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100000s of Chinese,"Thank Pakistan, Russia" for full support amid Coronavirus


Nov 1, 2010
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As you know at the Peak of Wuhan virus in Hubei, Pakistan send millions of Masks, PPE equipment, goggles so much so that in Pakistan it went into complete severe shortage, when most of Pakistan's stock piles were all send in Jan-Feb 2020, to help China with Covid-19.

Thousands and thousands of Chinese People Thank Pakistan for Support Amid Coronavirus

The people of China are showing their gratitude towards Pakistan for all the support and love, the nation has extended in their time of need.

At a time when the world has maintained a distance from China owing to the outbreak of coronavirus, Pakistan has stood firm with its iron friend.

The people of China have taken it to Twitter for expressing their gratitude for being a partner in the fight against the deadly virus as hashtag #Thank you, Russia Pakistan# has become an overnight hit in the nation.

One of the users has posted a cartoon of a panda, a bear, and a goat showing China, Russia and Pakistan.


The cartoon shows Pakistan is giving away its skin to China for helping his need. The post that has more than 22,000 shares and more than 15,000 comments, goes with the caption, “It’s all for you, my bro!”

The sense of gratitude has been extended to the Chinese people residing outside the nation. As per the recent development, a Chinese professor working at a university in Japan has denied accepting the thesis evaluation fees from a Pakistani university.

Instead, he drafted a letter of thanks to the university expressing his gratitude towards the country for all the support it has shown in mid of the threat of coronavirus.


The below News of January 2020:


Jan 2020 : The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) gave a go-ahead to various respiratory mask manufacturing companies for export of respiratory masks and other personal protection equipment (PPE) to China. Hundreds and thousands of Masks were 'Exported' to China during the peak of Pandemic in China.

The request has been granted on the special request of the Chinese embassy due to Novel Coronavirus (NCV), an official of the authority told Pakistan Observer here Sunday.

Earlier the authority had banned export of respiratory (N95) masks, goggles or face shields, disposable gloves, disposable gowns, etc on Jan 30 due to a heavy increase in their demand and fearing they would not be adequately available for the local market.

However, on Feb 8 as many as five companies were allowed to export the equipment and written directions regarding relaxation of rules were issued. Millions were sent to China to help the Pandemic.

Pakistan President first to visit China in Pandemic Cornavirus

President Alvi garners praise from Chinese citizens for visiting amid coronavirus

“Pakistan is a real friend. That Chinese people are very certain [of].”

This and other similar remarks were recently posted under a Chinese news report on President Arif Alvi’s visit to China.

According to data collected from Jin Ri Toutiao (Headlines Today) and WeChat — two of the most popular news sharing platforms in China — the article titled President of Pakistan Alvi starts his journey to China has received attention from more than 370,000 readers with over 6,000 likes and 1,000 comments.

The event was widely discussed by the people of China that day, with the only other hot topic being the novel coronavirus outbreak, China Economic Net report on Thursday.

According to APP, most readers expressed their gratitude to President Alvi for visiting China at this crucial time.

Here are some of the comments found under the news piece:

“We’d like to express our warmest welcome to President Alvi for coming to China.”

“We cherish the friendship between China and Pakistan that has been passing on to generations and generations. ”

“The concerns of Pakistan are also ours, and vice versa.”

“The iron brothers are united. Through joint efforts, China and Pakistan will defeat the COVID-19, and resume economic development.”

“However the world changes, long live Pak-China friendship!”

Most of the remarks suggested that President Alvi’s visit sparked warm feelings for Pakistan, reflecting the close ties between the two nations throughout history

During the visit from March 16 to 17, President Alvi held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping and witnessed the signing of multiple bilateral cooperation documents.

The president also met Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Chairman, China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, Li Zhanshu during the two-day visit.

The two countries also issued a joint statement on deepening the China-Pakistan all-weather strategic cooperative partnership.

Chinese laud Pak support in fight against coronavirus
March 2, 2020

ISLAMABAD: The official Chinese media has conceded that Pakistan has helped a lot during China’s recent fight against the coronavirus. It overcame difficulties and donated hundreds of thousands of face masks and other protective supplies to China.

Chinese people appreciate Pakistan’s understanding and support. The Global Times viewed as mouthpiece of Chinese ruling party has reported in a special write-up that Pakistan is also facing multiple challenges in 2020. In addition to the global spread of the coronavirus, Pakistan is experiencing its worst locust plague in 27 years.

