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10 dead in Iran after drinking homemade alcohol

In Norway alcohol is too expensive, due to high taxes.

And I think cold weather societies trend is fall in alcoholism easily, as a way of dont feel cold. Like Russians and Vodka.

I think Norwegian society in the past had alcoholism problems due to the same reason. But now they have a comfortable life under the oil/gas money.

Cannabis is not a toy, it can fck up your brain in a non reversible way, mental illness problems even with low amount and consum a few times. Alcohol can't do that so easily.

Legit reasonment

Cannabis can lead to mental health problems no doubt. But compared to alcohol, which is directly responsible for violence, drunk driving and shattering of families. Cannabis use and use of violence is very rare. Alcohol kills the liver and braincells too.
Legit reasonment

Cannabis can lead to mental health problems no doubt. But compared to alcohol, which is directly responsible for violence, drunk driving and shattering of families. Cannabis use and use of violence is very rare. Alcohol kills the liver and braincells too.

You are guessing that alcohol is the main culprit, you mistake cause and consequence.

Violence is extended in low income families, no matter if they drink alcohol, it just another sign of that sub-world.

Marijuana is more consumed between young people, wait a few generations and you'll see the same problems than alcoholics, but those problems are not caused directly by alcohol/drugs.

Alcohol/drugs consumption are just another consequences of porverty, low income, low educated people, like violence, abuse, and so on.

Those are a lot of different problems that feedback themselves.

Porverty make the people drink alcohol, and drink alcohol make the people poor because they are fired from jobs, the same with other problems of that kind of excluded people..
You are guessing that alcohol is the main culprit, you mistake cause and consequence.

Violence is extended in low income families, no matter if they drink alcohol, it just another sign of that sub-world.

Marijuana is more consumed between young people, wait a few generations and you'll see the same problems than alcoholics, but those problems are not caused directly by alcohol/drugs.

Alcohol/drugs consumption are just another consequences of porverty, low income, low educated people, like violence, abuse, and so on.

See what you mean but i kindly disagree.
It has to do with how alcohol and cannabis effects the body. Those two substances are very different and has completely different physical effects and neuropathways.

Alcohol makes people loose inhibitions and critical thinking, while also effecting the motoric functionality of the body. Thats why individuals who normally can control their desire to use violence, loose that control and become more reckless.

Cannabis OTOH world can make the brain and body more attentive and is know for sharpening sensory input. Cannabis is also known for making people more passive, which mean its very rare to see cannabis users being violent. More likely they are chilliing in a parkbench or sitting on a sofa n watching Animal Planet in their own residence.

Cannabis can induce paranoia and anxiety disorders in individuals who have a anxious world view or have history of trauma.
See what you mean but i kindly disagree.
It has to do with how alcohol and cannabis effects the body. Those two substances are very different and has completely different physical effects and neuropathways.

Alcohol makes people loose inhibitions and critical thinking, while also effecting the motoric functionality of the body. Thats why individuals who normally can control their desire to use violence, loose that control and become more reckless.

Cannabis OTOH world can make the brain and body more attentive and is know for sharpening sensory input. Cannabis is also known for making people more passive, which mean its very rare to see cannabis users being violent. More likely they are chilliing in a parkbench or sitting on a sofa n watching Animal Planet in their own residence.

Cannabis can induce paranoia and anxiety disorders in individuals who have a anxious world view or have history of trauma.

If you drink alcohol a weekend, it can be dangerous that moment if you drive a car or get into a fight, and that's all. That's how young people drink alcohol. It's not alcoholism, and it doesnt cause family violence problems.

If you smoke THC a few times, it can provocate you mental illness that will last even if you dont smoke anymore.

That's the reason I consider more harmful Cannabis than alcohol.

I just see young people who drink in a weekend and have a normal behavior rest of week. But people who smoke cannabis act like zombies whole week.

The problems you talk are about alcoholism and violence in families, that's another problem, and that people doesnt consume THC because is another generation and too old.
If you drink alcohol a weekend, it can be dangerous that moment if you drive a car or get into a fight, and that's all. That's how young people drink alcohol. It's not alcoholism, and it doesnt cause family violence problems.

If you smoke THC a few times, it can provocate you mental illness that will last even if you dont smoke anymore.

That's the reason I consider more harmful Cannabis than alcohol.

I just see young people who drink in a weekend and have a normal behavior rest of week. But people who smoke cannabis act like zombies whole week.

The problems you talk are about alcoholism and violence in families, that's another problem, and that people doesnt consume THC because is another generation and too old.

But contrary to what you propose, almost all statistics show the opposite.
But contrary to what you propose, almost all statistics show the opposite.
I never have seen young people drinking alcohol from Monday to Thursday, never.

They drink weekend, and it has no further cosequences. That's all.

That's the usual alcohol consumption between young people.

But young people who smoke THC, it's easy they fall smoke everyday.

You can smoke a few times, and you will have mental illness symptons easily like paranoia.
You can drink a few times and you will never experience that kind of mental effects, never.

From a police officer point of view it's better treat with THC addicts than alcohol addicts, it's true, you push them and they end fall in ground, they are no dangerous for public order.

From a social point of view, young people lives are easily fcked up smoking cannabis, and hardly drinking alcohol a weekend.

In conclusion, pure evil states who dont give a fck about their people legalise cannabis to keep poor people living like brainless zombies, it's not surprising than that movement come from USA, all the evilness, twisted plots and selfishness of this world come from that country.
Alcohol is not bad if consumed moderately..... Getting addicted to something is bad and dangerous.... Addiction to alcohol not only ruins your health wealth and family life it also kills your ambitions..... You can surely enjoy alcohol but command has to be in your hand.... WHEN AND WHERE I WILL ENJOY ALCOHOL..... the day this command goes in the hands of alcohol only God can save you....
They are just poor and want very cheap/low quality liquor it's not because of legal/illegal
There's a reason why every christmas someone is dying from cheap liquor eventhough there's no restrictions for non Muslims

A bottle of desi daaru in India costs 120 Rs and a quarter for one is of 40 Rs, who the **** in his right mind will consume shit and trust me it would have cost him more. Even in lockdown people were getting liqupr, states like Punjab,Haryana,Rajastahn resisted for it as it brings hell lot of revenue.
Well , when our so called administrators are drinking Iranians blood why they ban Alchohol ?
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