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1000 women killed in Pak every year by relatives(father/bro).Can the licence to kill be revoked?

Qandeel was great lady of 21st century Pak. It seems she was very intelligent women.
she gave hope to millions of women in Pak on how to beat nepotism corruption and favouritism of elite Pak class. She did earn money by showing her style, flash and dance as other actress of India/Pak r doing , But there r distinction among other showbiz women and Qandeel. she was not born in rich family she made her fortunate by herself. Swimming against the current, Qandeel have had to speak louder to get their voices heard. In the words of Other Indian and Pak established appreciated actresses, she have had to create a room of their own without getting access to showbiz world.

Qandeel begins in Punjab during the Reign of Terror and religious restrictions in most poor area of South Punjab, with the incarcerated cultural thoughts (imposed by rich class on poor that dont deviate from accepted behaviour of poor) and her desire to beat , she penning a story about the women desire among youth of Pak, a ravishing young nation who meets the preeminent sadist poor Qandeel in there internet.

Crimes against women

Can the licence to kill be revoked?
“Honour killings” can be stopped only by scrapping religiously inspired laws
From the print edition

FEW Pakistanis have broken taboos as gleefully as Qandeel Baloch, a social-media star who used the internet to titillate and scandalise her fellow citizens. The 26-year-old (pictured with her iPhone), whose real name was Fauzia Azeem, twerked on camera, posted suggestive selfies and mocked the mullahs who police the social boundaries of a Muslim-majority nation that has become more religiously conservative over the years. It was too much for many, including her brother, who strangled Ms Baloch after drugging her to sleep. Waseem Azeem proudly admitted his crime: “She was bringing disrepute to our family’s honour.” He has been arrested on suspicion of murder. Ms Baloch’s funeral (pictured) was held on July 17th.

So-called “honour killings” are rarely so sensational. But nor are they rare. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan tallied 1,096 female victims of them last year. Many go unreported to the police. Cases in the past three months include a 19-year-old girl burned to cinders for refusing a marriage proposal; a 16-year-old girl who met a similar fate for helping a friend elope; and an 18-year-old killed by her mother for marrying a man from a different ethnic group against her family’s will.

Such atrocities are widely accepted. At a recent screening of “A Girl in the River”, an acclaimed documentary about honour killing, male students at a leading university applauded an interview with a man who was unrepentant about trying to kill his daughter for entering a “love marriage”.

The problem is rooted in tribal and cultural traditions at odds with young women in a growing middle class who increasingly wish to choose their own husbands. Often such killings will be agreed beforehand at a gathering of local men.

She mocked the mullahs. She died
Pakistan’s mullahs are united in declaring that Islam condemns such murders. But this clerical consensus frays when it comes to the sharia-inspired laws of qisas (retribution) and diyat (blood money) that enable men to get away with it. Introduced in 1990, the laws allow the heirs of murder victims to decide whether killers should suffer qisas or be pardoned, sometimes having paid diyat. Since most honour killings are premeditated conspiracies involving entire families, charges are often dropped even before the case goes to court.

Mr Azeem, however, may not dodge punishment. His distraught father vowed not to forgive the killer of a daughter who was financially supporting the family. And the local police have taken the unusual step of bringing the case themselves. But rights activists say that is no guarantee against a court later agreeing to a forgiveness deal. Families come under immense pressure to pardon honour-killers.

Pakistan’s clerical establishment is loth to endorse change. A bill in 2004 to reform the law was “severely mutilated”, says the Aurat Foundation, a human-rights group. Reforms proposed in 2015 that would make honour-killers serve at least seven years in jail, even if pardoned, have gone nowhere.

But there is now an encouraging sign: a private member’s bill to make such crimes “non-compoundable”, meaning that families would no longer be able to forgive each other, is expected to be presented to parliament for debate within weeks. It had long languished in limbo, even after Nawaz Sharif, the prime minister, vowed in January to crack down on honour killings after “A Girl in the River” was nominated for an Oscar, which it then won. Now the government appears to be backing it.

But Mr Sharif has been beset by corruption allegations, by disputes with the army and by open-heart surgery. While the leading clerical party, the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islami (JUI), has only 13 seats, Mr Sharif values its support at a shaky time and may be wary of pushing through a new law.

