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12 years after 9/11: US sends guns to al-Qaeda


Dec 13, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
12 years after 9/11, Obama sends guns to al-Qaeda


WASHINGTON , September 12, 2013 — Today the United States is waking up to news that the first publicly acknowledged shipment of lethal aid has made its way to Syria. It comes as part of President Obama’s efforts to support the Syrian Opposition.

Before the 9/11 terror attacks, the United States was actively engaged in training and arming radical Islamist groups in the Middle East in order to undermine our enemies and supposedly support our national interests. After the Towers fell, the Pentagon was damaged, and Flight 93 was downed, the United States realized that they could not support such extremist groups anymore. Instead, America began a global campaign to combat terrorism, and punish those responsible for the September 11 attacks.

12 years later, we are back to arming radical Muslims, having forgotten, with stunning speed, the lessons of the previous 30 years.

12 years later we have come full circle.

We all understand that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. It served as the basis of our Cold War foreign policy stance towards revolutions and civil wars around the globe.

But when the enemy of my enemy, is also my enemy, it would seem as though choices for options range between “absolutely not” and “this is a terrible idea.”

The fact that this is an option in the first place is appalling. The fact that there is someone in the government with input on national defense strategy who raised his hand during a meeting in between Angry Bird sessions and cat videos on his phone and said ‘What about arming al-Qaeda?’ Those are the kind of moronic, useless DC government yuppies who travel in packs on H Street looking for a bar with a large enough craft beer selection to jolt them out of their almost permanent haze of perceived self-importance.

We understand that action needs to be taken, and that the Opposition forces are currently losing the war. But at the same time, we are actively engaged in combat operations against al-Qaeda and their allies. We are quite literally handing weapons to the enemy. This would be tantamount to the British government sending guns and ammo to the IRA to help them fight a Civil War in Northern Ireland. It is almost like the Union sending arms to the Confederates in order to combat an Indian uprising.

To quote a popular expression, “that dog just don’t hunt.” Except it does hunt because we just gave it automatic weapons, it can hunt a lot.

Does everyone understand what is going on? The United States, one day after the 12 year anniversary of the 9/11 Terror Attacks, has now contributed arms to the cause of those same people who perpetrated them. We are now actively supporting a terrorist network, not just a terrorist network, THE terrorist network. It has taken 12 years for the United States government to forget the names of those responsible for thousands of American dead, it has taken 12 years for the government to decide that those lives, and the sacrifice of thousands of service members do not matter anymore. This should hurt, and it should hurt a lot.

What should be running through everyone’s mind is that while we are arming al-Qaeda in Syria, we are fighting them in many other areas. Those same weapons we supply the rebels with in Syria, could be used against our forces in Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, or against our allies in Israel.

The potential benefit of this action is far outweighed by the potential harm it could inflict. During his anti-gun campaign several months ago, President Obama declared that any gun law, no matter how stringent, that could save the life of one child was worth trying. The question should be asked of him now; if not sending weapons to the Syrian Opposition saves the life of one American service member, is that worth trying?

Last year on September 11, al-Qaeda reminded the world it is still a threat capable of coordinating global attacks when it organized an assault in Benghazi which resulted in the death of Ambassador Stevens and three others. But the government said it was probably over a video so we shouldn’t worry about it. No matter that the names of the dead flash across the tv screen on CNN every night. No matter that we have spent over half a trillion dollars fighting these terrorists.

It would seem the only thing that matters now is making sure we don’t let the President lose credibility. Our government as it seems, has a memory like a steel trap. Was that steel? Sorry, perhaps pocket lint is more applicable. A trap made of pocket lint.

One would think that we would have learned our lesson by now. What was that? The American people have learned their lesson? The American people have been crying out against arming Syrian rebels?

12 years later, one day after the anniversary, Americans who can still tell you exactly where they were the moment they heard about the first plane hitting the Towers, Americans who still live with the images of falling bodies and burning buildings, Americans who are still afraid to fly, who still send their sons and daughters to war to make sure that it never happens again, are waking up to hear that the President of the United States of America has decided to arm the very people responsible for the worst terrorist attack on American soil.

12 years later, and we have learned nothing.

Read more: 12 years after 9/11, Obama sends guns to al-Qaeda | Washington Times Communities

Obama arms Syrian rebels while attacking American gun ownership

WASHINGTON, September 13, 2013 — The United States government has announced that it is going to begin overtly arming Syrian Opposition Forces, many factions of which are supported by al-Qaeda. At the same time, President Obama and many on the left continue their assault on American gun ownership.

While American tax dollars are being used abroad to fund and train those responsible for thousands of American dead, American tax dollars are also being used to fund government programs and regulations allegedly aimed at keeping military style weapons out of the hands of gang members in the United States.

Does President Obama’s decision to send guns to Syrian opposition forces undermine his gun control efforts in the United States?

The answer is yes of course it does.

On the domestic front, President Obama is trying to keep weapons out of the hands of violent criminals by supporting efforts to restrict the ownership of semi-automatic rifles, weapons capable of accepting high capacity magazines, and weapons he attests are designed for war. He states that as a nation we cannot afford for these weapons to wind up in the hands of violent street criminals.

Obama recently passed a pair of executive orders on gun control. The first raised the tax levied on trusts established to allow ordinary citizens to acquire Class III or “restricted weapons.” The second was an order banning the importation of a cache of WWII era rifles purchased by South Korea in the early 50’s, who are now trying to sell them to raise money for their military.

On the foreign front, President Obama is trying to prop up the Syrian Opposition by supplying them with automatic weapons, weapons capable of accepting high capacity magazines, and weapons he attests are meant to help the Syrian people overthrow a tyrannical dictator. He states that as a nation, we cannot sit idly by while a brutal President massacres his people.

