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17 Indian Army soldiers killed in Uri attack

That is what is wrong with IA. Every officer wants to do something new and leave his name .... reinvent the wheel.

You recall the NE ambush?

Rule of thumb in CI ops in Jungle, never go and never come back from CI ops in jungle in a vehicle. The moment you do that, you are restricted to road/track and your domination of the area is lost.

And what happened?

Similarly, during induction and de-induction, never ever let your guard down.

These are age old issues which every new comer thinks, after seeing Rambo, he knows inside out.

A militant/combatant prepared to die for his/her cause, is one to fear. you can only limit your casualties, you cant stop them until and unless you are very lucky.

Every time, every single bloody time that the CRPF gets slaughtered in large numbers in Chhatisgarh, it is because of this lazy, American habit of taking to wheels rather than staying off the road.
Just a little word to our Indian posters, I see posts referring to soft action, cowardice and so on. But what actions would satisfy you? Do you want a military response?

Nothing...... We have seen this happening...... Few tweets...Few shallow statements from political parties..... chest thumping by few retired generals......Television channles can run shows for few days.... Def analysts can write articles for a week..... Trollers can troll in forum like pdf and moderators can work over time to clean up..... 10 days... Things are normal....... Untill the next attack...
Piecemeal at best and wholly insufficient. Are we meant to be satisfied by a unpublicised localised counter attack that leaves the hierarchy and entire terror infrastructure completely untouched safe to carry out a repeat at their whim?


If you have a viable alternative to that kind of very precise retaliation, do set it out for discussion. Isolating the responsible and going for them has the invaluable side effect of frightening them about future participation. It also limits the reactions among the PA, and gives them the message that those who have not messed about will not be targeted.

Both are invaluable positions.
Sad to see that we are not learning from our mistakes..... And one must appreciate the efforts of terror handlers.... These guys are ahead ...... (sad but true)

What was our intel guys doing???? Why there was no inputs????

Inputs were there. Heck we had inputs for Hyderabad too ...

Problem has taken place in the militants rolling down from an adjacent high ground and remaining undetected.

Once we had an ingress monitored over LOROS in valley wherein a group of 4 crawled 300 meters in 4 hours in snow to cross the post and the post did not realise. They were so slow that the change of watchers on post did not notice anything amiss.

Something to that effect might have happened.

Also morning mist at times and this time of the year being forested it is quite possible, renders your thermal imagers and your night vision devices useless.

Now someone crawling slowly over two three hours, will remain undetected.

They got lucky in fuel being loaded and unloaded and hence my suspicion of an insider involved ...
For me personally - I would like to see Jaish and LeT camps taken out in terms of military action. Diplomatically incarceration and deportation of their leaders for trial would be satisfactory.

Ok, fair enough, so who would lead the military action? Would you want the PA do it, and maybe International observers? Or the IA to do it? Which would lead to a full scale counter strike. Their leaders can be arrested, but they won't be deported to India. What of the internal folks in Indian admin Kashmir who take part in these raids?
Just a little word to our Indian posters, I see posts referring to soft action, cowardice and so on. But what actions would satisfy you? Do you want a military response?
It's clear that nothing will happen so my preference would be that the so-called leaders of India refrain from insulting the intelligence of their people and the dignity of their martyrs by making meaningless chest thumping comments.

When the country's image is already a shambles why make it worse?
Ok, fair enough, so who would lead the military action? Would you want the PA do it, and maybe Indian observers? Or the IA to do it? Which would lead to a full scale counter strike. Their leaders can be arrested, but they won't be deported to India. What of the internal folks in Indian admin Kashmir who take part in these raids?

If PA folks do it then it would go a long way towards building back if not trust then a working Indo-Pak relationship akin to what India and China have. Friction but not naked hostility.

As for leaders - arrest after a trial would be a bare minimum. House arrest like Masood or arrests of convenience like of Lakhvi where bail is granted as soon as the situation cools off is unlikely to cut ice.
I want revenge. If Modi govt continues to talk, then it is no better than UPA.
India's occupation army is a fair and legitimate target in Kashmir. We should all support such attacks as India has been occupying Kashmir against the wishes of Kashmiris.

