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11 Indian soldiers died the day when 7 PA soldiers were martyred: Army Chief

Ok...so you mean DGMO post has no dignity? And can say anything, even lies, if tasked to do so? But indians were desperate to prove tht what DGMO had claimed abt so called surgical strikes, (which no independent media verified, and india itself dished out one story after another related to so called surgical strikes, and even backtracked on releasing video proof) as fact since it came from the person who is DGMO and is absolute official? Despite the claim of surgical strike being busted by locals, independent media, and even indian story chaning with every day....indians entire defence was tht..since it came from DGMO...it is gospel truth....But now word coming from COAS of Pak is not acceptable, and its not official?

Regarding claims abt enemy casualty:


Pasting first few paras of the link
(India said on Friday it has gunned down seven Pakistani border guards in retaliation to “unprovoked firing” by the neighbouring country in the Jammu sector where the government started shifting villagers to safer places in bulletproof vehicles.

Pakistan’s army refuted the claim, with a military spokesperson saying there was “no loss (of life)” on their side of the border.

BSF’s Jammu Frontier inspector general DK Upadhyaya said another Pakistani soldier is suspected to have died when troops retaliated to heavy mortar shelling and sniper fire from across the border that left one Indian jawan seriously injured.

“…We are awaiting confirmation and then the number will go up to eight,” said Updhyaya. Pakistan Rangers is the equivalent of India’s BSF.)

Regarding defence minister, Kh Asif said those words, while he was a nobody, and in opposition...and made political statement

You defence minister said, abt hanuman army, from the official position of defence minister, and talked as defence minister abt a (so called) specific thing..tht is surgical strike..and explaining tht operation.... He actually said tht, as defence minister, while being the most relevant minister, tht since indian army is like hanuman, no one could see the soldiers.... So yea...talk abt desperation, much?

OK. Whatever your chief claimed is true. And I'm afraid that it is India who lost all wars with Pakistan, and it is we who receives proportionately large number of causalities than Pakistan army. :(

Now lease don't quote me anymore. :)
Pakistan has been retaliating, and retaliation has overwhelmed the Indians who have no real wartime experience since decades. As Gen Raheel Sharif himself stated, being a rational state Pakistan accepted the loss of 7 troops but India didn't accept 11 of its troops killed the very same day. Indian media has in the past mitigated the losses to placate the public anger like this incident hid all the deaths of Indian troops in Poonch sector at LOC.

So, did he get the extension or what?

No. Neither he asked to. quote me a single news which says he asked for an extension. nigga

He is not any General VK singh to tamper his date of birth in his documents for extension in his position.

Beta g jab apna ghar sheshay ka ho to dosro kay garo me pathar nahe phenka kartay .

May be Imran denied him ticket bcoz, Raheel ji was getting more public attention from public than Imran ?:azn:

But Pakistan's politics is more interesting than India, ours is now getting very boring. :sick:

He could still be President while Imran khan as PM.

I thought introducing VK singh in Indian Politics will get you some entertainment. How pity...
Beta g jab apna ghar sheshay ka ho to dosro kay garo me pathar nahe phenka kartay .

He could still be President while Imran khan as PM.

I thought introducing VK singh in Indian Politics will get you some entertainment. How pity...
Sirji VK Singh came to politics bcoz the UPA acused him of unwarned military movement, then BJP grabbed this chance and gave him ticket. I won't bring Zia and Musharraf here, coz you will be defense less.

Our generals are way more professional to carry out such coupe, though I think Raheel Sharif has been the most successful in maintaining neutrality from politics, but the recent incidents of your PM's visit & asking for advice for the content of speech in UN GA, was just one of the example how much Pakistani govt estd is dependent on Army for foreign policy.

Ironically you guys don't even have a Foreign Minister. :disagree:
For 6 weeks after Sept 29, Pakistan army did not even accept even single one of its soldiers had been even injured, while Indian soldiers were being killed almost daily basis, then suddenly Pakistan army claimed 7 of its soldiers had been killed in a single night.