The bill’s sponsors think the JUI may be persuaded that honour killings are an abuse ofsharia concepts that were intended to resolve tribal wars, not to provide cover to murderers. But the mullahs may still balk if they believe reform is part of a “Western agenda” epitomised for many by the outrageous Ms Baloch.

From the print edition: Asia

She was one of the greatest women of PAk. If i would be a writer I would write a great commentary on her life struggle for immense success to win the nobel prize.Name of Qandeel will be here in tomorrow's history and those calling her dumb will be forgeten forever.
Still no peace for men..........
In Islam the crap she was doing not only is forbidden but a punishable offense. So if state won't stop these things which is their duty in Islam than people will do it. So better it state wakes up
In Islam a lot of things are forbidden which people are doing and the state isn't even looking at them so lets not single out one person. These are the double standards which people have created as Islam sees every one equally. People selectively invoke Islamic injunctions only when they serve their agenda's. Let's talk about that Mullah Qavi he had no issues meeting her and spending time in private even thou she came to meet him wearing "provocative" clothes but some how later on everyone is reminded of what Islam says, when she exposed him :tsk: The people who make it their duty to enforce Islam are hypocrites and i would say it would be better if they enforce Islam on themselves first......To further exemplify this ask Qandeel's brother if he has ever offered five prayers a day, these idiots cant even offer their personal religious obligations but some how enforcing Islam on others is their right.............Give me a break!
In Islam a lot of things are forbidden which people are doing and the state isn't even looking at them so lets not single out one person. These are the double standards which people have created as Islam sees every one equally. People selectively invoke Islamic injunctions only when they serve their agenda's. Let's talk about that Mullah Qavi he had no issues meeting her and spending time in private even thou she came to meet him wearing "provocative" clothes but some how later on everyone is reminded of what Islam says, when she exposed him :tsk: The people who make it their duty to enforce Islam are hypocrites and i would say it would be better if they enforce Islam on themselves first......To further exemplify this ask Qandeel's brother if he has ever offered five prayers a day, these idiots cant even offer their personal religious obligations but some how enforcing Islam on others is their right.............Give me a break!
This crap if will not be stopped by Government than people will do it whether someone likes it or not. Government needs to wake up and do its job otherwise things will get worse
This crap if will not be stopped by Government than people will do it whether someone likes it or not. Government needs to wake up and do its job otherwise things will get worse
Then others will come for those people as well so you all better watch out.
Then others will come for those people as well so you all better watch out.
Majority supports strict action against these vulgar pathetic dumb souls. If Government won't stop it than people will do it and if Government would try to stop people than not only Government will loose support but they would also loose power
Majority supports strict action against these vulgar pathetic dumb souls. If Government won't stop it than people will do it and if Government would try to stop people than not only Government will loose support but they would also loose power
BTW only Allah knows what a soul is like so lets not go there. Secondly if majority will go after these "vulgar" people then some one will go after majority too.............To elucidate this that is exactly why Pakistan is plagued by terrorism and no one is spared from the Super Elite to Super Mullah's you name it and don't forget children who are sin free yet they also have to pay the price.......................................Why is this happening because there prevails INJUSTICE in your society. That INJUSTICE which you are trying to justify that it is supported by majority and therefore majority has to pay.........................You see how things are being leveled? ---------------This may also answer all those who say "Why Amjad Sabri?" ------------------(This reasoning is based on some Sahabi's quote:A society based on INJUSTICE will never function).
BTW only Allah knows what a soul is like so lets not go there. Secondly if majority will go after these "vulgar" people then some one will go after majority too.............To elucidate this that is exactly why Pakistan is plagued by terrorism and no one is spared even the Super Elite to Super Mullah's and don't forget children who are sin free yet they also have to pay the price.......................................Why is this happening because there prevails INJUSTICE in your society. That INJUSTICE which you are trying to justify that it is supported by majority and therefore majority has to pay.........................You see how things are being leveled? ---------------This may also answer all those who say "Why Amjad Sabri?" ------------------(This reasoning is based on some Sahabi's quote).
Mr ALLAH has told Muslims again and again to spread good and stop evil and biggest responsibility lies on state until they do their job nothing will get peaceful. So Government needs to implement Islamic laws otherwise things are going to get messy really soon. Few months back a news came on media about a terrorist who got arrested and who was looking to target 14 celebrities. This news was shared on every showbiz page and if 1500 people commented on it out of those 1500 !!!! 1490 were not only happy but were going further by suggesting few more names who they wanted to be killed. These are same people who are biggest supporter of war against Taliban but they are also Muslims and want Islamic laws implemented and this crap to be stopped. So lava in building up and I hope Government soon realizes it and does it job of stopping this desperate vulgar ..... from media and social media or soon lava will burst and will burn everything to ground.
In Islam the crap she was doing not only is forbidden but a punishable offense. So if state won't stop these things which is their duty in Islam than people will do it. So better it state wakes up

