Well I am for free markets, so Pakistani farmers should have access to as many markets as possible. I don't subscribe to the "we gotta keep all the food inside till we have fixed starvation" argument.
If farmers can fetch the best price possible for their produce, the problems/pressures found in agricultural sector of the region can be mitigated.
The concept of better feeding the people of the country needs more free market, not less (because that just makes those people reliant on the govt and all its corruption and failing to address...and the govt also gets more power and control over the issue - which is generally bad). In fact few people know just how badly free food aid to Africa for example has devastated much of the local farming (that cant compete against free food, leading to all those ppl get thrown out of their jobs and the whole country becomes more reliant on the food aid long term etc).
In fact with relation to lingering hunger/malnutrition in South Asia, the key issue is not even food production/availability that much anymore. It is sanitation, hygiene and general health....thus awareness campaigns + funding (as localised and optimized as possible) on those have much more useful results to solving malnutrition than forcing farmers to sell at low price/loss to fellow countrymen by govt gun directed at them (and making
them suffer and become less productive and have resources to invest and better their lot).
@Joe Shearer @jbgt90 @VCheng @ziaulislam @Major Sam @Game.Invade @Desert Fox @Chak Bamu @saiyan0321