There is no sympathy here and there is no need to defend it or apologize. This is war.

Having said all this, timing is very odd. Clinton was in India and Kashmiri resistance purportedly attacked and killed several Hindus. This time, while there is UN General Assembly session going on, theres is an attack on Indian army and India has gone into overdrive blaming Pakistan.

The question why would Kashmiris want to tarnish their fair and just movement with stigma of terrorism. Kashmir certainly does not benefit from it. But such attacks do benefit India and helps it deflect pressure.
Nothing...... We have seen this happening...... Few tweets...Few shallow statements from political parties..... chest thumping by few retired generals......Television channles can run shows for few days.... Def analysts can write articles for a week..... Trollers can troll in forum like pdf and moderators can work over time to clean up..... 10 days... Things are normal....... Untill the next attack...

That is the price for illegal indian occupation of Kashmir. Anytime a country occupies someone else land they face resistance. US, sole superpower, could not and did not do it in Iraq. Russia could not do that in Afghanistan, US did see occupation is not sustainable and withdrew but looks like indians are not that smart.
When Indian forces started to beat up people and started to fire weapons , the arrow had already left the bow as they say And now regret will not do much

It is interest of region that India understands the will of Kashmiri people (1947 to Present) these people were living free as "Independent state" the freedom military only distributed pain for last 6-7 decades

Now Indian politicians wish to Engage pakistan with harsh words ? Sir have you even bothered with your own military what they are doing in region

Escalation would no doubt be very negative for region and Indian politicians are 100% responsible for it

What kind of mind set is it that you take a group of people , who are free state , and then make them subjects (due to military force) and then on top of that you have the military and police beat them in their own land ?

"LOSS of life" sad and regrettable but problem should be also addressed

  • Ask a 6 year kid , I will take your bubble gum, I will give you lolipop but after that I will hit you 20 times really hard in face, and then I will also beat your mom / dad or brother or sister? What would the kids say .. ? Of course he will say I don't want that !!!

PAKISTAN is doing its own thing dragging us into mix quite irresponsible, we are deeply concerned about state of Kashmiri people's suffering

  • Voice of Kashmirs people has to be heard
  • The only resolution to issue is let Kashmir's people vote and let us move forward

Kashmir was never ever part of even British Raj these folks were free


  • Sure an incident happened after 300-400 Kashmiri people died , is there any surprise there ?
  • What books states - take a group of free people from Independent state and then beat up their future generation by your military ?

Ye Bohran Wani ? Born kiyon hotain hain ?
  • Are they eating ice creme and suddenly want freedom ?
  • When people have not accepted you from their heart ? Do you think beating them up will change their mind ?

India always chants , it is our "JAGULAR VEIN" but then you are also applying the blade on that Vein!!! and not helping the cause

How is it a JAGULAR vein ? when it is independent state a separate "Kingdom" even.
The guy in Hyderabad also said I want own independent country

  • Hyderabad [Wanted free Kingdom]---> Military intervention
  • Kashmir [People want Pakistan]-------> Military intervention
  • Goa -> Military intervention
  • China -> War
  • Pakistan -> War(s)

So at what point will the Indian politicians get it in their heads , other people have freedom to choose and it does not means being with India
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Bhai,Do you have any evidence to prove your claims?
Whenever we told about cross border terrorism,we will have solid evidence to prove that.
And it seems they are damn sure that this is from across the border.

Bhai plz tell me how on earth U are able to get all evidence even with attack still in progress? If your system is so much efficient then this attack shud have never taken place or atleast the attackers shud have been neutralized before they cud have taken just one step.
If PA folks do it then it would go a long way towards building back if not trust then a working Indo-Pak relationship akin to what India and China have. Friction but not naked hostility.

As for leaders - arrest after a trial would be a bare minimum. House arrest like Masood or arrests of convenience like of Lakhvi where bail is granted as soon as the situation cools off is unlikely to cut ice.

Thanks for your post. It makes things clearer.
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