The locust disaster will destroy crops and may threaten Pakistan’s food security. This being the case, China has the responsibility to help Pakistan weather the storm as this is in line with China’s image as a major power.

The newspaper maintained that the virus is spreading globally, and Pakistan is also facing the impact. The coronavirus outbreak in Pakistan’s neighbouring country Iran is worsening, and Pakistan has closed its borders with Iran.

China, as an all-weather strategic cooperative partner and a close friend of Pakistan, is willing to help the country get through the challenge. Such friendship cannot be broken by Western badmouthing, the newspaper appearing from Beijing has reported.

In terms of the coronavirus, China can share its experience and lessons with Pakistan, exchange information with the country in a timely manner and provide testing kits. The Global Times has said that “as for the Pakistanis still in China, we have the obligation to pay close attention to their physical condition and be ready to help them. We should also share our experience in controlling locust plagues with Pakistan. According to reports, China has already sent a specialised team to help.”

China-Pakistan relations are of great significance and are reciprocal. The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has developed rapidly, and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPAC), a flagship project of BRI, is essential to Pakistan. The BRI has brought positive changes to the Pakistani people’s livelihood and has improved the country’s connectivity, deepening Pakistan’s ties with Southeast Asian and Central Asian countries.

In the complicated international situation, the interests of China and Pakistan are consistent. However, some Western media are trying to take advantage of the epidemic and drive a wedge between China and Pakistan. The National Interest published an article on Saturday titled “How China is Humiliating Pakistan,” in which it said, “China cares little for the Pakistanis” who remain within China. But this is distorting the truth. The truth is Pakistan has announced that it will not evacuate its citizens from China. China has better medical facilities, and it is capable of treating patients.

By February 12, four Pakistani students who were infected with the virus in China have fully recovered. Where is the evidence that China “cares little for the Pakistanis?” China and Pakistan share mutual understanding, and people of the two countries will jointly overcome the coronavirus epidemic. Some Western public opinion should stop provoking alienation between the two countries, the newspaper added.
Thankyou, my beloved Pakistani brothers who's have been with us through "Thick and Thin"
Our parents has been teaching us to "NOT only to remember any good gestures, helping hands for life but also pass it on to our next generations"
It has brought tears in my eyes when i first joined this forum, saw a news that our Pakistani Brothers took off all the seats on their transportation plane which ending up seating on the bare floor inorder to have more capacity to bring more supplies to China as for our Earthquake disaster relief. "IN OUR HEARTS" bros:pakistan::cheers::china:
Chinese girl smashes money pot to aid Pakistan

by Yuan Xiaona


Yao Yang, an 8-year-old Chinese girl, writes a letter to Pakistani children on March 15, 2020. Yao made donations of 80 surgical masks to Pakistani children. [Photo provided to Gwadar Pro]

BEIJING, April 2 (Gwadar Pro) – “Hi, Pakistani kids! Thank you for donating masks to us. Now it’s time for us to return your help,” wrote Yao Yang, a Chinese girl, in a letter to Pakistani children, accompanied with her donations of 80 surgical masks.

Yao, 8 years old, is a student of grade two in a primary school in China’s Xiamen city. Yao likes news. From media reports, Yao knows that the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has hit many countries around the world recently. She came up with an idea to donate masks to the heavily-hit countries. However, she had to choose one country to make the donation, as her pocket money was only 100 yuan($14) at the time. After discussing with her father, Yao decided to aid Pakistan, as she knew that right after the epidemic broke out in China, Pakistan mobilized the whole nation to provide assistance to China.


The cover of a letter written by Yao Yang, an 8-year-old Chinese girl, to Pakistani children is seen on March 15, 2020. Yao made donations of 80 surgical masks to Pakistani children. [Photo provided to Gwadar Pro]

"Receiving drips of water when in need, and I shall return the kindness with a spring." With the fine tradition of reciprocating an act of kindness, Yao’s parents gave her another 200 yuan to buy masks for Pakistani friends. With all the money, Yao bought a total of 80 surgical masks. Besides, Yao donated a rag doll.

In her letter to Pakistani children, Yao drew a picture. On this picture, three children wearing masks hold hands, one of whom is Yao and the other two are Pakistani kids. Yao said, “I just want to share my knowledge and experience on COVID-19. I hope children in Pakistan can protect themselves well from the virus.”


