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Compilation of the Quran
How the Quran was recorded and preserved

The words of the Quran were collected as they were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, committed to memory by the early Muslims, and recorded in writing by scribes.

Under Supervision of the Prophet Muhammad
As the Quran was being revealed, the Prophet Muhammad made special arrangements to ensure that it was written down. Although the Prophet Muhammad himself could neither read nor write, he dictated the verses orally and instructed scribes to mark down the revelation on whatever materials were available: tree branches, stones, leather, and bones. The scribes would then read their writing back to the Prophet, who would check it for mistakes. With each new verse that was revealed, the Prophet Muhammad also dictated its placement within the growing body of text.
When the Prophet Muhammad died, the Quran has been fully written down. It was not in book form, however. It was recorded on different parchments and materials, held in the possession of the Companions of the Prophet.

Under Supervision of Caliph Abu Bakr
After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, the entire Quran continued to be remembered in the hearts of the early Muslims. Hundreds of the early Companions of the Prophet had memorized the entire revelation, and Muslims daily recited large portions of the text from memory. Many of the early Muslims also had personal written copies of the Quran recorded on various materials.
Ten years after the Hijrah (632 C.E.), many of these scribes and early Muslim devotees were killed in the Battle of Yamama. While the community mourned the loss of their comrades, they also began to worry about the long-term preservation of the Holy Quran. Recognizing that the words of Allah needed to be collected in one place and preserved, the Caliph Abu Bakr ordered all people who had written pages of the Quran to compile them in one place. The project was organized and supervised by one of the Prophet Muhammad’s key scribes, Zayd bin Thabit.

The process of compiling the Quran from these various written pages was done in four steps:

  1. Zayd bin Thabit verified each verse with his own memory.
  2. Umar ibn Al-Khattab verified each verse. Both men had memorized the entire Quran.
  3. Two reliable witnesses had to testify that the verses were written in the presence of the Prophet Muhammad.
  4. The verified written verses were collated with those from the collections of other Companions.
This method of cross-checking and verifying from more than one source was undertaken with the utmost care. The purpose was to prepare an organized document which the entire community could verify, endorse, and use as a resource when needed.
This complete text of the Quran was kept in the possession of Abu Bakr, and then passed on to the next Caliph, Umar ibn Al-Khattab. After his death, they were given to his daughter Hafsah (who was also a widow of the Prophet Muhammad).

Under Supervision of Caliph Uthman bin Affan
As Islam began to spread throughout the Arabian peninsula, more and more people entered the fold of Islam from as far away as Persia and Byzantine. Many of these new Muslims were not native Arabic speakers, or they spoke a slightly different Arabic pronunciation from the tribes in Makkah and Madinah. People began to dispute about which pronunciations were most correct. Caliph Uthman bin Affan took charge of ensuring that the recitation of the Quran is of a standard pronunciation.
The first step was to borrow the original, compiled copy of the Quran from Hafsah. A committee of early Muslim scribes was tasked with making transcripts of the original copy, and ensuring the sequence of the chapters (surahs). When these perfect copies had been completed, Uthman bin Affan ordered all remaining transcripts to be destroyed, so that all copies of the Quran were uniform in script.

All Qurans available in the world today are exactly identical to the Uthmani version, which was completed less than twenty years after the death of Prophet Muhammad.

Later, some minor improvements were made in the Arabic script (adding dots and diacritical marks), to make it easier for non-Arabs to read. However, the text of the Quran has remained the same.
No.You do not. History is not religion based, it is evidence based. Also, it doesn't prove things conclusively, but tells you what most probably happened (probability generally declines as one goes back in time)

Actually even non Muslims scholars have used the Quran to try and build the narrative of those times, what are your credentials? Bring your academically accepted historical narrative to support your accusations. We ask for proof.
My question is "why" quaran was written so that only natives can understand. "why" shorthand was used. It was not like somebody was taking a running notes/dictation... In any case, it is irrelevant.

