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Featured 144 stories:Remembering lives lost in Peshawar School Attack

Slightly old but will make you cry...

Its Unhuman.. we as Pakistani nation will never forget that.
Salutes to all the martyrs of APS. Words will not do justice to express the feeling and pain of that massacre since that day the country has been mourning them.
These people have nothing to do with Islam. Just shows how low humanity can get.

Then let's take your reflexion further, my friend :
Killing a child is inhuman as Sheikh Rauf noted which is what made us so sad as expressed by all.
Inhumanity takes precedence over religion as universal. In killing kids, you try to kill all humans and
humanity's future. Islam is a revered part of the human adventure; these rabid beasts are not!
The two should never be found in the same sentence.

I must be rare in the West in thinking so but I wish apologetical discourse would tone down in such cases.
If we forget to mention Islam at all, I trust the inhuman part would shine more clearly & get universal rebuke.

Also ...
Of course these were military related kids which probably confused the zombies into attacking unless it was
due to the liberal attitude of the place but first and foremost it was a school. So kids and knowledge???
That points to a direct hatred for the very concept of the State of Pakistan, right?
Well, in fact, it is an attack on humanity again. Maybe the next Jinnah that would make the nation enter a
new age of peace and prosperity was in those classrooms; maybe the person that would have invented the
ultimate energy source was in those classrooms. As Pakistan lost so did all of humanity.

To me, the thread title in my head for this heart wrenching anniversary would read :

12-16-2014 When humanity fell martyr to itself ... again! R.I.P. Peshawar promises!


P.S. There is this image in the composite song video posted by Maarkhoor that appears as cover.
Could some one find the link to the original for me, please? It's a very strong comment IMHoO.
ShamePeshAtt.png When time allows, no hurry and thanks in advance!
I would like share a nice thing from across the border lets have look
@WAJsal @Taygibay @Joe Shearer
Peshawar attack: Anupam Kher writes open letter to terrorists
Devastated by the news of the recent attack on Army Public School in Peshawar, Bollywood icon Anupam Kher has written an open letter to terrorists involved in the attack, reported Hindustan Times as it ran a copy of the letter.

Following are the words the renowned icon wrote:

Every time you commit a mindless act of terrorism, I die a little. Truth be told, I have been dying quite often of late; little by little.

I have died when bombs go off in civilian areas, when bystanders are held hostage, when airlines are hijacked, when defenceless people are killed and when the unarmed are sold as slaves.

But today, when you butchered over 130 children in cold blood in a school in Peshawar, I fear there is nothing left in me. I don’t know what your objective was, but you have certainly reduced me to a dead man walking.

What tenet of religiosity can you quote to justify such slaughtering of children? What twisted perception of which faith can you claim to adhere to? Does it require bravery to shoot barefaced children, innocents who do not understand the concept of conflict, much less the evil face of terrorism?

Killing children cannot be an act of faith in any religion. According to early reports, you are the same monsters who tried to kill Malala Yousufzai on October 9, 2012.

You did not kill her; her bravery won her the Noble Prize earlier this month.

Words cannot adequately despise the monstrosity which you have committed. True, there have been greater pogroms in history such as Lidice, Dachau, the purges of Stalin, the Cultural Revolution of Mao, the killing fields of Cambodia. But these were political movements or results of conflict.

What you have done today is something not reflected in history; the slaughter of innocents.

I cannot ascribe a category to which you could possibly belong. Even animals kill for a reason; out of fear or hunger. But you let loose bullets out of senselessness. Truly, you are beyond evil.

Pictures of war and conflict often move me. Today it was different. I saw a picture of a father who had tied the shoelace of his son before he sent him to the ill-fated school.

'I have the shoe, but I have no son…’ he lamented.

I was not moved. I broke down.

Your dastardly act today will have united parents everywhere and earned you their curses. Time will prove that their curses will not have been in vain.

In memory of military school massacre victims

LAHORE - The young artists of Government College University Lahore (GCU) Fine Arts Department relived the painful and heartrending memories of terrorist attack on Army Public School (APS), Peshawar through their artwork at the poster exhibition opened on Thursday at the university’s Minhas Art Gallery.

About 50 artworks of young fine arts students are put on display at the exhibition that is dedicated to the sacrifices and bravery of to 151 schoolchildren and teachers who lost their lives in terrorist attack on APS Peshawar in December last year.

“It’s almost a year but the wounds of APS carnage are still fresh, and I strongly believe that education for all will ultimately be the real revenge, said Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Hassan Amir Shah while addressing the inaugural ceremony of the week-long exhibition.

“It’s education that will wipe out the terrorism; you can fight it and stop it for a period of time but ultimately education will end it, said Prof Shah who was pleased to see that many students have themed their posters on importance of education for fighting terrorism.

He also paid glowing tributes to the soldiers of the country’s armed forces, who are sacrificing their lives in war against terrorism, so that “our children can safely continue the mission of APS martyrs i.