Now India army/BSF were claiming they were sure they had killed dozens of Pakistani soldiers in past 6 weeks, but Pakistanis here claimed, it is not possible to ascertain the enemy soldier casualties. However Pakistanis here quite eager to believe, India casualties coming from Pakistani army.

Doesn't take a genius to realize, double standards.

Pakistan claims both on the its own and Indian casualties, since beginning of this conflict smell like bull.
OK. Whatever your chief claimed is true. And I'm afraid that it is India who lost all wars with Pakistan, and it is we who receives proportionately large number of causalities than Pakistan army. :(

Now lease don't quote me anymore. :)

Forgodsake end this nonsense propoaganda fed to you of winning all wars, it has been discussed to death on this forum. You in no way won all wars.

1948, you lost Gilgit Baltistan and AJK to irregular forces, which till today has cut your land access to Karakoram Highway, Afghanistan and Central Asia. How on earth do you even consider it victory, that is till now the most costly strategic loss. It because of what you call Pakistan Occupied Kashmir till this day, that you depend on Pakistan asking permission for land transit to Central Asia.

1965, You lost in every major battle, yes every major battle, entire International media reported it. The Newspapers and News Clippings of the time of entire global media have been shared on this forum on numerous thread, if you want I can, but it will derail the thread. You can tag me in the appropriate thread and I can once again post pics of International Newspapers of the time declaring clear cut Pakistani victory. Modi after 50 years tried to change history by celebrating a humiliating defeat in September.

1971, was the only war you won, that too because it was fought 2000km away from our mainland, geographically surrounded on 3 sides by India. What happened to Americans in Vietnam, imagine adding an invading army on top of that.

Now quote me in the appropriate thread if you want to say some thing about previous wars.
ISPR said the same thing about Indian casualties in 2002 during clashes between India & Pakistan in Gultari sector and even said they will present evidence soon but it's been over 14 years and they couldn't present a shred of evidence:

No need to show evidence to monkeys who burned to ashes... No offence
You answered yourself.
I never said he is full proof, I said he has better compared to other Pak generals. That doesn't make him absolute neutral, he has been praised by some Pakistan's prominent journo so thats why I said that.

Once again, I m still not bringing Zia and Mushy sahab in the discussion.
Unlike INDIAN ARMY...WE Don't BURN our soldiers, we BURY them with Full Honor with Namaz e Janaza and Take Pride in it...! So keep this BS to yourself that we are Hiding our bodies...!

Does Kargil ring any Bell?
Forgodsake end this nonsense propoaganda fed to you of winning all wars, it has been discussed to death on this forum. You in no way won all wars.

Well when did I claim otherwise ?? I just accept again, you won we lost. :(
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You won't understand, an Army chief is the supreme commander and that post has some dignity and respect. Can you ever show any such statements made by any other army chiefs around the world ?? Army chief's are not supposed to make claim regarding the enemy causality ( that too on a simple skirmish ?? :( )

Regarding DGMO, he is doing the job which is tasked him. I guess the same is done by your DGMO and ISPR. :)

And the defense minister, they are politicians and they will keep talking on anything and everything in either of our nations. If I were to go according to the statements of your defense minister, he is the same guy who claimed in your parliament that Pakistan army had lost all wars against India, right ?? Now what should I call that despair or something else .... ?? :azn:
All pressure tactics to keep civilian govt on tenterhooks. Panama papers, this new 11 dead story. More news to beef up his larger than life image. He's slowly becoming a victim of his own image. If he doesn't do something drastic that very image will take a beating.

All Mian Sharif has ti do is go and plead please remain COAS. So, he can go around saying I rejected it at first but ......

I smell North Korean spin doctors :what:

You have been reported for using the "Nigga".
I used it as a retort when it was used against me. Did you report @RealNapster too?

You have been reported for using the "Nigga".
I have reported you for being biased :p:
All he needs to do is use his Proxy Imran Khan


Each sensible Pakistani is accusing COAS for Saving NS by overlooking his crimes to stop strike from happening. or tum pata nahe kaha se ye sun kar aa gaye kay IK is proxy of COAS. :lol:

BTW i wouldn't discuss Pakistani Politics with you. Because you are not a fellow Pakistani.
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