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10 reasons why I'll never become ( Indian)PM

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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10 reasons why I'll never become PM


As the nation shifts into election mode, here is a list of 10 things I would do - in random order - if I were to become the Prime Minister of India with a clear mandate.

I have deliberately left out economic issues, and things like the crying need for a uniform civil code, because that would require another list.

In other words, here are 10 reasons why I will never become Prime Minister.

One: Scrap article 370

If we truly believe that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India, then we must scrap this discriminatory article immediately. If too many people object, as they surely will, I would raise some other issue to divert the nation's attention, and then push this through as an emergency measure. Simultaneously. I would charge all the secessionists - and those who raise Pakistani flags on Indian soil - with treason and sedition. Escort them to the border, and give them 10 minutes to disappear into their avowed homeland. If they are still there after 10 minutes, treat them as intruders and gun them down. Unless you are part of a diplomatic mission, you cannot live on Indian soil while swearing allegiance to another country.

Two: Scrap caste-based quotas

Enough already. Such quotas only perpetuate and widen the caste divide, turning us into a nation of 'Backwards'. Quotas should solely be based on stringent economic criteria, and only for education, never for jobs. The only exception: those who opt for two years of military training while in college.

Three: Retire politicians at 60

Perhaps 65, but no more. Why should a nation of youngsters be run by a bunch of old fogies? How can we expect these ancient 'leaders' to even understand, leave alone address, the aspirations of young India?

Four: Explore a presidential system of government

Or any other system which allows the chief executive to last five years without having to worry about coalition politics, an oft-used excuse for unkept promises and shoddy, inept governance. Hold the President/Prime Minister fully accountable for the acts of the government.

Five: Death sentence for corrupt politicians

And bureaucrats. And any other scumbags who believe it's their holy right to rape and loot the nation with impunity.

Six: Evolve a truly national, transparent, long-term foreign policy

Strengthen the foreign service with powers that transcend domestic tantrums and the compulsions of coalition governance. Tamil Nadu cannot dictate how we deal with Sri Lanka. West Bengal cannot tell us how to deal with Bangladesh. We need to draw very clear, transparent red lines on territorial integrity and sovereignty, and treat any violation as an act of war. And we certainly must stop offering rasgullas to PLA (China's People Liberation Army) troops who intrude into Indian territory.

Seven: Revamp the education system

Forget learning by rote. Focus on imparting skills and abilities which make youngsters employable. At the same time, encourage and fund academicians and entrepreneurs to pursue their passions, with minimal government interference.

Eight: Penalise those who exceed or flout cost or timelines on government contracts

You cannot take 10 years to finish something originally planned for five, and expect to be paid more for it. This also applies to government institutions like the DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation). Once agreed upon, timelines and costs should be non-negotiable, and have fixed penalties for every day of delay.

Nine: Limit VVIP protection to the President, Prime Minister, and chief ministers

And perhaps, for the sake of protocol, the chief justice of India. All others must clearly understand that their job is to serve, not rule. Why does a leader need protection from the very people he professes to represent? Our police and military personnel are meant to protect the common man and the country respectively, not some corrupt MP or MLA with a dozen criminal cases pending against him. If such 'leaders' do feel the need for such protection, they should pay market rates to private agencies - from their own pockets. Of course, they should definitely be barred from disrupting traffic with their motorcades.

And finally,

Ten: Give the military a say in strategic planning

All the guns, tanks, nuclear missiles, fighter planes, submarines and aircraft carriers in the world are useless if we lack the spine to use them when needed. We must understand and accept two things: One, it is not necessary for neighbours to love each other. Two, it is futile to constantly blame Pakistan’s military, the ISI and its pet jihadi dogs for every atrocity on Indian soil, unless we are able and willing to do something about it. What stops us from putting a public bounty on the heads of Hafiz Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim, and promising not just money, but protection - and even Indian citizenship if needed - to anyone who takes them out?

China and Pakistan - and almost every other nation - do what they do to further their own strategic interests. We must clearly define and protect ours, and we cannot do this without the active participation of our forces.
Some of the points raised are not practically implementable, although few are need of the hours and must be implemented
Some of the points raised are not practically implementable, although few are need of the hours and must be implemented
Why don't you share points that you think are not practically implemented? We can discuss them out, no?
Why don't you share points that you think are not practically implemented? We can discuss them out, no?

Since this is Indian domestic internal issue i wish to avoid discussing it here
Since this is Indian domestic internal issue i wish to avoid discussing it here
but then you pointed out on the issue...so don't bother and share your thoughts...after all this is what forum is all about, no??
but then you pointed out on the issue...so don't bother and share your thoughts...after all this is what forum is all about, no??

Leave it here bro its not Indian forum and there are some sensitive which are best if not discussed here
Article 370 and Caste based quota system have become antiquated and sooner we get rid of them, the better for the society and nation.
10 reasons why I'll never become PM

One: Scrap article 370

Unless you are part of a diplomatic mission, you cannot live on Indian soil while swearing allegiance to another country.

What about expats who work and live in India? They don't have diplomate status and they swear allegiance to their respective home countries. Will they be deported or gunned down?

Only 1 reason

even if 99% of the india dies , no one going to make you PM of india ...

now gt back to your work and start something useful , this thread is wasting internet bandwidth as well we resources...

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