I am not familiar with the stuff she was doing that got her killed, please list these infractions that gave this man the right to kill and take a life or for you to judge her as dumb.
Mr ALLAH has told Muslims again and again to spread good and stop evil and biggest responsibility lies on state until they do their job nothing will get peaceful. So Government needs to implement Islamic laws otherwise things are going to get messy really soon. Few months back a news came on media about a terrorist who got arrested and who was looking to target 14 celebrities. This news was shared on every showbiz page and if 1500 people commented on it out of those 1500 !!!! 1490 were not only happy but were going further by suggesting few more names who they wanted to be killed. These are same people who are biggest supporter of war against Taliban but they are also Muslims and want Islamic laws implemented and this crap to be stopped. So lava in building up and I hope Government soon realizes it and does it job of stopping this desperate vulgar ..... from media and social media or soon lava will burst and will burn everything to ground.
Allah has asked to do good first, the very first question you will be asked about when infront of ALLAH will be about your NAMAZ not if you confronted Qandeel Baloch or not. I keep on mentioning NAMAZ because i know for a fact that "the majority" you are referring to doesn't even offer 5 times namaz even during Ramaan, let alone regular 11 months, but yet judging others and implementing ISLAM is their DUTY.......One word: HYPOCRITES!!!!!!
Yes if state stops them then its states right, but people have no right to "implement Islam" on every one they deem inappropriate, on the flip side it would be better if they improve themselves and let state handle and if state doesn't help then keep on pushing the state unless it does but acting on your own will create problems and that is why the entire Muslim world is a mess. "MUSLIMS" think judging/correcting others is their "heavenly duty" while ignoring the actual religious obligations themselves.
I am not familiar with the stuff she was doing that got her killed, please list these infractions that gave this man the right to kill and take a life or for you to judge her as dumb.
His brother had no right to kill her. State should have stopped Qandeel from media and put her in some sort of counselling or in jail for few months. As for videos you can watch it yourself I didn't but snapshots from her videos were all over the place
Qandeel was great lady of 21st century Pak. It seems she was very intelligent women.
she gave hope to millions of women in Pak on how to beat nepotism corruption and favouritism of elite Pak class. She did earn money by showing her style, flash and dance as other actress of India/Pak r doing , But there r distinction among other showbiz women and Qandeel. she was not born in rich family she made her fortunate by herself. Swimming against the current, Qandeel have had to speak louder to get their voices heard. In the words of Other Indian and Pak established appreciated actresses, she have had to create a room of their own without getting access to showbiz world.

Qandeel begins in Punjab during the Reign of Terror and religious restrictions in most poor area of South Punjab, with the incarcerated cultural thoughts (imposed by rich class on poor that dont deviate from accepted behaviour of poor) and her desire to beat , she penning a story about the women desire among youth of Pak, a ravishing young nation who meets the preeminent sadist poor Qandeel in there internet.

Crimes against women

Can the licence to kill be revoked?
“Honour killings” can be stopped only by scrapping religiously inspired laws
From the print edition

FEW Pakistanis have broken taboos as gleefully as Qandeel Baloch, a social-media star who used the internet to titillate and scandalise her fellow citizens. The 26-year-old (pictured with her iPhone), whose real name was Fauzia Azeem, twerked on camera, posted suggestive selfies and mocked the mullahs who police the social boundaries of a Muslim-majority nation that has become more religiously conservative over the years. It was too much for many, including her brother, who strangled Ms Baloch after drugging her to sleep. Waseem Azeem proudly admitted his crime: “She was bringing disrepute to our family’s honour.” He has been arrested on suspicion of murder. Ms Baloch’s funeral (pictured) was held on July 17th.

