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100 world known personalities


Sep 15, 2008
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There are more than 100 world known personalities on this painting.
If you can name a minimum of 25, you may consider yourself a
well-informed person.
Hmm..I'll name few
Joesph Stalin
Albert Einstein
Mao Zedong
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There are more than 100 world known personalities on this painting.
If you can name a minimum of 25, you may consider yourself a
well-informed person.

I have seen this painting before, There is also George Bush and Osama bin laden. I believe both are in upper right hand.
stalin, lincoln, mao,einstein,gandhi,arafat,pope paul,shakespeare,che guvara, castro,the judo guy,elvis,godfather,moses,queen elizebeth,washington,napoleon,pavarotti,m/jordan,prince charles,archimedes,de gaulle,gengis khan,julius ceaser,yao ming,

25 if i got them right!
Charlie Chaplin
Adolf Hitler
Audrey Hepburn
Sigmund Freud
Albert Einstein
Charles de Gaulle
Queen Elizabeth II
Bruce Lee
William Shakespeare
Abraham Lincoln
Mao Zedong
Napoleane Bonaparte
Ernesto Che Guevera
Fidel Castro
Marilyn Monroe
Mahatma Gandhi
Marlon Brando as Don Vito Corleone
Yasser Arafat
James Dean
Michael Jordon
George Washington
Genghis Khan (?)
Queen Victoria
Prince Charles
Prince Albert

Thats 27 though I'm not sure about all of them
its tough to recognise the faces - i had to use a magnifying glass!
Saddam Hussein
Charlie Chaplin
Yasir Arafat
Prince Charles
Lionardo Di Caprio
Aeril Sheron
Chenghez Khan
Bruce Lee
Mohammad ALi
Yasir Arafat
William Shakespear
Charlie Chaplain
Ganesha Khan
Osama Bin Laden
Saddam Hussein
Super Man
George Bush
Fidel Alejandro Castro
Shaquille O'Neal
Martin Luther King
Julius Ceaser
Queen Elizabeth
yao ming
1. Adolf hitler
2. Vladmir Lenin
3. kublai kahn
4. Vladmir Putin
5. Joseph Stalin
6. Charlie Chaplin
7. Mike Tyson
8. Gehngis Khan
9. Yaaser Araafat
10. Sadaam Hussein
11. Albert Einestien
12. Gandhi
13. Bruce Lee
14. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
15. Winston Churchill
16. Carl Marx
17. Mao Zedong
18. Elvis Presely
19. Shakespeare
20. Napolean Bonaparte
21. Pele
22. Michael Jordan
23. Prince Charles
24. Marlon Brando
25. Che Guevara
26. Fidel Castro
27. Abraham Lincoln
28. Christopher Columbus
29. Queen Elizabeth
30. Madre Teresa di Calcutta
31. Mosé
32. Osama Bin Laden
33. Alfred Hitchcock
34. George Bush
35. Confucius
36. John Lennon
37. Charles de Gaulle
38. Caesar Chavez
39. Nelson Mandela
40. Yao Ming
41. Shirley Temple
42. Marilyn Monroe
43. Eisenhower
44. Mark Twain
45. Theodor Roosevelt
46. Michaelangelo
47. Picaso
48. Dugal
49. Noah
50. Bill Gates
51. Socrate
52. Margaret Thatcher
53. Luciano Pavarotti
54. Carl of England
55. Michail Gorbaciov
56. Dante Alighieri
57. Lessandro Magno
58. Vincent Van Gogh
59. Giorgio De Chirico
60. Salvador Dalì
61. Benito Mussolini
62. Guglielmo II di Prussia
63. Vyacheslav Molotov
64. Mao Tse Tung
65. Cassius Clay
66. Toulouse Lautrec
67. Guan Yu
68. Liu Xiang
69. Galileo
70. Ludwig Van Beethoven
71. Audrey Hepburn
72. Sigmund Freud Psychoanalyst
73. Bismarck
74. Dengxia Ping
75. Constantin Brancusi
76. Maria Kallas
77. Charles Dodgson
78. Hideki Tojo
79. Leo Tolstoy
80. Chiang Kai Shek
81. Henry Ford
82. Johann Sebastian Bach
83. Martin Luther King Sr
84. Ariel Sharon
85. Empress Dowager Cixi
86. Ramses III
87. Julius Ceasar
88. Peter the Great
89. Cui Jian
90. Robert Oppenheimer
91. Redd Foxx
92. Qin Shi Huang Di
93. One of the Wright brothers. Wilber I think.
94. Aristotle
95. Henri Matisse

To be continued.
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I'm getting CLOSE!

This is addicting! And quite challenging! 71 So far!
And DONE! That's the best I can do. Took me about 40 minutes :lol:. And by the way, I counted, and there are a 103 people. The list I made is entirely on my own knowledge and you won't find it anywhere on the Internet. I might be wrong about some people but oh well, 95's the charm for now.

Trivia: If you take a closer look, George bush is spying on Saddam Hussein. The trajectory is spot on! :lol:
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