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19 Reasons Why You Should Never Visit Iran

How does Iran's religious police compare to KSA's religious police?
I heard that @SOHEIL was detained and questioned by them last week....apparently they didn't like the fact that SOHEIL wore a Hijab despite being a dude ! :unsure:

I think you must visit tehran someday ... then we can discuss it in private !
19 Reasons Why You Should Never Visit Iran

No doubt you’ve heard a lot about Iran in the media. And it’s true, Iran is a truly evil and terrifying place. Here we present 19 reasons you should never, ever, visit this godforsaken land.

#1. The capital city is basically a ruin.



Tehran’s skyline is truly mediocre.

#2. Everyone lives in a mud shack.



The Tabatabaei house in Kashan is a pretty miserable place to while away your days.

#3. The villages are pretty much what you’d find anywhere else.


Amos Chapple

If Palangan village, on the border with Iraq, looks mildly impressive, it’s just because of the lighting. Nothing to do with the near-vertical positioning of the houses.

#4. The architecture is plain and lackluster.



Why would anyone want to visit the Nasir al-Mulk Mosque in Shiraz?

#5. Meh.



Oh Shiraz, is this the best you can do?

#6. The women are oppressed and downtrodden.


Dela Fard Instagram

She looks like she needs someone to liberate her.

#7. Iranians are a grumpy, pool-party-hating bunch.


I would hate to be hanging out with this boring group.

#8. The food is unpalatable and bland.


I wouldn’t touch that stuff with a barge pole.

Wow that's too beautiful!
Sarcasm of the thread title is just ... :enjoy:
Iran is one of the top countries on my bucket list to visit. A real dream of mine would be to have an extended stay there, and attend a semester at one of the universities. The cultural experience alone would be invaluable.

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