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150,000 Russian troops on alert as US warns Putin!


May 28, 2011
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The US warned Moscow to be "very careful" in its judgements after Vladimir Putin put armed forces in western Russia on alert, as tensions mounted in the pro-Russian Crimea over the overthrow of Moscow ally Viktor Yanukovych by pro-European protesters.

Amid fears the country could fragment in the struggle between its pro-Russian and pro-European regions, Mr Putin flexed his military muscle by ordering war games involving 150,000 troops along the Ukrainian border.

John Kerry, the US secretary of state, raised the spectre of an East-West standoff as he insisted the US and Russia did not need to get into an "old cold war confrontation" over the country. He called on the Kremlin to "keep its word" over the unity of Ukraine, as the White House urged "outside actors" in the region to respect the country's sovereignty.

NATO also turned up the pressure on Russia, saying it would continue to support "Ukrainian sovereignty and independence, territorial integrity, democratic development and the principle of the inviolability of frontiers"

Ukraine revolution: 150,000 Russian troops on alert as US warns Putin - Telegraph

PressTV - Putin puts troops on alert in west Russia

Don't you think the US and NATO should mind their own business instead of acting like the world's policemen? They should stop their habit of poking their noses where they aren't wanted. Let the Russians and Ukrainians sort out the issue by themselves.

But then, old habits die hard. The Americans are aching for intervention. It's like a drug and they're hooked!
USA should get himself out of this issue. Let them solve this. Where were they before Russia came into the action? Or they just doing it because of Syria war.
Id bet my money on US ... "IF" this whole shit turns into a war/conflict... which is unlikely...

Why? coz russia isnt USSR... Even USSR convientionally couldnt have beaten USA...
There goes another effort to kick-start World War 3...
Id bet my money on US ... "IF" this whole shit turns into a war/conflict... which is unlikely...

Why? coz russia isnt USSR... Even USSR convientionally couldnt have beaten USA...
But this time Russia's allies are more powerful than they were before in the past. Like China, India etc.
USA should get himself out of this issue. Let them solve this. Where were they before Russia came into the action? Or they just doing it because of Syria war.

Indeed Russia should have kept out of the issue. Nothing was happening until there were riots and the Ukrainian President started attacking and killing the protestors after being promised financial aid in the billions and then fleeing the country to Moscow. And before that, making it illegal to protest in the first place. All because the people were angry about Ukraine led by the president want to shift to Russian sphere instead of European.
The US, Canada, Britain, France, Germany and the rest of NATO would ***** and complain. They would do nothing. :crazy_pilot:
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Frankly I dont see any future conventional conflict between the US and Russia, they may support a faction of their choice covertly but thats about it....
U.S.A and NATO should kick out Russia from Ukraine. It was Russia that started violence and bloodshed in the name of aid.
Conspiracy theorists please stop your rheotric
Georgian Conflict. Here come WW3
Syrian Conflict. Here comes WW3
Arab Spring, Here come WW3
Iran Israel tension, Here comes WW3
India Pak standoff, Here come WW3
Gastric trouble with N.Korean Premier, here comes WW3 :p:
and so on bla bla bla......

Pray to Almighty there is no more war and i believe world is not stupid enough to start war for recreation.

As for the issue let the people of ukarain decide there fate and all of them America, European and Russia should not interfere in Ukarain.
If people of ukarain want to be in Russian lobby let them and if they want EU so be it
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