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1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

invaders is considered ancestral species :D:D

For the Half of the Mongols in the world (Chinese),
for the Golden Family the direct descendants of Genghis Khan (Chinese), and
for the origin land (China) where Mongols came from,
those "invaders" are indeed considered as their ancestral species.
You cannot even tell what flag I'm carrying, don't you?

Mongolian never conquer "China", just like Prussian never conquer "Germany". Same stories.
Macedonia is also an independence state nowadays, can you say that "Macedonia" conquered Greece and ruled Greece very long time?
If Pakistani people change their country name to Mughal, it is also reasonable to say "Mughal" conquered India and ruled India very time?

In fact, there were not such a country named "China", but "Chinese nations", such as Mongolia, Dali, Song, Jing etc. Same story in Germany before the expansion of Prussia and India.
In fact, during the Yuan dynasty Mongolians, Han and other races were free to get into the management position (except the throne of course).

The events, relationships have different characteristics, should not be compared between them.

Mongol Empire conquered whole China, established Yuan Dynasty. It is the true indisputable, unless you can prove that "Mongols (Outer Mongolia) is a indisputable territory of China."

Mongol Empire had conquered China and a large part of Asia, and even a part of Europe.

Only 3 close places where Mongol Empire could not to conquer, it's Vietnam, Japan and Java. Particularly in Vietnam, Yuan-Mongolia got all 3 failed after 3 times it did try to invade Vietnam.

BTW: Not deny the failure of the Chinese because of the name of the country. "China" is the name known today, although in the history it has many different names.


Mongol Empire map
You cannot even tell what flag I'm carrying, don't you?

Mongolian never conquer "China", just like Prussian never conquer "Germany". Same stories.
Macedonia is also an independence state nowadays, can you say that "Macedonia" conquered Greece and ruled Greece very long time?
If Pakistani people change their country name to Mughal, it is also reasonable to say "Mughal" conquered India and ruled India very time?

LOL, appoving enemy as ancestor. how low !

After becoming the ruler of Mongolia, Genghis Khan set out to conquer China. He first attacked a kingdom in northwestern China called Xi Xia (also spelled Hsi Hsia). He then invaded northeastern China and in 1215 took Beijing (Peking), the capital of the Jin (Chin) Empire.

In 1218, Genghis Khan broke off his assault on China and swept into central Asia. He crushed the kingdom of Khorezm, also spelled Khwarezm, in what are now Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. In 1220, he destroyed the cities of Bukhara and Samarqand (Samarkand) in present-day Uzbekistan and Neyshabur (Nishapur) in modern Iran. Two smaller armies invaded the plains north of the Caspian Sea. By 1223, they had conquered the Kipchaks, and had defeated the Russians at the Kalka River. From 1225 until he died in 1227, Genghis Khan again attacked Xi Xia. His grandson, Kublai Khan, completed the conquest of China.

By 1279, the Mongol leader Kublai Khan had established the Yuan Dynasty in China and crushed the last Song resistance, which marked the onset of all of China under the Mongol Yuan rule. This was the first time in history that the whole China was conquered and subsequently ruled by a foreign or non-native ruler,[2] compared with the Manchus (who established the Qing Dynasty) who did so a few centuries later.
The events, relationships have different characteristics, should not be compared between them.

Mongol Empire conquered whole China, established Yuan Dynasty. It is the true indisputable, unless you can prove that "Mongols (Outer Mongolia) is a indisputable territory of China."

Mongol Empire had conquered China and a large part of Asia, and even a part of Europe.

Only 3 close places where Mongol Empire could not to conquer, it's Vietnam, Japan and Java. Particularly in Vietnam, Yuan-Mongolia got all 3 failed after 3 times it did try to invade Vietnam.

BTW: Not deny the failure of the Chinese because of the name of the country. "China" is the name known today, although in the history it has many different names.


Mongol Empire map

You cannot say that because Greece nowadays is far smaller than the Macedonian Empire; therefore the Empire of Macedonia is not belong to Greek history.

Outer Mongolia is also called "Khalkha Mongolia", Khalkha people were not even Mongolian during the Yuan Dynasty.

China is a "adj." before the Republic, even Japan and Korea called themselve "China" (Middleland). I think Vietnam also did.
For the Chinese who always claim other's territory belong to China. Look at Chinese Map 1904, read carefully the caption of the map to find what your ancestors wanted to tell descendants. :pdf:

Or you can download here
He/She means the first map maybe?

U-shaped line, also known as "nine dotted line" claims of PRC is based on "11 dotted line" was painted in 1947, the first it published in a private publication in 1948, under Chiang Kai Shek regime
CCP just officially announced it to the UN in 2009.

But here a "ancient" map of China in 1842 shown U-Shap line at the corner of the map? it is made in China in 20...?
U-shaped line, also known as "nine dotted line" claims of PRC is based on "11 dotted line" was painted in 1947, the first it published in a private publication in 1948, under Chiang Kai Shek regime
CCP just officially announced it to the UN in 2009.

But here a "ancient" map of China in 1842 shown U-Shap line at the corner of the map? it is made in China in 20...?

Well I cannot see the U-shaped line from the 1842 Qing Dynasty map,
but I can find it from the 19xx or 20xx one.

Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;3247900 said:
Since when Manchu conquered Vietnam/Dai Viet? :coffee: Or they are just in the same colour?

Wow, that technique in 1842? Modern colour, beautiful typed character ... You Chinese were much more advanced than the European that time!


So me where do you get that map.

I believe that he/she didn't mean that both maps are all from 1842, but only comparing the old map to the new map. It is just a misunderstanding.
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;3247941 said:
Don't worry, if they claim Yuan Dynasty as their "history" (for the "legal sovereignty" over Tibet, Mongolia), we can also claim Nam Viet kingdom of Trieu Da (Chinese: Nanyue kingdom of Zhao Tou) as our history, then go and claim Guangdong, Guangxi :azn:

End of story.

Any good reasons that Vietnam can claim Nanyue kingdom?
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