyen Dynasty Vietnam.

Vietnamese side was fortunate to find in Phủ Biên Tạp Lục, an account written by Lê Quý Đôn in 1776, and mentioning the archipelagos of Hoàng Sa (Paracel Islands) and Trường Sa (Spratly Islands) off the Vietnamese coast as Vietnam’s territories. The document also relates how, once a year, the Lord Nguyễn sent out to these islands a special team on 5 small fishing boats which took 3 days and 3 nights to reach the islands. Their trips lasted about 6 months, and they lived on their abundance of fish and birds. They harvested carapaces of sea turtles, holothurians (sea cucumbers, hải sâm) and other precious sea products, and collected from ship wrecks horses, swords, watches silverwares, china, cooking oil. At their return in the 8th lunar calendar month, they had to go directly to Phú Xuân (Huế), the Nguyễn capital to hand in the trophies directly to the government. After which, they were allowed to sell the remaining of their sea product catch. This is a direct proof that these islands belonged to Đàng Trong (South Vietnam) under the Nguyen Lords.[6]


This 18th-century map of Vietnam, derives from a map of southeast Asia and parts of China published in Amsterdam by the firm of Covens and Mortier around 1760. The title of this map is in French, but many of the place names and notes have been translated into Dutch.(Courtesy Wikipedia.org)

Cochinchine refers to Dang Trong (under the Lord Nguyen) and Tonkin (from “Dong Kinh”) to the Dang Ngoai under the Lord Trinh. “Toanh oa’ and “Ke hoa” refer to (respectively) Thuan Hoa and Hue (Kẻ Huế: people from Huế, like Kẻ Chợ: people from Hanoi today) where le Quy Don wrote Phu Bien Tap Luc in 1776 (the city of Hue; the name of Hue probably derived from “Hoa” in Thuan Hoa and Kehoa). Note the presence of the archipelago named “Pracels’ off the coast of Cochinchine (currently Paracel Islands or Hoang Sa).

Lê Quý ?ôn
Sorry to call you and him fool but your deserved proper name, did you read the OP?

Here is one excerpt:

"The two archipelagoes off Vietnam’s central coast are not shown in the map.

But now China claims the islands despite lots of historical evidence showing Vietnam’s existence on the islands before anyone else."

This means, according to this fool’s logic of your bred, if stuffs not shown in Chinese map they are not China's, if shown they are.

Next map shows Hongkong is in Vietnamese map.

What’s your logic mean about that?

Simple, but alas too complex for your uneducated bunch.

Conclusion: your logic doesn't work.


I must change from Fool to become Stupid for YOU. Topic talking about Paracel, Spratly then when you Look at the map, you have to see what the most Important Part that you need to see, and you just missed it. It is OK for you as a Stupid guy, I can teach you to learn more how to reading a map. (Last time, some of Stupid guys like you just missed the map point, then Russia Coast Guard gave them a very NICE shots.)

Chinese people learn to read the maps with other part originally not belong to them, and what not belong to them Chinese loves to cross the lines. Once its getting shot then its claim somebody fools this ...fools that.

That's how Chinese is .... by all mean I am not surprise at all. How about YOU?
No! You are completely wrong! This map shows those islands are not Vietnamese, they are French, if they so claimed!

Get your crooked self right!

Idiot. The French only began to invade Vietnam in 1858 and it only beat Vietnam in 1883. Before 1858 there were many maps of Vietnamese feudal state and the European maritime showed two Paracels and Spratlys belong to Vietnam.
But even with the claims of the French the later, it was because it on behalf of its colony.

Yes, you are!

Look deep into your heart. Deep in your heart, you guys whine like abandoned concubines!

So be it!

Well, you did not see the truth hidden deep in my heart. Let me tell you, it is not the whine or blame, because we had fought valiantly for 25 years before were defeated in 1883, the truth it is disdain for a big guy always bullying smaller neighbors, but cowardice when faced with opponents. Yes, exactly it is disdain for a coward.
Look how these idiots twixt and spin the history to glorify their former masters. If it wasn't China that boggled down Japan's major forces the Japanese would have had took the whole Asian part of Pacific territory and kicked all the white out of this area permanently, which was their original intention.

Yeah how noble were for them for supplying arms to Chiang Kai-Shek without telling the world that they wanted the Chinese as cannon fodders for Japanese advancements toward their colonial properties.

China owed nothing to colonial powers in WWII and in fact they should thanked us for taking the brunt of Japan's awesome land power. Why do these idiots think they offered Chiang, a yellow slave, a permanent seat in the UN for without major accomplishments.

China fought the Imperial Japan for 5 1/2 years without receiving the help from the West, the US started to offer the supply to KMT until the event of Pearl Harbor.
1734 Murillo-Velarde Philippine Map


From the map we don't see Huangyan Island, or scarborough shoal. So you prove to us that the island belongs to China?

Obviously you don't know where Scarborough shoal is. Look for Panacot and you will see it on the Map. You also have a crooked logic...why would Scarborough shoal automatically belongs to China if it wasn't on the map.

I find it interesting to see that there is a gap of 656 years between China’s 1279 record and its more recent mentions of Scarborough in official records.
It is only in 1935 when Chinese official records state that the shoal – which it mentions by its popular western name “Scarborough Shoal” – was part of its “Zhongsha Islands”. It is only in 1947 that China baptized the shoal with its first Chinese name – Minzhu Jiao or Democracy Reef.

a Yuan dynasty map.


China has to this day not produced for public scrutiny the 1279 map on which it bases it historical claim.

Is China wrong?
July 24, 2012

A Filipino maritime law expert has dug up a 1916 Philippine Supreme Court decision which shows Manila – not China – has had actual legal and maritime jurisdiction over Scarborough Shoal for at least a century.
In contrast, China imposed its legal jurisdiction over Scarborough Shoal only this week by creating a law-making body to enact laws over Sansha City, which now includes Scarborough Shoal or Huangyan Island. China started imposing its maritime jurisdiction over Huangyan this year when it asserted the rights of its fishermen to fish in and around Huangyan.

raissa robles | Is China wrong?
At WuMaoCleverbot:

China never wrong and not even Chinese, the only people, nations around its are wrong. Even the whole World are wrong, the whole World WAS belong to China based on the Quing, Song, Sui whatever dynasties are.

Now, China only able to claims in SCS due to its U-Shapes. Later on, China has more fire power capabilities, any countries which are has Chinese living then its will belong to China base on Quing, Ching, whatever dynasties are.

Luckily, China is not power like U.S nor Russia, NATO the claims will not start yet.
In fact, China does not have any historical basis, legal basis, factual basis for its claims in the SCS.

The appearance of it on both the Paracels and Spratlys that taken advantage of the surrender of Japan after WW2 and it has used of force to steal from Vietnam.

The only basis for the claims of China that is it has more warships, fighters and missiles... with a big mouth.
VN should go back to 1904 lying beneath the French...

It is true that the French defeated us in 1883 after 25 years to attack invading Vietnamese feudal state, but in 1954 France was defeated by Vietnamese at Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam captured more 11 thousand French soldiers. The reason why we "should go back to 1904 lying beneath the French"?
Note that, the territory, territorial waters and islands which the France has received the controlling from the Vietnamese feudal state, always belong to Vietnam, though it was a French colony or not.
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