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100 Taliban militants give up fighting in Afghanistan

I think it may backfire....rather understand Taliban more by help of these surrendered Talibanis...take their help in preparing counter strategy.

Bringing them back to battlefield might result in change of heart if they see any sign of wrong doings by ANA or ISAF. We have seen enough ANA shootings on ISAF soldiers for ex. one which resulted due to video posted on US soldiers taking a leak on killed militants.

These people generally wants to have a normal life as they are fed up of fighting or don't believe in cause anymore. If they prosper then many will follow the suit.

talibs, Jihadis or infact any militants are not properly educated. The best they know is kill.. let them give an oppertunity to do what they love. kill:guns:
A question for brother Sher Malang... we can't possibly ascertain the motives behind every "Talib" who lays down the arms, but have there been any reports regarding any kind of retribution by their former Taliban buddies for deserting the cause against any of them?

Yes many times that's why government doesn't disclose the programs which tempts them to lay down arms! their commanders are given houses under government protection and their fighters are provided local jobs!
talibs, Jihadis or infact any militants are not properly educated. The best they know is kill.. let them give an oppertunity to do what they love. kill:guns:

Some people miss no opportunity to criticize our efforts in Afghanistan. But the truth continues to present itself through these changes. Our forces, along with the ANA and our coalition partners, are working night and day to make Afghanistan a safe and secure nation. We have faced – and continue to face – many challenges, but we’ve demonstrated our commitment to bringing peace and stability to the region. We always made it clear that we will not tolerate any form of terrorism. And our hard stance against those who are looking to infiltrate the region with terrorism has stayed intact. At the same time, the door has remained open for those who are willing to choose the path of peace. We see this as a testament to the progress in the region.

LTC Taylor,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
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