So-called “honour killings” are rarely so sensational. But nor are they rare. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan tallied 1,096 female victims of them last year. Many go unreported to the police. Cases in the past three months include a 19-year-old girl burned to cinders for refusing a marriage proposal; a 16-year-old girl who met a similar fate for helping a friend elope; and an 18-year-old killed by her mother for marrying a man from a different ethnic group against her family’s will.

Such atrocities are widely accepted. At a recent screening of “A Girl in the River”, an acclaimed documentary about honour killing, male students at a leading university applauded an interview with a man who was unrepentant about trying to kill his daughter for entering a “love marriage”.

The problem is rooted in tribal and cultural traditions at odds with young women in a growing middle class who increasingly wish to choose their own husbands. Often such killings will be agreed beforehand at a gathering of local men.

She mocked the mullahs. She died
Pakistan’s mullahs are united in declaring that Islam condemns such murders. But this clerical consensus frays when it comes to the sharia-inspired laws of qisas (retribution) and diyat (blood money) that enable men to get away with it. Introduced in 1990, the laws allow the heirs of murder victims to decide whether killers should suffer qisas or be pardoned, sometimes having paid diyat. Since most honour killings are premeditated conspiracies involving entire families, charges are often dropped even before the case goes to court.

Mr Azeem, however, may not dodge punishment. His distraught father vowed not to forgive the killer of a daughter who was financially supporting the family. And the local police have taken the unusual step of bringing the case themselves. But rights activists say that is no guarantee against a court later agreeing to a forgiveness deal. Families come under immense pressure to pardon honour-killers.

Pakistan’s clerical establishment is loth to endorse change. A bill in 2004 to reform the law was “severely mutilated”, says the Aurat Foundation, a human-rights group. Reforms proposed in 2015 that would make honour-killers serve at least seven years in jail, even if pardoned, have gone nowhere.

But there is now an encouraging sign: a private member’s bill to make such crimes “non-compoundable”, meaning that families would no longer be able to forgive each other, is expected to be presented to parliament for debate within weeks. It had long languished in limbo, even after Nawaz Sharif, the prime minister, vowed in January to crack down on honour killings after “A Girl in the River” was nominated for an Oscar, which it then won. Now the government appears to be backing it.

But Mr Sharif has been beset by corruption allegations, by disputes with the army and by open-heart surgery. While the leading clerical party, the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islami (JUI), has only 13 seats, Mr Sharif values its support at a shaky time and may be wary of pushing through a new law.

The bill’s sponsors think the JUI may be persuaded that honour killings are an abuse ofsharia concepts that were intended to resolve tribal wars, not to provide cover to murderers. But the mullahs may still balk if they believe reform is part of a “Western agenda” epitomised for many by the outrageous Ms Baloch.

From the print edition: Asia

She was one of the greatest women of PAk. If i would be a writer I would write a great commentary on her life struggle for immense success to win the nobel prize.Name of Qandeel will be here in tomorrow's history and those calling her dumb will be forgeten forever.
No body has a license to kill in such cases in Pakistan. These are just murders, like any other murder. On the other hand, thousands and thousands of women are also murdered in west by their boyfriends and husbands, will you blame Islam for those murders also?
Qandeel was great lady of 21st century Pak. It seems she was very intelligent women.
she gave hope to millions of women in Pak on how to beat nepotism corruption and favouritism of elite Pak class.
Lol..Qandeel se hi to hope leni thi hum nay. Her murder was brutality she didn't deserve this but what she was doing was not praiseworthy even. Hmari society abi itni liberal nahi hui k ye sab digest kary.
First repeal the Law which allows relatives to forgive the guy that does honour killing...Guys who go towards honour killings must be punished so severely that no one does this deplorable action ever again...Many things that we do are not Islamic but people from abroad look at us and say that this must be Islam...

We Muslims stopped people from burying their daughters in pre-Islamic Arabia and now we are doing exactly the same thing...
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