Surgical masks, protective gowns, goggles, gloves and a doll are seen on March 16, 2020. They are donated by Yao Yang and her parents to Pakistani children. [Photo provided to Gwadar Pro]

Yao advised Pakistani kids to wear surgical masks and that’s why she donated masks. Yao’s masks, letter, doll and two suits of protective gowns, goggles and gloves donated by her parents were delivered by courier to the Pakistani Embassy in China on March 16, 2020.


The Pakistani ambassador to China Naghmana Alamgir Hashmi sends a thank-you note to Yao Yang on March 19, 2020. [Photo provided to Gwadar Pro]

To Yao’s surprise, the Pakistani ambassador to China Naghmana Alamgir Hashmi sent a thank-you note to her on March 19. The Pakistani ambassador thanked Yao for her donations to Pakistani children, and Yao’s efforts and contributions to Pak-China friendship.

Yao said, “I could hardly believe that the Pakistani ambassador did write a letter to me. It was out of the blue. I was very excited.”

Yao’s mother told Gwadar Pro, “Yao is very interested in Pakistan now. She looks for Pakistan in the world map and asks us to tell her knowledge and stories about Pakistan.”

“I want to visit Pakistan some day,” said Yao, adding that “I wants to make friends with Pakistani kids. I also want to enjoy Pakistani food.”

In her letter, Yao also invited Pakistani kids to Xiamen, a famous tourism destination.

China’s overwhelming support for Pakistan symbol of brotherhood: Ambassador Hashmi
April 14, 2020

BEIJING, April 14 (APP)::Pakistan Ambassador to China, Naghmana Hashmi Tuesday said that China’s overwhelming support to help Pakistan fight novel coronavirus pandemic was in fact a symbol of the brotherhood of the two peoples.

“We thank Chinese people for their enthusiasm and support for Pakistan and look forward to strengthening cooperation with Pakistan to continue the fight against the epidemic,” she said in an interview with xuexi.cn, a Chinese news website.

Ambassador Hashmi, in the interview, spoke on mutual assistance in the prevention and control of the outbreak between China and Pakistan, friendly exchanges in various fields and the future development of bilateral relations.

To meet this challenge, she said that Pakistan had mobilized its institutional, capital and human resources to coordinate disease prevention and control.

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan, the government was at the forefront of the fight against the epidemic and a COVID-19 National Coordinating Committee was established to review the changing situation.

Pakistan had announced the closure of educational institutions, the cancellation of mass rallies and restrictions on the movement of international flights. Provinces and districts had also taken effective measures to contain the further spread of the epidemic in accordance with local conditions, she added.

Prime Minister Imran Khan, she said, called on the entire population to remain united, to avoid fear and panic and to focus on compliance with the necessary protection measures in order to achieve a comprehensive and unified national response.

“In the face of this terrible global epidemic, the people of Pakistan are confident and look forward to overcoming this challenge with the help of our friends and in our innate capacity,” she added.

While commenting on Pakistan and China’s mutual assistance in epidemic prevention, she said that Pakistan and China always stood together when they need it. The COVID-19 epidemic had also tested the interconnectedness of the two countries.

In the early days of the virus epidemic, China was in the throes of a rapid rise in infection rates and rising deaths, and Pakistan provided the greatest material and moral support to it Iron Brothers.

“In a show of unwavering support and solidarity with the Chinese people and government, Pakistan has donated the necessary epidemic prevention equipment to China to help it fight the epidemic, and both houses of the Pakistani Parliament have adopted a resolution expressing firm solidarity and confidence in China’s efforts to control and eliminate the epidemic,” she added.

Ambassador Hashmi said that now that China was the only country to fully control the outbreak. The Chinese people and the government have responded in the same way, fully supporting Pakistan in stepping up preventive measures against the COVID-19.

The Chinese government had sent a special plane to Pakistan with medical professionals and rescue workers to fight the outbreak. By the end of March, China’s aid included 12,000 test kits, 300,000 masks and 10,000 protective clothing.

In addition to official assistance, Pakistan had received large donations from leading Chinese entrepreneurs and individuals, she added.

On President Arif Alvi’s recent visit to China, she said that Pakistan and China had a tradition of frequent high-level exchanges, which was a special and recurring feature of bilateral relations.

Prime Minister Imran Khan visited China three times in 2018 and 2019. Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan also visited Pakistan in May 2019. “These high-level exchanges have injected new impetus into bilateral relations and reaffirmed our firm commitment to work together in the new era to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results and maintain regional peace and stability.”

President Arif Alvi’s recent visit to China was aimed at upholding this long tradition and maintaining the momentum of the leadership exchanges between the two countries.

