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'15-20 Men in an Upscale Jaipur Restaurant Saw My Long Beard and Almost Lynched Me’

See dude, I won't deny that there isn't any communalism within the police force even if I haven't personally ever been to a police station because there are reports of extra judicial killings that are quite well known. But over here we are investigating the veracity of this whole story itself right from the hotel part. As he himself mentioned, a random person came to him and asked whether he was a Muslim. This in itself sounds dubious. Then the fact that he had conveniently forgotten his Aadhar card (not that it matters but it's a more stronger identity than a passport), asking to recite a mantra (he couldn't even recite a basic one. Almost all Hindus know some mantras which they recite at home or during festivals), checking for janeu (which mainly Brahmins wear and is in no way an identity marker for a Hindu) and the rest of the concocted story definitely doesn't sound like a solid one. Sorry, but I can't believe in this story. I could've written more but I have to have the evening tea right now.
Aside from nitpicking (which don't matter at all like replace passport with Aadhar, would you believe it then?), the story have nothing unusual - just those people had this person in mind due to media's 24/7 propaganda.
Dude, people are suspicious, especially after 26/11 fiasco. I remember I visited Himachal some years ago then the hotel owners were very careful and adamant of our identity and then throw a bearded man alone with suspicious bags with notes of a journalist and all. This story is very much possible, man.
And in April there was a similar case.
Giving your identity documents in a hotel while checking in is a legal requirement

Here he is saying he was coming out of a restaurant. Nobody asks your identity in a restaurant.

No one will see a dadhi wallah and automatically ask whether he is a Muslim.

Giving your identity documents in a hotel while checking in is a legal requirement

Here he is saying he was coming out of a restaurant. Nobody asks your identity in a restaurant.

No one will see a dadhi wallah and automatically ask whether he is a Muslim.

There's a whole legal case dude. I don't think police is stupid enough to register a case without minimal evidence.
There's a whole legal case dude. I don't think police is stupid enough to register a case without minimal evidence.
Sure that is why the first FIR was filed

An FIR was filed against me under Section 107 (‘disrupting public tranquility’) and I was asked to sign it. I protested, saying I was the one who was the victim of an attack by a Hindu mob. The thana in-charge thrashed me again and forcefully made me sign the FIR.
Aside from nitpicking (which don't matter at all like replace passport with Aadhar, would you believe it then?), the story have nothing unusual - just those people had this person in mind due to media's 24/7 propaganda.
Ok, I'll list out the suspicious points so that it will be easier to analyze:

1) Random person comes and asks whether he is a Muslim (In an Upscale Restaurant, the crowd is more mature, the hotel staff won't want any commotion, etc)
2) He conveniently forgot his Aadhar card (You asked whether I would believe if he had Aadhar card, but over here Aadhar card is not the point of contention but only one of the many loopholes in this story). The Aadhar card is a more secure identity and in fact, one of the most important document to identify any person in India.
3) He mentioned that he had stayed in Jaipur for over a year and yet had just 'forgotten' his Aadhar card when he left his native place for Rajasthan. Any person in India will be careful to take his Aadhar card when he travels around even within his own state. This careless guy forgot his Aadhar card and thought it's ok to live without Aadhar card in Rajasthan.
4) In many hotels and apartments, you are required to show your Aadhar card as proof to live over there. How didn't he have his own Aadhar card? A person in his 20s/30s is supposed to have his Aadhar card right? Did he just lose it and was careless enough to not a create a new one?
5) In cities especially, people are not too concerned about your identity. People tend to keep to themselves.
6) All Hindus know mantras. Even if he is an atheist/agnostic, he can still easily recall the mantras that he used to recite in home/festivals when he was a kid.
7) It's mostly the Brahmins who wear the janeu. The people really asked him about janeu? So can we classify this incident of a person being beaten for not being a Brahmin instead of for not being a Hindu?
8) Apparently, they checked for circumcision (which was caught on camera with the hotel staff idling around lol). Ok, so they must have found he is not circumcised. So why continue beating him?
9) Heavily accented Hindi? There are plenty of people who don't speak Hindi with correct accent from all over India. Going by his name, he sounds a Bengali. A Bengali speaking Hindi could be very different from how a Kashmiri speaks Hindi.
10) How do documents from National Crime Records Bureau website translate to people assuming he is a terrorist? What's the correlation?

