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'15-20 Men in an Upscale Jaipur Restaurant Saw My Long Beard and Almost Lynched Me’

Read this part. @TheGreatMaratha @Soumitra

The guy is persecuting them! Do you think he will do that on a fake story? Will police even register the case on his behalf?
There are too many holes in the story

1 this alleged incident took place last August. I did a quick google search for man beaten up in Jaipur restaurant and no news stories of this kind were reported. Suddenly 11 months later he wakes up and writes an article in The Wire which is known for its anti-india stance.

2 this incident took place in Jaipur which has a "secular" government and still they beat him up

3 he carried a passport and not aadhaar card. Who does that while going to eat? Even if we say that he didn't carry the aadhaar card didn't he have a pan card or license or any other identification. All these fit easily in the purse.

Do you seriously believe that a person has no aadhaar card, no pan card, no license but he is carrying a passport while going to a restaurant

4 he has a beard and out of the blue someone asks him that he is a Muslim? It doesn't happen like this

5 he is beaten up by random men having dinner in a restaurant just because he doesn't have a janeu. It doesn't happen

6 asking someone to recite mantras - this is directly lifted from a Bangladeshi terrorist attack story a few years ago when terrorist demanded that people speak the kalima or they were shot.
That's how people fight a case in courts to be honest. By going by the general rule first. That's what's called probability. It doesn't mean highly improbable incidents don't occur though.

And how are you convinced that this Backfire effect isn't applied to only me? I have given all the logical justifications.
Dude, crime scenes by their nature have some degree of improbability because normally crimes doesn't happen. Crimes are an improbability themselves, take Nirbhaya case for nit-pickings, Would a girl be at night that late? Why would one take an empty bus as transportation? Why didn't the perpetrators stopped at rape as they do in most cases and physically harmed her too? Didn't they knew of their consequences?
These are nit-picking on broad story, not to mention the details on which I can go on and on with nit-picking. Crimes are an improbability. Probabilities are just misunderstandings.
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Dude, crime scenes by their nature have some degree of improbability because normally crimes doesn't happen. Crimes are an improbability themselves, take Nirbhaya case for nit-picking, Would a girl be at night that late? Why would one take a empty bus as transportation? Why didn't the perpetrators stopped at rape and physically harmed her too as they do in most cases? Didn't they knew of their consequences?
These are nit-picking on broad story, not to mention the details on which I can go on and on with nit-picking. Crimes are an improbability. Probabilities are just misunderstandings.
If such a crime did happen show me a report from August
Dude, crime scenes by their nature have some degree of improbability because normally crimes doesn't happen. Crimes are an improbability themselves, take Nirbhaya case for nit-picking, Would a girl be at night that late? Why would one take a empty bus as transportation? Why didn't the perpetrators stopped at rape and physically harmed her too as they do in most cases? Didn't they knew of their consequences?
These are nit-picking on broad story, not to mention the details on which I can go on and on with nit-picking. Crimes are an improbability. Probabilities are just misunderstandings.
Agreed that crimes are improbabilities themselves but you are talking of a very broad thing. I'm not denying that the so-called 'beating' in a restaurant can't happen but it's too unbelievable to be taken seriously.

Now, I don't know too much about the Nirbhaya case apart from the fact that the poor girl was unfortunately raped in a bus. But girls being out at night with a male is believable. Even being alone late at night in a city like Delhi is believable. Also, late night buses tend to be empty so nothing suspicious about that. People literally travel in empty late night buses over here (even private ones).

The guy who wrote this hasn't even bothered to file a case against the policeman. He has taken the effort to write a whole article almost 1 year after the incident. I also checked his previous articles and apparently this is his only article in Wire. (I know he isn't a journalist as such but just saying)

Apart from this, there are plenty other points that I've already mentioned. (Cases are fought in courts based on probability btw even though the crime may be an improbability. Lawyers try to find the probability within the improbability called crime).
If such a crime did happen show me a report from August
Valid question, the article mentions a FIR too. I think someone can contact and ask the author or the wire itself to attach the related documents too.
Just got through reading the posts of the defense team of the culprits.

Amazing to note that these same people will believe every WhatsApp story without even thinking for a second, but find this whole story unbelievable because the guy did not have an Aadhar card on him.

It is this fascination for the minute details that have always impressed me about the Sanghis.
Valid question, the article mentions a FIR too. I think someone can contact and ask the author or the wire itself to attach the related documents too.
Nothing will happen because this is a fake news story which didn't happen.

You want to continue to believe it be my guest
Amazing to note that these same people will believe every WhatsApp story without even thinking for a second, but find this whole story unbelievable because the guy did not have an Aadhar card on him.
Have you even bothered to read the points apart from the Aadhar card?
It is these fascination for the minute details that have always impressed me about the Sanghis.
So anyone who doesn't align with your views, you can just frame him as a Sanghi and get away with it? Damn, the views of people here are just set in stone. Anyway, you are just a random troll and your views are hardly logical anytime. Keep going.
You seem to be a self declared authority on fake and non-fake stories. Which itself is a lie.
I have given many points why I consider it fake news.

If it is not fake news show me a report from August
Have you even bothered to read the points apart from the Aadhar card?

So anyone who doesn't align with your views, you can just frame him as a Sanghi and get away with it? Damn, the views of people here are just set in stone. Anyway, you are just a random troll and your views are hardly logical anytime. Keep going.

I agree with you. This incident could not have happened, because of the excellent points you have raised. I apologize for framing you as a Sanghi. That error is regretted.
I agree with you that this did not happen. I find it hard to believe that Hindus could harass anyone.
I know you are saying it sarcastically but this particular story didn't happen
I agree with you. This incident could not have happened, because of the excellent points you have raised. I apologize for framing you as a Sanghi. That error is regretted.
You didn't even get my point, did you? Most of your posts have zero quality and thus you are not taken seriously.
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