However, the visit took place in different contexts. This was a very special moment, the Chinese government and people were engaged in a people’s war against the deadly COVID-19 outbreak.

Ambassador Hashmi said that the purpose of the visit was to reaffirm Pakistan’s firm solidarity and firm support for China at this challenging time, to express its condolences to the families of the deceased and to pay tribute to the courage and determination of the Chinese people to fight the epidemic.

During his visit, the president met with President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,Mr. Li Zhishu. These exchanges had traditional warmth and cordiality, which had been a hallmark of bilateral relations at all levels, she added.

Ambassador Hashmi said during the visit, the two sides also reviewed bilateral relations in various areas of cooperation, including the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

They discussed important regional and multilateral issues and decided to further deepen strategic communication and coordination at all levels.

Pakistan and China expressed satisfaction with the healthy development of bilateral relations and agreed to further consolidate all-weather relations in the future, especially in the economic and trade fields.

She said that the president’s visit sent a very strong signal that the relationship between Pakistan and China was unique, powerful and unprecedented.

This was a reaffirmation of the firm commitment to Pakistan-China relations, the strength of Pakistan-China relations would not be affected by domestic challenges or adverse global turmoil.

The president’s visit attracted the attention of the Chinese public and the media, and strengthened and revitalized the fraternal friendship and friendship that had always existed between the two peoples.

“In conclusion, I would like to say that this visit has added a new chapter to the glorious history of bilateral relations and provided a strong impetus for the future development of bilateral relations,” she added.

While commenting on cooperation agreements in the fields of energy, trade and industry between the two countries, she said that in recent years, all-weather cooperation between Pakistan and China had been deepening, bilateral cooperation had been expanding and mutual benefit and win-win results had been deepened.

“During the president’s visit, the two sides signed a Memorandum of Understanding establishing two joint working groups on agriculture and science and technology. The two countries had also signed agreements to deepen cooperation in pest control and the fight against coronavirus outbreaks,” she added.

Ambassador Hashmi said that in the past, the two countries had concluded agreements to strengthen bilateral trade, infrastructure, industrial cooperation and cultural cooperation, and have developed various implementation mechanisms.

“I am pleased to see that our cooperation has achieved positive results of mutual benefit and win-win results. Thanks to our bilateral cooperation, Pakistan has succeeded in establishing a strong and solid network of facilities to support its growing economy and overcome the worsening energy shortage that has hampered our growth,” she added.

Ambassador Hashmi remarked that both sides were currently working on a series of projects aimed at improving the socio-economic status of the Pakistani people. The successful conclusion of the second phase of the China-Pakistan FTA opened a new window for the doubling of bilateral trade volume between China and Pakistan.

“We should deepen practical cooperation in agriculture, forestry, poverty alleviation, tourism, national governance systems and finance,” she added.

She informed that the Pakistani government was developing policies to attract Chinese entrepreneurs to invest in these areas in order to achieve strong, inclusive and sustainable growth.

Ambassador Hashmi said that Pakistan and China were ancient civilizations and had maintained deep cultural, educational and trade ties since ancient times.

“We also hope to deepen people-to-people exchanges and educational exchanges in the new era, continue to enrich this ancient cultural ties and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results,” she added.

About the construction of the CPEC and Gwadar Port, she said that CPEC was the flagship project of the Belt and Road Initiative put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping and played an important role in the development agenda of the present government in Pakistan.

“This is a transformative project that, through a radical overhaul of Pakistan’s energy and infrastructure, has laid a solid foundation for our future socio-economic development and has produced tangible results on the ground,” she added.

During the high-level exchanges between the leaders of Pakistan and China, the two sides agreed that the focus of the second phase of the CPEC was to complete all projects under construction in a timely manner and continue to realize their full potential for socio-economic development, job creation, improvement of people’s livelihood, accelerated industrial development, industrial parks and cooperation in the agricultural fields, she said.

Ambassador Hashmi said that in order to achieve this goal, the two countries were working closely and had established a number of mechanisms to complete all projects within the prescribed time frame.

“Pakistan has established the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Authority, which oversees the rapid implementation of CPEC project. The two sides are committed to the high-quality development of the CPEC and to promoting Pakistan’s socio-economic development and industrialization,” she added.

Ambassador Hashmi said that as an important node of the CPEC, Gwadar was receiving increasing attention because of its trade potential and added, both countries had completed a series of projects in Gwadar, including port construction, electricity projects, hospitals, educational institutions and clean and green development in neighbouring areas, while many others are at different stages of completion.

