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19 martyred as Pakistan Army Plane crashes into residential area near Rawalpindi

Hopefully it was not KingAir ISR aircraft.
Bad performance by pilot.He should have avoided residential area as far as possible.R.I.P.Is it c130 trainer as most of times c130 fly in Islamabad and rawalpindi skies
What is you talking about, if C-130 crashes more then 30 persons would die, Islamabad international airport also has lots of private small aircraft has and its also possible MASAHAQ,super MASAHAQ could crash @Yaseen1 :crazy::crazy::crazy:
Bad performance by pilot.He should have avoided residential area as far as possible.R.I.P.Is it c130 trainer as most of times c130 fly in Islamabad and rawalpindi skies
C130 is a PAF aircraft. This is a smaller Army aviation aircraft most probably Y12 or Beech KingAir.
death Toll is now 17. Really Tragic incident. As Per some eye witness reports Aircraft was flying very low before impact and apparently it was in a nose dive in last few seconds.
death Toll is now 17. Really Tragic incident. As Per some eye witness reports Aircraft was flying very low before impact and apparently it was in a nose dive in last few seconds.

5 crew members killed in aircrash, including
Lt Col Saqib(Pilot)
Lt Col Waseem(Pilot)
Naib Subedar Afzal
Havaldar Ibne Ameen
Havaldar Rehmat.
it don't look like C-130 because size of wreckage is indicating the involvement of a smaller aircraft..

it is a very tragic incident, machines are replaceable but human can't be ... my sympathies and condolences with the families of victims ... RIP
Bad performance by pilot.He should have avoided residential area as far as possible.R.I.P.Is it c130 trainer as most of times c130 fly in Islamabad and rawalpindi skies
What is a C-130 trainer? It is a Pakistan Army Aviation Beechcraft Super King Air 350ER. These are really highly valued surveillance assets and used extensively in ISR operations. Definitely a loss that will be felt by us.
A siper on rooftop??? Bit too much???
it don't look like C-130 because size of wreckage is indicating the involvement of a smaller aircraft..

it is a very tragic incident, machines are replaceable but human can't be ... my sympathies and condolences with the families of victims ... RIP
if its the ISR platform, very curious to know what caused the crash. RIP the dead and sad loss of valuable equipment.
5 crew members killed in aircrash, including
Lt Col Saqib(Pilot)
Lt Col Waseem(Pilot)
Naib Subedar Afzal
Havaldar Ibne Ameen
Havaldar Rehmat.
What is a C-130 trainer? It is a Pakistan Army Aviation Beechcraft Super King Air 350ER. These are really highly valued surveillance assets and used extensively in ISR operations. Definitely a loss that will be felt by us.
Yes it was small aircraft and its occasionally flying over Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Many time we saw these
if its the ISR platform, very curious to know what caused the crash. RIP the dead and sad loss of valuable equipment.

Crash happened at night. Lots of things can go wrong in an aircraft that would be beyond the pilots control. Sad accident and the loss of life.
There are some very disturbing videos of the plane crash victims with completely burnt bodies. Please Please dont post those on this forum and Please Please dont share those videos on social media. Its highly insensitive and disrespecting

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