Addressing the ceremony, GCU Fine Arts Department Incharge Erfan Ullah Babar said Dec 16 was a Black Day in the history of humanity which could never be forgot.
He appreciated the enthusiasm and patriotism of the young artists, saying that “you art clearly depicts that terrorists have failed and the great sacrifice of APS schoolchildren have united us as nation to promote their mission of education.
He said a student had beautifully depicted terrorism in his artwork as “ignorant against the innocents.

Talking to media, the young artists said that it is difficult to draw or create something on APS carnage, because it multiplies their pain and grief over the massacre of innocent schoolchildren.
“I have a younger brother and I see the faces of innocent APS martyrs in him,” said Mehwish Saleem, a fine arts student.

The Chinese delegates participating in an international conference at GCU visited the exhibition paid tributes to the sacrifices of APS martyrs.
“Chinese and Pakistanis are brothers and they were our children too,” they said.

The exhibition will remain open till Dec 15, 2015 and many school delegations are scheduled to attend it.

Meanwhile, remembering the martyrs of Army Public School Peshawar, an Inter Collegiate Painting Competition was held at Government College of Home Economics Gulberg, Lahore under the auspices of Punjab Education Department.

The students belonging to various colleges participated in the competition.
Director Education, Rana Nasim Akhtar, Principal Prof Dr Samia Kalsoom, faculty members, teacher from participating colleges were also present.

The Hall was let with the heart-touching painting, slogans, clay mugs carrying the items of that great tragedy.

The paintings especially focused the cruelty of the terrorist and the spirit of the children to rise above all odds and fight terrorism.
Govt College of Home Economics, Gulberg, Lahore Wahdat Road College, Model Town, College, Islamia College Cooper Road, Jinnah Degree College, Samanabad College & Queen Marry College, Lahore took part in the contest.

Among the judges were Shahida Naeem, Riffat, Atifa Usmani.
The first prize was bagged by Mozammil (Govt Post Graduate College for Women Samanabad, Lahore), second prize won by Samia Waheed College of Home Economics, Gulberg, Lahore and third position grabbed by Laraib Hyder from Gulberg College & Connotation prize was won by Romesa Rasheed (Govt College for Women, Gulberg, Lahore).

Similarily, the PU Department of Physics on organized seminar on Dhaka Fall and attack on Army Public School at seminar room of the department.

Chairman Department of Physics Prof Dr Hafiz Muhammad Rafique presided over the program while faculty members and a large number of students were present on the occasion.

The participants strongly condemned the incident of APS and affirmed that the nation would foil all the nefarious designs of terrorists and the country would grow stronger in near future.
Dr Hafiz Muhammad Rafique gave a detailed lecture on APS and Dhaka Fall.

Later, the participants also offered Fateha for the departed souls of former Chairmen Department of Physics Prof Dr MA Shaukat and Prof Dr Khadim Hussain.
I don't know why the hell they call themselves 'Muslims' with following the footsteps of Firoon. He used to kill kids. They did the same. Still people are having hard time to differentiate them from the true Islam and their sort of Islam. (Which they made up their own). New definition of brutality took place on 16th December. On the other hand, if you see, this attack was a direct attack on our army with alternative way. The most cheapest way one can think of. We will never forget nor forgive this day.
Speechless for the bravery of all those mothers who lost their children.
how will we forget that day of 16 december 2014. Execution of our children in our front. Small ( totas Meenas ). UN FORGET ABLE DAY OF OUR LIVES. ALLAH TAALA WOON KO JANNAT UL FIRDOS MAIN JAGA AATA FARMAEY OWAR WALEDAIN KO SABRE JAMIL AATA FARMAEY AAMEEN SUMMA AAMEEN.
P.S. There is this image in the composite song video posted by Maarkhoor that appears as cover.
Could some one find the link to the original for me, please? It's a very strong comment IMHoO.
Sir i requested this wallpaper from video uploader soon i will post here for you HD version.
Source : 144stories: Remembering lives lost in the Peshawar school attack - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Below are 144 accounts of courage and sadness. Of men, women and children whose absence will be forever painful, always remembered.

Khaula Bibi — Age 6
Daughter of Altaf Hussain and Safoora Bibi

Siblings: Samar (12), Shobaid (11), Areeba (4)

Khaula was the youngest and only girl student killed in the horrific attack. According to her father, a teacher at APS, December 16, 2015 was Khaula’s first day of school. She had gained admission to class 1 a day earlier, and was so excited to study at the same school as her siblings.

Her family describes little Khaula as a flower. Even at that tender age, she was passionate about education and was outspoken about the right of girl children to go to school. She loved to read and would often read the novels of her elder siblings. She helped weak classmates with their English and Urdu till they made it to the top 10. She played tutor to the younger children in her community.

She persuaded a professor in her neighbourhood to send his daughter to school, and despite his vehement opssitiion, he melted. He was swayed by Khaula and her sweet words.

Her family is shattered. Her mother says she will never recover from the loss of her precious daughter. Her father tries to be braves for the family, but in his heart, he mourns Khaula every day.







P.S: Last 3 photos simply stabbed my heart ---

Never forget
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