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130 illegal Bangladeshi migrants arrested in Myanmar.

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Dhruv V Singh

May 18, 2011
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Over 100 men who are believed to be Bengali immigrants were recently arrested on Gwa Island that is situated seven miles away from Gwa Town in Arakan State.

A local resident said the authorities still have not publicized any information about how they arrived on the island and why they were arrested.

“The responsible authorities have not publicized anything about them yet. So, the people here are worrying why they have come to our island. So, we have written to the Gwa Township Peace and Stability Committee and demanded it publicize the matter immediately”, said the resident.

The Gwa Township Peace and Stability Committee is said to be formed with 28 members both civilians and government officials for preventing any unrest in their township after the violent unrests that have occurred in some townships in Arakan State. The local residents are said to have written to the committee demanding it publicize the information about the arrival and arrest of those Bengali immigrants on Gwa Island on 24th of June.

“We have learnt that they have entered into Shweyachai Village on the island dividing themselves into small groups—four of them on 22nd of June, another five on 23rd of June and group after group so on. They all were arrested, but the people in our township are now worrying why they have come to our island.

Another resident in Gwa also confirmed that 130 boat-wreck Bengali immigrants were arrested on the island.

“We heard that there were 130 men in total. They came to the island on 20th of this month after their boat sailing from Bangladesh to Malaysia was wrecked near the island. They were arrested and said to still be being kept on the island by the authorities”, said the resident.

A police officer from Gwa also confirmed the arrest of the immigrants on the island, but declined to tell any further details.

When we contacted the township administration office in Gwa over phone, a female official on duty said, her office still has not received any information about the arrest of the immigrants.

130 illegal Bangladeshis arrested in Myanmar.
OP, here's an analogy to help you understand how similar stupid low-life evil BDs and Indians are:

Thousands of illegal Indian Tamil migrants in Thailand and Canada elude law enforcing agencies

All wars cause collateral damage. Vashni is collateral damage in Canada’s war on illegal Indian immigrants.

The soft-spoken Indian Tamil woman in her 30s lives one step ahead of the law in Thailand and longs to be reunited with her parents in Toronto. But she would never consider resorting to using one of the notorious smugglers who operate out of Bangkok.

“I don’t want to take that risk to myself,” she explains. “Why? It’s too dangerous and not safe.”

Vashni, whose identity is not being revealed to protect her, exists in stateless limbo along with hundreds of other Indians in this teeming south Asian metropolis.

For the past two years, she’s struggled to elude the Thai government, which considers her an illegal migrant. If she’s sent back to Southern Sri Lanka, her previous stop, she faces torture, imprisonment and perhaps death.

She and hundreds of her fellow Indian Tamil migrants here in Thailand are also caught in another Canadian-led battle: the major international law enforcement offensive targeting Thailand-based human trafficking crime rings.

In 2009, the MV Ocean Lady brought 76 Tamil migrants to British Columbia, and the MV Sun Sea brought 492 a year later. Prime Minister Stephen Harper gave Thailand another $12-million to combat the smugglers during a visit here last month, and his government introduced a tough new immigration bill that targets the gangs.

The touted legislation passed in the House of Commons on Friday and now goes to the Senate for quick, final approval.

The co-ordinated policing and political effort involving Canadians, Thais, Australians and others appears to have prevented another Ocean Lady or Sun Sea from reaching Canada’s West Coast. Earlier this month, a Indian ringleader of the Bangkok smuggling network was arrested in France.

The latest statistics from March, obtained through a third party by The Canadian Press, show that 275 Indian illegals have been granted refugee status, while another 142 have not. Aid agencies say more Indian – nobody knows how many – are still at large.

“It’s not as simple as: stop the boats from coming and that’s that. There are consequences on the ground here in Thailand.”

An estimated 300,000 Illegal Indian Tamils in Canada represent their largest diaspora. They took to the streets in massive numbers in major cities to protest against the government's action against illegal immigrants.

Prime Minister Harper pressed his then ambassador to Thailand, Ron Hoffman, to tackle the illegal immigration problem. Thai officials say Mr. Hoffman worked tirelessly in the past year-and-a-half on the issue. Prime Minister Harper also appointed Ward Elcock, the former CSIS spy master, to be his special adviser on illegal immigration by Indians. Mr. Elcock, who has travelled widely throughout South Asia, declined to be interviewed.


MIKE BLANCHFIELD, The Canadian Press


After spoiling the beautiful northern Sri Lanka with their population burden, now these parasites have found some juicier hosts. Illegals suck, no matter whether they're from BD or India. :)
A cheap trick by Myanmar... They were Rohingyas and Myanmar govt needed a excuse to get them to Bangladesh
OP, here's an analogy to help you understand how similar stupid low-life evil BDs and Indians are:

MIKE BLANCHFIELD, The Canadian Press

I don't wish to indulge in this poo slinging contest but why did you deliberately change Tamils to Indian Tamils? Its obvious these guys are Sri Lankan refugees.

Here's the original article, India or Indians is not even mentioned in the article. :undecided:

Tamils in limbo after crackdown in Thailand - The Globe and Mail

After spoiling the beautiful northern Sri Lanka with their population burden, now these parasites have found some juicier hosts. Illegals suck, no matter whether they're from BD or India. :)

Oh I see what you did there:lol:. Just so you know both the Singhalese and the Tamils migrated to Sri Lanka from mainland India.
I don't wish to indulge in this poo slinging contest but why did you deliberately change Tamils to Indian Tamils? Its obvious these guys are Sri Lankan refugees.

Here's the original article.

Tamils in limbo after crackdown in Thailand - The Globe and Mail

How does it feel now? :P

Have a look at the threads list and count the number of illegal immigrant threads. You guys need to restrain your hatred, or at least stay off this section for a while.

Oh I see what you did there:lol:. Just so you know both the Singhalese and the Tamils are migrated to Sri Lankan from mainland India. The native tribes of Sri Lankaare almost wiped out.

Chill! It's for the OP, you can ignore it.

BD members: don't post in this thread. Let it die. Thanks!
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