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100 % Self-Reliance in Radar Technology by 2025 : DRDO

You may be knowledgeable person regarding radar and sonars but being knowledgeable and at same time being humble is something you still missing here.The member who tagged you is not some random member but a senior member.

@GORKHALI , @Indo-guy ...... leave it guys , I don't get offended by things like that .... :D
Either you can not read properly or you have a bias,either way,as i said,i CARE LESS! first off i didnt mean any disresepct to the guy who had tagged me,i have mentioned it clearly that i get pissed going through the plethora of articles posted on various defence sites like idrw etc(to be more precise the author).Similarly ,dont you think it is not wise to first go through all the relevant research material before composing an article?For instance will i be doing justice if suppose i start writing an article on Chirality of sugars or lets say ampox /ampicillin without first going through the technical research papers available(or post wrong info about them)?

You are CARE LESS .

Off course ...you warned the guy who tagged you " next time do not quote me ...."

it is insulting when you do that to somebody .

Once again ...you have to be careful I if you are writing scientific article of chirality of sugars ( what ever may be reason you used that as example ) ...you can't expect and enforce same standards while writing articles that are meant for general consumption . Indeed it will be great if the person who is writing article will do research themselves before vomiting all they have come across ...

In any case that is not the point at all .

Point is that ...somebody tagged you ....with expectation that you will be able to throw light on the said matter .

instead you start your reply with rude declaration ... please do not tag me in posts that are not written by professionals ...etc

If posts are written by professionals ...why will somebody need to tag another ' professional ' like you ....

and frankly speaking /...everybody makes mistakes in life ...whole lot of them .

do you consider yourself perfect ...and immune to mistakes and flaws ???
Point is that ...somebody tagged you ....with expectation that you will be able to throw light on the said matter .

instead you start your reply with rude declaration ... please do not tag me in posts that are not written by professionals ...etc

It is really consuming a lot of time writing replies which are simply worthless,as i said,and maintain,please do not tag me in posts that contain frustratingly large erranous data .I seriously couldnt understand as to how asking someone not to tag me constitute disrespect- when i actually never meant any!-
You see,if you have doubts or want clarification on specific topic,then why not raise that "SPECIFIC QUESTION"- I mean precise question(and to be honest i would be really happy answering that query),why tag in an article that contains so much false information?
It is really consuming a lot of time writing replies which are simply worthless,as i said,and maintain,please do not tag me in posts that contain frustratingly large erranous data .I seriously couldnt understand as to how asking someone not to tag me constitute disrespect- when i actually never meant any!-
You see,if you have doubts or want clarification on specific topic,then why not raise that "SPECIFIC QUESTION"- I mean precise question(and to be honest i would be really happy answering that query),why tag in an article that contains so much false information?

If you reiterate that you did not mean disrespect ..they let us take your word for it .

I will rest my case now ..as I do not want to prolong this discussion further .

If you consider your time valuable ....and you need be asked specific question ...people may take note of this .

and they may make sure not to quote you out of context as you have expressed your wish for .







It is really consuming a lot of time writing replies which are simply worthless,as i said,and maintain,please do not tag me in posts that contain frustratingly large erranous data .I seriously couldnt understand as to how asking someone not to tag me constitute disrespect- when i actually never meant any!-
You see,if you have doubts or want clarification on specific topic,then why not raise that "SPECIFIC QUESTION"- I mean precise question(and to be honest i would be really happy answering that query),why tag in an article that contains so much false information?

Boss If you are such an expert what are you doing in amateur defence forums? Hang out with Other Professionals like you. Don't have to be arrogant No Body here is Rocket Scientist or Aerospace Engineer nor you are Tony Stark .

Radar range mentioned differs from one leaflet to another which are published by our own Government agencies then who's fault it is?
Setting goal ...is a first step towards realizing it

Not really, setting realistic goals might be, but what we have seen from DRDO are just cheap promises and far too little in return.

100% self reliance would include the capability to develop as capable fighter radars as FGFA, M-MRCA or even the current MKI have and as DRDO has proven in the LCA development, they are still far away from that. So how realistic is it to claim that they will boost their capability that much within the next 10 years? Lets wait and see. :coffee:
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@amardeep mishra

Tagging some one is a way of requesting them to share their EXPERT Opinion
on the subject

Whatever information is available on the net is just posted here by members
for further discussion

How would a NON technical person know whether an article is ERRONEOUS
or contains the correct information
Oh please no more of DRDO will do this by 20XX.
Its a national shame for India.