“We are confident that all projects in the CPEC will be completed in a timely manner to achieve the desired goals and set a new example for international cooperation based on common interests, common goals and common future,” she said.

On the establishment of sustainable plant pest control and management mechanism, she said that in Pakistan, locust plague had become a serious problem, because at a time when food supplies are important, locust plagues could exacerbate food security problems. Agriculture was the backbone of Pakistan’s economy, and locust plagues can pose serious challenges to our economic well-being.

Ambassador Hashmi said that China had provided Pakistan with comprehensive support and proposals to control the damage caused by locusts. China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs sent a working group to Pakistan to advise on the matter.

She said that the Chinese experts conducted a survey of the disaster area and presented their research results to experts, which were of great help to effectively control the locust plague.

The two sides also agreed that China would supply Pakistan with 250 tons of pesticides and 36 traction high-efficiency sprayers. The two sides also planned to establish plant pest control centres in Pakistan to respond effectively to similar problems in the future.

“We are deeply grateful to China for its timely assistance and supplies, and look forward to benefiting from China’s expertise and technical equipment, she added.

Ambassador Hashmi also hoped that the two countries would work together in the future to establish a sustainable management mechanism for plant pest control.

Responding to a question, she said that Pakistan and China were “all-weather strategic partners”, iron brothers, the most reliable partners and closest neighbours. The two countries had extensive exchanges in political, economic and cultural fields. The unanimous support of the government and the public for the bilateral relations bodes well for the future development of bilateral relations.

“I want to reject the cynical view that Pakistan-China relations are merely the result of convergence of political or economic interests. The fundamental forces that drive these dynamic all-weather relations are mutual respect and understanding, shared experiences of the past, adherence to international norms and values and an irresistible desire to work together for a rules-based, transparent and democratic world order,” she added.

Ambassador Hashmi said that over the past 70 years, both countries had faced the changes of the Cold War; hostile neighborhoods; economic crises and internal political turmoil. “But these challenges have brought us closer together and helped us to build a very strong relationship that has never been seen before in the history of modern international relations.”

“We are willing to build on past achievements to further expand the breadth and depth of bilateral relations. We are working to keep our activities in areas of culture and economy in tandem with our excellent political relationships,” she added.

While appreciating China’s remarkable achievements in socio-economic development, poverty alleviation and development, tourism, green development, anti-corruption and promoting integrity, she said, “We are willing to learn from China.”

Ambassador Hashmi said that the year 2021 would be a special moment, and both the countries would celebrate those achievements and reaffirm their determination to build on them.

“I look forward to a stronger, more inclusive and inclusive relationship between our two countries in the future that not only serves the best interests of our two countries, but will also ensure peace, stability and prosperity in the region as a whole,” she added.

“As for the all-weather friendship between Pakistan and China, All I can say is, “The best is still behind us,” she concluded.

China reiterates support to Pakistan in fight against COVID-19


8:58 PM | April 16, 2020

China on Thursday said that it will provide every possible support to Pakistan in fight against COVID-19.

Addressing a press conference in Beijing, a spokesperson for Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China said that Beijing will provide as much assistance as they can to help Pakistan win the battle against COVID19.

The Chinese people stand with the Pakistani people. China will provide as much assistance as we can to help Pakistan win the battle against #COVID19. Stay Strong, Pakistan! He said, “The Chinese people stand with the Pakistani people.”

READ MORE: High-level session reviews anti-coronavirus measures

On the occasion, the spokesperson reiterated appreciation over the support from Pakistan in fight against coronavirus pandemic, adding that China will never forget it.

He maintained that Chinese people were voluntarily and actively donating funds and medical supplies to Pakistan brothers and sisters. The spokesperson said that the Chinese government was sending medical supplies and medical experts to the Pakistani side and held video conferences to share the experience with the Pakistani health professionals

Earlier on March 30, Another special plane of China carrying medical supplies regarding Coronavirus pandemic had arrived in Karachi.

The medical supplies include testing kits, N-95 masks and protective suits.

Sindh Governor Imran Ismail on March 27 had received a consignment of medical aid from China for fighting the coronavirus epidemic in the country at Karachi airport.

The governor had received the aid consignment on behalf of the federal government. The consignment comprised 56,000 testing kits to detect coronavirus cases, N95 surgical masks, and other medical emergency equipment.
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