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$10m offered for Brits kidnapped by Iraqi Shia militants, says former hostage


Nov 8, 2011
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$10m offered for Brits kidnapped by Iraqi Shia militants, says former hostage

A Briton kidnapped by Islamic militants in Iraq claims $10 million (£6 million) was offered to free him and his fellow captives, leading to questions about Britain's policy of refusing ransom payments.

The British government's policy of refusing ransom payments to terrorist groups has come under question after a Briton kidnapped by Islamic militants in Iraq claimed that $10 million was offered to free him and his fellow captives.

Peter Moore, a computer expert who was kidnapped along with his four British bodyguards in Baghdad in 2007, said the money was offered but turned down by the militants, who ended up killing all of his bodyguards.

He said the cash was offered by the companies that employed the men, rather than the British government itself.

But even that would go against Britain's stated policy, which turns a blind eye to the payment of ransoms to criminal groups such as pirates, but forbids the payment of ransoms to terrorist groups.

The issue of paying ransoms to terrorists has been thrown into the spotlight by the murder earlier this week of James Foley, the US journalist beheaded by Islamic State militants in Iraq..

A number of French captives of the group are understood to have been freed after ransoms were paid, raising the question of whether American and British captives might stand a chance of freedom too were both Britain and America not united in refusing to pay ransoms to terrorist groups.

Mr Moore, who was released at the end of 2009 and who now lives in south America, told The Telegraph by email: "In my case, the companies involved did offer ransom payments, but the militia turned them down - I think something like $2 million per person was offered."

He said that at one point in 2007, the militia had informed that "they had been offered money but they did not want it".

The group, an Iran-backed Shia militia faction known as the League of the Righteous, were instead seeking to use the hostages as bargaining chips to seek the release of comrades arrested by British forces in Iraq.

Mr Moore added when he was released, his employers - a US management consultancy called BearingPoint - had confirmed to him that together with the bodyguards' employers, Canada-based GardaWorld, they had been willing to offer cash for the hostages' freedom.

"They said that between them and GardaWorld they were prepared to pay a ransom - I made a joke with the BearingPoint guy saying that they should pay me a percentage as I had saved them that money."

He said he was told "the figure raised was said to be $2m, but I never knew if that was per person or total for the group - I always assumed it was per person".

At the time, the kidnapping of Mr Moore and his colleagues was the most serious and long-running hostage case the British government had had since the abduction of Terry Waite, the Archbishop of Canterbury's special envoy, in Lebanon in the 1980s.

During their time in the hands of the League of the Righteous, the captives were tortured and also appeared on hostage videos filmed by the group.

Official British government policy is never to make "substantive concessions" to terrorists in such cases. However, such was the gravity of the crisis that some security analysts believe that Downing Street might have been willing to view the payment of a ransom as less than a "substantive concession".

There is no doubt of the League's status as a terror group in British and US eyes. It was held responsible for thousands of attacks on US and British forces, and widely suspected of fielding Shia death squads during Iraq's Sunni-Shia civil war in 2006-7.

Given that the British security services were closely involved in the case from the beginning, it seems unlikely that either of the companies that employed the kidnapped men would have made the ransom offers without the knowledge - and implicit consent - of the British government.

Mr Moore was eventually freed after a number of League prisoners were released from US custody, in what was widely viewed as a "prisoner swap".

The British government claimed the League prisoners were due to be released anyway as part of an ammesty and reconciliation process for former Iraqi insurgents.

$10m offered for Brits kidnapped by Iraqi Shia militants, says former hostage - Telegraph
I don't understand why people go to such kind of shithole ? They are not good for anything other then kidnapping people and kill them. This is the reason why no one speak a word when these people are bombed.
I don't understand why people go to such kind of shithole ? They are not good for anything other then kidnapping people and kill them. This is the reason why no one speak a word when these people are bombed.

Perhaps for business ?

Do you remember the Polish man captured in Pakistan 2009 who got beheaded by TTP.

I don't understand why people go to such kind of shithole ?
I don't understand why people go to such kind of shithole ? They are not good for anything other then kidnapping people and kill them. This is the reason why no one speak a word when these people are bombed.
Iraq is a thousand times better than places in the sub continent. It's a war zone, but even now its good areas are much better than most parts of Pakistan, Bangladesh etc... Kurdish areas are a trillion times better, the shia areas are peaceful for the most part...

It's also worth mentioning that the people causing havoc in Iraq are mostly foreigners from other arab countries, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Chechnya etc...

My uncle's been to India and Pakistan and he's told me horror stories about the lack of services, sanitation etc... At least most parts of Iraq aren't public toilets.
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