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14 dead in shooting at San Bernardino, Calif., center for disabled; 3 suspects on loose

I went to see my doctor today, who is an Indian Muslim. The guy was VERY concerned about Muslim population and the effect on their children due to these events, and any hate crimes, etc.

Yeah, this really torques me as much as the killings themselves. Some Muslim kills a bunch of people, and the Muslim community isn't thinking "how did this happen", it's "well, the most important thing is how this might have a negative impact on the Muslim community". Yep, dead non-Muslims not as important as Muslims being called names. That'll cause some resentment.
Yeah, this really torques me as much as the killings themselves. Some Muslim kills a bunch of people, and the Muslim community isn't thinking "how did this happen", it's "well, the most important thing is how this might have a negative impact on the Muslim community". Yep, dead non-Muslims not as important as Muslims being called names. That'll cause some resentment.
And American gun laws...:rolleyes:
First of all it is not because of Indian attempts to isolate Pakistan but because of the actions of Pakistani people.
Secondly do you realize how big a thing 3 month wait time is?

It definitely has to do with failed Indian campaign to isolate Pakistan. Now when you have failed, you don't want to own it.

Secondly still Pakistanis are getting visas. Not a good enough achievement for India who wants a lot more after its global campaign.
An american born muslim shoots his work colleagues in US..how is it related to qadiyanis is beyond me....
What would your response be to someone drawing/painting an abusive caricature of the Prophet Muhammad on a giant billboard on Canal Road in Lahore?
You will find this story relevant, Sir:

Neighbors of San Bernardino shooters 'noticed them acting suspiciously' | Daily Mail Online

Neighbors of husband and wife San Bernardino shooters 'noticed them acting suspiciously but did NOT report them for fear of racial profiling'
  • Syed Farook and wife Tashfeen Malik were 'receiving packages' and 'working at strange hours in their garage' according to their neighbors
  • But neighbors feared reporting them in case it was merely racial profiling
That is one of the more ridiculous things I've heard. So now people can only work in their garages during 'approved non-strange hours'?

And receive no more than a specified number of 'packages' during any given time-period? Amazon is going to be very sad ...
Totally in agreement with you Sir

are you saying all Indians are biased and all pakistanies are unbiased ? even five fingers in your hand are not same .

i think he was saying that indian on pdf usually act stupid and immature. u prove that 2 me in another thread so ur indian identity confirmed :lol:
It definitely has to do with failed Indian campaign to isolate Pakistan. Now when you have failed, you don't want to own it.

Secondly still Pakistanis are getting visas. Not a good enough achievement for India who wants a lot more after its global campaign.
Yes you must be right. Wasn't there a very public campaign by Indians to make the rest of the world deny Pakistanis visa. I am sure it was covered in all newspaper you read.
@Topic a truly crazy and mind-boggling attack based on the terrorists. I mean it is one thing to find a like minded induvidual online but for that person to be YOUR WIFE? I just can't understand this level of crazy whilst acting so normal. There must be a hell of a lot of sick people out there.

Bloody scum who have left their young child an orphan to grow up with everyone knowing the actions of her parents- she is unlikely to have a happy life. This is yet another level of evel on top of it all.
You have to consider the possibility that the 'marriage' was entered into solely for the purpose of getting an accomplice into the US under spouse/fiance rules, and the 'child' was conceived unintentionally or perhaps as part of a twisted attempt to 'replace' the potential loss of a son for Farooq's mother.

The amount of time Farooq spent abroad doesn't suggest enough time to become proficient at explosives, so the 'wife' was likely the individual assigned those tasks.
this gun crazy man and his wife seem 2 have some psycho issues. now they r muslim their psycho issues become problem of every muslim. all the idiots here saying muslims intolerant or hate non-muslim must remember that muslim nations was 4 many years refugee nations 2 jews and other prosecuted people by christians. now we become intolerant how when jews and christians living in turkey and iran etc and hindus and chinese living in many muslim asian land? we become angry at what happens when muslim is killed or attacked 4 no good reason. that is nature of our religion since we believe in brotherhood which even jews do. but islam dont say so and we muslims dont stand up together and say kill all non muslim or take a gun or explosive in western nations and kill everybody around u. if somebody does that whether he is muslim or not he is terrorist and not christian or muslim or jew. simple terrorist
This event will boost Donald Trump's campaign for US presidency. He will use this event to polarize US elections.
What would your response be to someone drawing/painting an abusive caricature of the Prophet Muhammad on a giant billboard on Canal Road in Lahore?

That is one of the more ridiculous things I've heard. So now people can only work in their garages during 'approved non-strange hours'?

And receive no more than a specified number of 'packages' during any given time-period? Amazon is going to be very sad ...

Its pathetic the extent you guys go to propogate your qadiyani agenda....

No respect for fallen...
Not even on topic..

I am reporting this post
It definitely has to do with failed Indian campaign to isolate Pakistan. Now when you have failed, you don't want to own it.

Secondly still Pakistanis are getting visas. Not a good enough achievement for India who wants a lot more after its global campaign.

Wow... even on a thread which is about a Pakistani carrying out perhaps the worst act of terrorism after 9/11 on US soil (even the Boston bomber was a pakistani), you bring in India and what all are wrong with indians..... even after 1000000 of racist things that you can come up with to address us, atleast we dont go on killing people on the streets of Paris or New york or Sydney in the name of 'Bhagwaan'...@ranjeet @Mike_Brando
US gun crime in 2015
Figures up to 3 December

Mass shootings

  • 62 shootings at schools

  • 12,223 people killed in gun incidents

  • 24,722 people injured in gun incidents
Source: Shooting tracker, Gun Violence Archive


San Bernardino shooting: Statistics behind US gun violence - BBC News

"The San Bernardino shooting is America's 1,044th mass shooting in 1,066 days" (at Vox) and "The San Bernardino shooting is the second mass shooting today and the 355th this year"



FBI active shooter statistics Photograph: FBI

Increasingly frequent mass shootings. Photograph: Mother Jones

US mass shootings becoming more frequent – and more deadly | US news | The Guardian
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