Quran is not an operation manual, it is a book of signs and guidance... which are clearly and repeatedly defined in Quran.
According to Shia Quran was compiled at life of prophet by Imam Ali as. he came to home of prophet every night and said Salam. if heard reply entered and if not backed.

at nights prophet said said the Quran to Ali as and he wrote them on animal skins.

also at time of Government of Uthman ordered to all cities that all Qur'an should be collected and burnt them all. but Ali sa did not obey and did not deliver his Quran to be burnt and kept it.

also Quran was protected by memorizing it by hundreds of sahaba and even if no written Quran existed still it survived by high number of Quran memorizes.

this Quran also has comments of Gabreil about verses of Quran told to prophet and its volume is 3 times of Quran only. this Quran was on separated animal skins and prophet before his death said to Ali as whe I died remain at home and collect my Quran and make it compiled. when Ali as finished compile took it to mosque and said to Sahab this is Quran of prophet. they said we have our own Quran and do not need it. (in commentaries of that Quran there was some interprets about Caliphet of Ali as) then Ali as said you will never see this Quran. this Quran passed to next Imams and now it is with Imam Mahdi a.s. each Imam said parts of it to their students and thy wrote 400 books based on them and those 400 formed knowledge and Fiqh of shia.
My question is "why" quaran was written so that only natives can understand. "why" shorthand was used. It was not like somebody was taking a running notes/dictation... In any case, it is irrelevant.
Because the scribes were from Saudi....if someone is dictating me something I would go with shorthand because yes some of the scholars were taking a dictation as the Prophet recited the verses Good God you dont even know the basics and you want to go in depth discussions?

or write in the language I know best not in a dialect I dont know....

I speak better Urdu than Punjabi, when I explain to a Pakistani I will not try to explain in Punjabi but in Urdu so I can get the most msg across! What are you getting at? Now you are just grasping straws while drowning!

According to Shia Quran was compiled at life of prophet by Imam Ali as. he came to home of prophet every night and said Salam. if heard reply entered and if not backed.

at nights prophet said said the Quran to Ali as and he wrote them on animal skins.

also at time of Government of Uthman ordered to all cities that all Qur'an should be collected and burnt them all. but Ali sa did not obey and did not deliver his Quran to be burnt and kept it.

also Quran was protected by memorizing it by hundreds of sahaba and even if no written Quran existed still it survived by high number of Quran memorizes.

this Quran also has comments of Gabreil about verses of Quran told to prophet and its volume is 3 times of Quran only. this Quran was on separated animal skins and prophet before his death said to Ali as whe I died remain at home and collect my Quran and make it compiled. when Ali as finished compile took it to mosque and said to Sahab this is Quran of prophet. they said we have our own Quran and do not need it. (in commentaries of that Quran there was some interprets about Caliphet of Ali as) then Ali as said you will never see this Quran. this Quran passed to next Imams and now it is with Imam Mahdi a.s. each Imam said parts of it to their students and thy wrote 400 books based on them and those 400 formed knowledge and Fiqh of shia.
And where was this taken from? If a hadith that just goes into another circle where by @KingMamba already refuted that the hadith are not word of God no Muslim will tell you that...So you are using a source that is not word of God to disprove one that is?

Plus Prophet was dead when Uthman was Khalifa and "burnt" the Quran...Sorry to burst your bubble Historical timeline is all screwed!
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The Quran has not contradicted itself in any part, now before you go running off to annotated bible know that I have already read those "contradictions".
OK... no contradictions... if you say so.... but, can you give some examples of those "contradictions" and why they are not so?
My question is "why" quaran was written so that only natives can understand. "why" shorthand was used. It was not like somebody was taking a running notes/dictation... In any case, it is irrelevant.

The Quran answers your question. :lol:

Quran (41:44) "If we made it a non-Arabic Quran they would have said, "Why did it come down in that language?" Whether it is Arabic or non-Arabic, say, "For those who believe, it is a guide and healing. As for those who disbelieve, they will be deaf and blind to it, as if they are being addressed from faraway."