Sole organisation for defence already working on more than 400 projects. What you expecting from a government babus?

Still they are doing good job.
Sole organisation for defence already working on more than 400 projects.

It's not important on how many projects they are working, but how many they can actually deliver to the forces, as close as possible to the promised time frames, budgets and capabilities.
Please DO NOT tag me in posts that are not written or prepared by professionals or people with experience,you see,i really dont like it when some random guy comes up with the "analysis" and gives "wrong" figures for various technical parameters of the system especially when the parameters are ALREADY AVAILABLE in public domain.First off-

(a)Arudra is a 4D system and has a range of 400kms against a 2m^2 target

(b)L-STAR's range is 300kms in normal operation modes but can be extended to 360-400kms in certain sectors,on priority basis

(c)The AESA radar project for LCA is populalry known as "project-273" or "uttam".I have a technical research paper on this radar,however i can not post it here

(d) This guy didnt mention anything about "ashiwni" radar system
And finally india will achieve complete reliance in radars much earlier,when i say much earlier i mean it!

Can u compare LCA AESA with other AESA's currently in use or development?
Thx in advance.
DRDO labs are doing a commendable job. One of it's most successful systems -


Central Acquisition Radar (3D-CAR) for Akash SAM
3D radar developed by DRDO for use with Akash SAM capable of tracking 150 targets.


Rohini (Air Force Variant)

The ROHINI has a new Indian-developed antenna which is more advanced than that on the original CAR terms of power handling and beam forming technology.


Revathi Radar (Naval Variant)

The scope of the radar is: Medium Range 3D air surveillance for interception, 3D Target tracking and indication, and sea surface surveillance as primary sensor.



3D Tactical Control Radar (Army Variant)

I really care less what you might assume,or think,but i will take it seriously only when it is rational enough or based on "CREDIBLE" research evidence.Obviously this piece of article was written by someone who didnt understand things,so if you dont understand things,then better learn first and then compose such articles(i am referring to the author)
i was not getting any rude,i just get pissed seeing and going through a plethora of articles posted by folks in idrw.com and it is really frustrating to keep correcting each one of them!
And then on top ,you have certain members here like sancho,who i dont know where they get their info from and go full on smearing and thrashing DRDO(without even understanding the complexities or the context of research and itz impact on Indian industries).
For instance how many of you know that the packaged processed ready to eat curry dished that you get off the shelf in supermarkets were actually developed in india by DRDO and later TOT was done to pvt companies for commercial production.Similar arguments can be extrapolated for various research ranging from radars to even kaveri!

I havea question for you. From your own personal pov, what seems to be the issue holding DRDO back. In other words, what can be done to help assist DRDo to become even better?
I havea question for you. From your own personal pov, what seems to be the issue holding DRDO back. In other words, what can be done to help assist DRDo to become even better?

your question is again very broad,however i will try to explain it as crisply as i can possibly get-
(a) Nothing is holding DRDO back,the only issue and to a certain extent that continues to be an issue, is the lack of accountability in various DRDO run projects.While that might be true,but DRDO has also painstakingly patented a lot of technologies that wont be easily available from abroad,

(b)Funding is also sometimes an issue however thankfully our new defence minister an alumunus of IIT B and a metallurgical engineer has increased the fundings of DRDO by 44% and now it slightly surpasses $3bn mark!

(c)Lack of user involvement in various projects was also an issue however that has been addressed and in a LOT of programmes user is actively taking part right from inception stage to prototypes and even manufacturing- particularly IN and IAF and to some extent IA as well.

(d)Lack of industrial maturity was a also a reason till at least late 80s and early 90s however with a lot of pvt companies complementing DRDO ,this is not a great problem as of now.For instance a LOT of DRDO designed and patented systems have been transferred to indian pvt companies and they are manufacturing the concerned products - notable examples are LRDE's TRMM and titanium sponge production from TiCl4 at KMML.sIMILALRY BHARAT FORGE HAS ESTABLISHED heavy forging capabilities along with L&T
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