I don't think we even need to go to the police station part from here.
and female foeticide exist

@Axomiya_lora @padamchen, remember my telling you a few times about how some doctors in India are breeding dogs to eat aborted female fetuses so as to dispose of them conveniently ? You never answered to me about this.

What makes a common citizen of this country, without any previous criminal history, indulge in a brutal and dehumanising crime such as lynching?

@Soumitra, still believe that a large part of the Indian middle class is an evolved bunch ?

Fake News from an anti-India website.

So you would only believe in PoopIndia, sorry OpIndia ?

Fishy story. Which person/group of people in the world will randomly go to a stranger in an upscale restaurant and inquire about whether he is a Muslim or not? Also, which upscale restaurant in the world will allow this kind of thuggish behaviour in its own restauarant?

Here is a case from 2019 :
Gurgaon: A family's dinner date at a Gurgaon restaurant turned ugly after a group of men allegedly harassed a woman and hit her husband on the head with a liquor bottle after they objected, reported news agency ANI.

The incident took place on Sunday night and was caught on CCTV camera installed in the restaurant located in Sector 47 on Sohna Road.

In the surveillance footage, a group of six men, reportedly drunk, can be seen gathering around the family's dinner table, engaging in an argument. This is followed by them attacking the woman's husband.

An FIR has been registered against the accused men who are on the run.
Sure that is why the first FIR was filed

An FIR was filed against me under Section 107 (‘disrupting public tranquility’) and I was asked to sign it. I protested, saying I was the one who was the victim of an attack by a Hindu mob. The thana in-charge thrashed me again and forcefully made me sign the FIR.
So, this is a proof that incident happened (details being not agreed), right? @TheGreatMaratha
Recently, I received a call from an unknown number, with the person claiming to be from the office of one of the perpetuators. He said that the accused was prepared to offer me money and a written apology if I withdrew the case.

I refused, pointing out the brutal nature of the crime and explaining that it was the state which was pursuing the case against the accused. Talk about compounding the crime!
Read this part. @TheGreatMaratha @Soumitra

The guy is prosecuting them! Do you think he will do that on a fake story? Will police even register the case on his behalf?
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@Naofumi One more point, he mentions that he was almost lynched. He must have got injuries right? Why wasn't he sent to the hospital? If he was 'almost' lynched, how did he survive the whole day and was fit enough to be locked through the night in the police station? (apparently, the police too stripped of his clothes)

Dude, that's epistemological nihilism. I can even claim 9/11 was an internal conspiracy.
Refute my points about mantra and janeu. Or even the concept of living the whole year without Aadhar card in a completely different state. Or the fact about being beaten even after seeing that he is not circumcised.
@Naofumi One more point, he mentions that he was almost lynched. He must have got injuries right? Why wasn't he sent to the hospital? If he was 'almost' lynched, how did he survive the whole day and was fit enough to be locked through the night in the police station? (apparently, the police too stripped of his clothes)
Bro, I can dissect each one of your claims (which btw are based upon gross generalisations like "all know mantra" etc) but I would rather call you to think rather than nit-picking which can be done to every story.
Oh, btw it reminds me of Backfire effect.
Bro, I can dissect each one of your claims (which btw are based upon gross generalisations like "all know mantra" etc) but I would rather call you to think rather than nit-picking which can be done to every story.
That's how people fight a case in courts to be honest. By going by the general rule first. That's what's called probability. It doesn't mean highly improbable incidents don't occur though.
Oh, btw it reminds me of Backfire effect.
And how are you convinced that this Backfire effect is applied to only me? I have given all the logical justifications.
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