According to Shia Quran was compiled at life of prophet by Imam Ali as. he came to home of prophet every night and said Salam. if heard reply entered and if not backed.

at nights prophet said said the Quran to Ali as and he wrote them on animal skins.

also at time of Government of Uthman ordered to all cities that all Qur'an should be collected and burnt them all. but Ali sa did not obey and did not deliver his Quran to be burnt and kept it.

also Quran was protected by memorizing it by hundreds of sahaba and even if no written Quran existed still it survived by high number of Quran memorizes.

this Quran also has comments of Gabreil about verses of Quran told to prophet and its volume is 3 times of Quran only. this Quran was on separated animal skins and prophet before his death said to Ali as whe I died remain at home and collect my Quran and make it compiled. when Ali as finished compile took it to mosque and said to Sahab this is Quran of prophet. they said we have our own Quran and do not need it. (in commentaries of that Quran there was some interprets about Caliphet of Ali as) then Ali as said you will never see this Quran. this Quran passed to next Imams and now it is with Imam Mahdi a.s. each Imam said parts of it to their students and thy wrote 400 books based on them and those 400 formed knowledge and Fiqh of shia.

Nice fairy tale now go to an Indian shias house and take his Quran than go to a Sunni Indians home and compare. If the Shias think it is fake they would not let their children learn from it, logic fail thank you come again.
I never get bored with these kind of debates

"Who came first ,the chicken ,or the egg ?" :coffee:
Sadly many never read about him but only dig for faults...that is the human mindset, never accept positiveness nor accept any good out of someone...Always look for faults and always promote the negativeness...the more you can find the higher you are in god knows
None of the religious texts in world are without self contradicting that they need any external source to disprove divinity for divinity is not based on evidence and reason. Having said that, I don't want to get banned, I will leave it here.

Yes off course. Now we come to the great logical fallacy of them all, circular reasoning.

You woulda been banned the moment I had seen ur first post u troll
OK... no contradictions... if you say so.... but, can you give some examples of those "contradictions" and why they are not so?

You can go to any Muslim website and look for yourself. All accusations have been answered and most were misinterpretations.
I never get bored with these kind of debates

"Who came first ,the chicken ,or the egg ?" :coffee:
Seems some believe the omelette came first :D

You woulda been banned the moment I had seen ur first post u troll
Why was I quoted am I troll?
Chill bro let him humiliate himself....so far he has presented god knows how much crap!
If the Quran was in Chinese thirdfront would say, "Why is it in Chinese"? LOL it could have been sent down in Martian and these guys still would find a problem with it.
You can go to any Muslim website and look for yourself. All accusations have been answered and most were misinterpretations.
Had he gone to a Muslim website he wouldnt have wasted 2.5 hrs of our time reading off anti Islamic websites !
Because the scribes were from Saudi....if someone is dictating me something I would go with shorthand because yes some of the scholars were taking a dictation as the Prophet recited the verses Good God you dont even know the basics and you want to go in depth discussions?

or write in the language I know best not in a dialect I dont know....

I speak better Urdu than Punjabi, when I explain to a Pakistani I will not try to explain in Punjabi but in Urdu so I can get the most msg across! What are you getting at? Now you are just grasping straws while drowning!

And where was this taken from? If a hadith that just goes into another circle where by @KingMamba already refuted that the hadith are not word of God no Muslim will tell you that...So you are using a source that is not word of God to disprove one that is?

Plus Prophet was dead when Uthman was Khalifa and "burnt" the Quran...Sorry to burst your bubble Historical timeline is all screwed!
So, then this did not happen "Muhammad (pbuh) was very vigilant in preserving the entire Quran in written form as well. The Prophet (pbuh) could not read or write, so as soon as a portion of the Quran was revealed, he called upon his scribes to record the revealed text.The Prophet (pbuh) specified the part of the Quran the revelation belonged to and had the companions read back what was written to ensure that it corresponded exactly with what was revealed.Thus, the complete Quran was not only memorized by the Prophet (pbuh) and many of his companions, but also existed in written form during his lifetime.Within a year after the Prophets (pbuh) death, a manuscript of the entire Quran was assembled by a committee led by the chief scribe of the Prophet (pbuh), who followed stringent criteria to safeguard against any errors" (general claim). They were so short of time that had to use shorthand before verse was forgotten? hmm... makes so much sense now...

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