Let’s break those down, shall we?

President Obama is trying to restrict the ability of Americans do practice their right under the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Through his allies in Congress, the Brady Campaign, and Mayors Against Illegal Guns, President Obama has made it perfectly clear that he does not believe that weapons meant for war should be in the hands of criminals, let alone anyone else. Previously proposed legislation would ban all “assault weapons” in an attempt to curb the rising violence in the United States, which according to statistics in on a decline.

Obama’s targeting of “restricted weapons” goes after a group of firearms that have to be manufactured before 1986 and require fingerprinting and licensing. It is highly unlikely that the criminal element is applying for their Class III and buying weapons from dealers, considering that many of those weapons come at well over $20,000, and getting a 9mm pistol from an unlicensed street dealer is much easier and much less expensive.

The WWII era weapons the President fears making their way to the streets weigh ten pounds, and ammo for them is expensive and phasing out of use. It would be very difficult to find a single crime committed by a street gang using an M1 Garand or an M1A1 carbine. Unless MS 13 or the Arian Nation is considering storming the beaches of Normandy with period correct munitions, or the Crips and the Bloods want to duke it out Iwo Jima style, the safe bet would be that the use of these weapons in particular by violent US gangs ranges from unlikely to extremely minimal. Which begs the question; who is President Obama really targeting in these Executive Orders?

Abroad, President Obama has decided to induce selective amnesia and arm radical Muslim fighters. He does this in an effort to give them a leg up in overthrowing their tyrannical dictator, Bashar al-Assad. He does this knowing full well that al-Qaeda and other radical Muslim groups have hijacked leadership of the Opposition, however he has decided that the rewards for arming Syrian rebels outweighs the risk of sponsoring terrorism.

President Obama has made it clear that he does not believe that Americans should be able to own weapons of war, while making it perfectly clear that he thinks arming radical Islamists is solid foreign policy.

To boil it down to President Obama’s logic; the taxpayer can’t own an AR-15, and we are arming al-Qaeda with fully automatic weapons bought with tax payer money. Ah, freedom.

Read more: Obama arms Syrian rebels while attacking American gun ownership | Washington Times Communities
Syria Dream Team: Obama, Brennan, and al-Zawahri


WASHINGTON, September 14, 2013 *— Three leaders in the fight to overthrow Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad are President Barack Obama, who has positioned American military forces for a possible strike; CIA director John Brennan, who is openly supplying weapons and advisors to the Free Syria Army (FSA); Egyptian physician and al-Qaeda commander Ayman al-Zawahri, who has now reportedly declared himself at the helm of the al-Nusra front in Syria.

Al-Zawahri is wanted for alleged connections to the September 11 attacks and Osama bin Laden. According to London’s “The Telegraph,” he called yesterday for new attacks on the United States to “bleed America economically.”

According to a Bipartisan Policy Center report titled “Jihadist Terrorism: A Threat Assessment,” “Zawahiri rejected AQI’s (Al Qaeda in Iraq) assertion of control over al-Nusra and declared the Syrian group to be under his direction … (Al Nusra) is widely acknowledged as the most effective fighting force in the war against Bashar al-Assad’s regime”.

If this doesn’t qualify Obama and Brennan for indefinite detention under the 2012 NDAA section 1021 for having “substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces,” then it is difficult to imagine what does.

The reality dawning on even the most casual observers of this circus is that the Obama Administration’s sales pitch for an attack on Syria, and by proxy Russia, has turned the “war on terror” into a bloody exercise in absurdity.

As public and international support for an attack on Syria crumbles, all that remains is the State Department’s diplomatic crumbs on the floor, negotiations with Vladimir Putin, and ongoing weapons shipments to terrorists.

The Washington Times Communities reported six months ago that 75 cargo planeloads of secret weapons shipments from Croatia to Syria by way of Jordan and Turkey were not only reaching the FSA, but likely falling into the hands of al Nusra. Of particular concern was video of FSA rebels with soviet-built ground-to-air missiles that could threaten commercial airliners in Europe and the United States.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Zagreb airport in Croatia only weeks before weapons shipments to Syria reportedly began taking to the air, from the same airport. The operation is alleged by a Croat newspaper to have been financed by Saudi Arabia at the behest of the United States. That report was picked up by western newspapers, including The Telegraph.

Secretary of State John Kerry admitted during a House hearing last week that Arab nations have offered to pay for a U.S. attack on Syria. He declined to name the countries, leaving speculation that Saudi Arabia may stand ready to finance U.S. military operations.

“With respect to Arab countries offering to bear costs and to assist, the answer is profoundly yes. They have. That offer is on the table.”

The question is, at what point does the U.S. military stop serving the interests of the American people and instead become a mercenary force for wealthy Arab nations ready to whip out the checkbook?

Should the President of the United States expect the country to stand by his administration’s alliance with al Qaeda forces? How will troops reconcile a presidential order to attack Syria — for all practical purposes an intervention on the side of al-Qaeda — with their oaths to defend the United States? America’s military is a professional force under civilian control, but no amount of professionalism will preserve morale in the face of so offensive a policy.

America has entered a twilight zone as citizens and the military awaken to the stark reality that the nation’s leaders are openly in bed with terrorists. The administration has scared off all of America’s friends except for a few wealthy Arab nations only interested in hiring our military.

Back at home, the Constitution lays in ruins while an incipient police state watches the people.

Read more: Syria Dream Team: Obama, Brennan, and al-Zawahri | Washington Times Communities

How embarrassing :disagree:
like what they did during the saddam's chemical attack.
let them send as many guns they want.

This will only result in more dead arabs and more dead Westerners.

Fine by me.

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