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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

I just realized that there is actually a simple litmus for the casualty debate. According to the India Today article, the Indian troops traded bodies with the Chinese following the battle. There must be personal ids like dog tags on said. Jones’s bodies. Unless the Indian military wants to save face for the CCP, they would’ve disclosed the real names of those soldiers instead of copy pasting Chinese Generals from Wikipedia.
That's the way they have been and will always be. A nation with an inferior complex but playing every gimmick to prove otherwise.

They did not even want to admit the defeat of 1962 until not too long ago. I am sure they would conduct an internal investigation to this incident and keep the report secret for the next century, just like they did with the Henderson Brooks–Bhagat Report after 1962 war.

Dishonesty is in their gene.
Indians also believe they invented the internet 100090 years ago so I take their claims on Chinese casualties with a grain of bobs and vagene
Proof https://www.google.ca/amp/s/amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/558725/

This is a new tune China is singing now.

100+ dead seems to have done the trick.
It's too late though, CCP must get ready for redux of what happened few days back.

Loving this fear in CCP,
must have been long time since they are this afraid.

As they say "yeh dar achha hai" :D

Everyone knows that India doesn't stand a chance against China, so a two front war is out of question. It's just that they are trying to milk the cow till the last drop.

Indians don't know that the US finds friends where its interests are. Right now, its interest are in getting some cash out of a safe against some defence sales so that the economies are revived.

I am pretty sure that India is playing on the advice of her western friends. The recent conflict is not Chinese created... Indian Army went in the territory to irk Chinese soldiers.. It's another thing that they didn't have any idea that China would respond in this manner. They just wanted to poke China and that's it.

Western powers were also not expecting that the situation will turn to their favour so quickly. A huge boost to their economies is in sight.

However, India is in a trance now.. China has become unpredictable. Indians don't know how China will react, and whether the war will remain a localized limited conflict or China will convert it into an all-out war. If China can kill 20 for trespassing few hundred meter, what will she do when India fires Brahmos on mainland on the advice of western powers.

China's mention of Pakistan is also deterring Indians... although western world wants as many countries involved as possible so that they get more and more orders.

It’s clear that China doesn't want war. It doesn't need one. West wants India to go into a war with China.. and India is undecided due to the scary response it has recently received. Indians thought China will act like Pakistan and will let go of the soldiers after constant poking (just like how we let the 8-9 locked targets go away and offered tea to the captured pilot). We are pacifists unfortunately.. due to the economic troubles we are in currently.

China is giving India a lesson to prevent a full scale war.
instead of these useless rhetoric, why don't you post the official CCP version?

LOL....you lot don't even have one..
Goes to show what the khukris did to you lot.

looks like 16 Bihar took khukris along for the savagery...
Amply aided by Ghatak SF.

They formed into small groups and hunted them down.

First hand source, the fight was as brutal as it got,
No quarter was given,
Anyone caught was not just killed, the bodies were mutilated beyond recognition.

It was NOT chinese who entered Indian territory for the fight.
It was the other way around, boys formed teams and hunted them in Chinese territory.

If anyone is wondering why CCP is strangely quiet, one needs to check the dead bodied they took away.
You have a future in writing bhabi - dever stories.

I dont see Xi having one either.

After all, as per the narrative here, Xi should crowning himself as the emperor.
They're having theirs in the Galwan valley.
Where are you having yours?
You have a future in writing bhabi - dever stories.

450 pages from you lot is enough for a life time.

Can't quote a single Chinese govt source to prove a single one of your claims &
people have the face to preach us.

Hey, one single quote from Chinese CCP which confirms anything being spewed here?
Just one?

They're having theirs in the Galwan valley.
Where are you having yours?

Ask Xi,
he knows exactly where we rained on his parade.

They are dancing after we cracked the head of colonel Sabu. :lol:

oh well,

When asked for official statements from CCP,
Most Pakistani & Chinese people here have been reduced to trolling and emojees.

Wonder why it's so difficult to post official version of what you lot are claiming?

Just wondering....
oh well,

When asked for official statements from CCP,
Most Pakistani & Chinese people here have been reduced to trolling and emojees.

Wonder why it's so difficult to post official version of what you lot are claiming?

Just wondering....
Lol.. you need to get a mirror and look at yourself first before u speak about others. :lol:
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