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$19 million might produce the first ever image of a black hole


Jul 3, 2012
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Astrophysicists think there's a supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. It's supposed to be four million times more massive than our Sun, but despite its stupendous size, we've never been able to see it. That might soon change. The European Research Council has given 14 million euros ($19.3 million) to the creators of BlackHoleCam, a project that will use radio telescopes and supercomputers to try to prove the existence of what Luciano Rezzolla, a principal investigator for BlackHoleCam, calls "one of the most cherished astrophysical objects."

BlackHoleCam's name is slightly misleading. It won't be able to image the black hole itself, instead using the event horizon that it expects to see to confirm the hole's existence. The event horizon — a phenomenon predicted by Einstein — is the boundary of spacetime beyond which the pull of gravity is so great that escape is impossible. Space.com reports the Milky Way's black hole should betray its event horizon by casting "a dark shadow" over bright radio wave emissions given off as gas is pulled into the black hole.

BlackHoleCam will try to image the black hole's event horizon to confirm its existence

The project will use an approach called Very Long Baseline Interferometry, in which multiple observatories — including Chile's new ALMA telescope — are focused on one object, pulling in data that's then fed through a supercomputer. BlackHoleCam will also work closely with the Event Horizon Telescope, an American-led group who also use VLBI in their efforts. As befitting an object so large our entire galaxy spins around it, we have to use something the size of a planet to see it: Space.com says by using Very Long Baseline Interferometry, BlackHoleCam turns the Earth itself into a vast virtual telescope.

$19 million might produce the first ever image of a black hole | The Verge

This is for those who love this kind of news!!

@Skull and Bones @Alpha1 @jbgt90 @levina @TOPGUN @KRAIT @Aamna14 @Srinivas @faisal6309 @GR!FF!N @Dash @desert warrior @Armstrong @Flamingo
Astrophysicists have gotten really good at teasing this stuff.They know what they’re looking for and they know where it is all they need is the time and telescopes.
But from what I know around a black hole theres a disk of glowing particles. Is thata what shows the size of a black hole???
And can a black hole be huge(ın the artıcle they saıd thıs black hole ıs of stupendous sıze) ???wont it be a tiny little thing with a very high density as it keeps collapsing under its own gravitational pull. ????

Me confused.....:blink:

@OrionHunter - SOS SOS :help:
Astrophysicists have gotten really good at teasing this stuff.They know what they’re looking for and they know where it is all they need is the time and telescopes.
But from what I know around a black hole theres a disk of glowing particles. Is thata what shows the size of a black hole???
And can a black hole be huge(ın the artıcle they saıd thıs black hole ıs of stupendous sıze) ???wont it be a tiny little thing with a very high density as it keeps collapsing under its own gravitational pull. ????

Me confused.....:blink:

@OrionHunter - SOS SOS :help:

That glowing disk denotes the event horizon of the Black hole......The bigger the mass of the star from which the Black Hole formed the bigger the radius of the event horizon....so yes Black holes can be huge....f****n huge ......m****r f****n huge.....depending on the mass of the star.....if our sun died and became a black hole the radius of the event horizon would be around 3 km!

For everyone else....they wont be photographing the the event horizon of our Super massive black hole.....they will just analyze the radio signals available to find the specific signal from the event horizon to prove the existence of our BH!
i don't think it will be from near they can took from very far also they can't took from our own milky way galaxy it must be andromina galaxy or somewhere else .
i don't think it will be from near they can took from very far also they can't took from our own milky way galaxy it must be andromina galaxy or somewhere else .
Raise the glass and let them see us drink and then we will show them a finger.
Raise the glass and let them see us drink and then we will show them a finger.

you jahil isaan they are talking abut black hole :lol:. a massive black hole has power to swallow sun like plants solar systems and every thing by their massive gravity . its called black hole becasue even speed of light can't escape from it . and its not small but millions of kms big

just look at this picture you can say these millions tinny stars are larger the our sun in cage of black hole
Nice article.:tup:

Just a doubt, why is it taking forever for this Black Hole to suck us all into it? :P

we will die long before then tat because black hole start on the place on supernova . if we have super nova near to us we will die by massive power of that blast black hole is letter on story
Lets see what they find, yesterday I was watching a documentary, where it said, black hole can lead us to another dimension of time.
Nice article.:tup:

Just a doubt, why is it taking forever for this Black Hole to suck us all into it? :P

My logic says that a black hole can not increase in size forever.Orelse all the black holes would have consumed the universe by now and the universe itself would have turned into one big black hole.Now that hasnt happened....so I guess at some point these black holes do leak and disperse when they have enough matter in them as anything that falls into the black holes remains there....stuck.
I guess this is called the Hawking Radiation.
And that for a star like sun (mass equivalent)it might take 1 with 66zeros number of years to leak and disperse (thats after the black hole is formed)

That glowing disk denotes the event horizon of the Black hole......The bigger the mass of the star from which the Black Hole formed the bigger the radius of the event horizon....so yes Black holes can be huge....f****n huge ......m****r f****n huge.....depending on the mass of the star.....if our sun died and became a black hole the radius of the event horizon would be around 3 km!

I understood everything except the beeped out words:P
My logic says that a black hole can not increase in size forever.Orelse all the black holes would have consumed the universe by now and the universe itself would have turned into one big black hole.Now that hasnt happened....so I guess at some point these black holes do leak and disperse when they have enough matter in them as anything that falls into the black holes remains there....stuck.
I guess this is called the Hawking Radiation.
And that for a star like sun (mass equivalent)it might take 1 with 66zeros number of years to leak and disperse (thats after the black hole is formed)

I understood everything except the beeped out words:P

Some theories suggests, we are already in a black hole. That's why we see too Huge distances, and things are going away with the speed of light. If it's true will be impossible for us to discover many of the BlackHole related Information.
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